Home > Hope (Wolves of Walker County #2)(51)

Hope (Wolves of Walker County #2)(51)
Author: Kiki Burrelli

"I don't see how that matters," Riley said. "Not if they need your help."

None of us Walkers answered. Riley had heard the stories, same as Phin, and knew our history. But it was hard for someone who hadn't lived it to truly understand the damage that had occurred. It wasn't just what our parents had asked us to do that night, but every night before that. It took leaving to see how toxic the pack mentality truly was. Why should we want to preserve that?

All five of us turned when someone pulled down the driveway. We couldn't see the headlights for another second, but then I made out Paul's Honda with several bodies inside.

"This is smooth timing," I growled.

Aver pointed. "He's bringing Wyatt back."

"Likely story," I growled, heading for the front porch.

Wyatt caught sight of me and frowned but continued forward with Paul and Tyrone trailing behind.

"We aren't taking in visitors," I said when Wyatt had passed, and it was just me between Paul and the house.

Paul smiled nervously and stepped around. "Haha, Nana sent me."

I sidestepped in his way. "We'll wait for Nana to come herself."

"Nash?" Wyatt asked quietly. "What's going on?"

The others had come out as well, all but Riley, who watched through the window with the baby. They stood behind me, not quite in support but also not saying anything to contradict me. It was fine if I had to be the bad guy. Branson had said it earlier—I'd do anything to keep Phin safe.

"What's going on is there is an arsonist targeting shifter locations, and until we know more, we need to limit our interactions with the pack."

Paul didn't look angry, just sad. I steeled myself against it. If he was here to hurt us, he was an amazing actor. "Nana is in the pack."

"A technicality. And she doesn't live on pack lands, not anymore. Plus, she's our great-grandmother, whereas you are some person who showed up as a sex offering for Branson."

Tyrone, who had remained silent and watching the exchange to that point, growled and took a defensive position. "I like you, Nash, but you need to calm down. Tonight was exciting for us all—"

I snarled. Did he think I was like a pup, shivering because there'd been a loud noise outside? "You have even less of a right to speak about this matter."

"Nash, that's enough," Branson said. "If Nana sent him—"

"She's an old woman who claims to hear things. Maybe we've all put too much stock in Nana's—" I'd known I crossed the line when the words had formed in my mouth, but I'd been helpless to stop them. But I really knew I'd crossed the line when Paul charged forward as if to fight for Nana's honor. Tyrone pulled him aside, forming a protective wall between us. He was over six feet of solid muscle, but so was I.

Phin grabbed my hand, squeezing my fingers in a way that had me looking down at him. His eyebrows dipped low, and he frowned. He didn't want to contradict me, but he didn't agree with my stance. Maybe I was acting overboard with Paul. But my mate's life could be on the line. What if he'd offered to grill for us? His power didn't work on himself.

But, if I was being honest, what I knew of Paul only made him less of a suspect. He'd never been happier than when he'd come to this pack. The place he came from must've been truly horrible because he delighted at the slightest compliment. He just wanted to belong.

I couldn't apologize—I still wasn't over him as a suspect—but I wouldn't fight this at after three in the morning when my mate needed to sleep anyway. I'd protect him this night and every other second until we got more answers. "Fine." I pulled Phin with me, disappearing back into the house. We stopped in the kitchen, where I looked for something to feed Phin before bed. But, thanks to his new senses, we could both hear what was going on outside. Namely, Riley trying to convince Paul to stay the night while Tyrone tried to get him to do the opposite.

"I'll be fine, Tyrone, really," Paul said.

"Come with me." Tyrone's voice never wavered, but that didn't mean he wasn't still angry.

Paul didn't answer, but I imagined he shook his head because I heard Tyrone speak again. "Fine, if you want to stay, you stay. But I won't without getting myself more in trouble. I'm new to this area. I can't afford to lose my temper."

I wanted to scoff at the idea that Tyrone thought he was a threat to me, but one look at Phin had the scoff drying up.

"I don't think it's Paul," Phineas whispered. "He's only been nice to me."

To me as well. To all of us. But I was frantic for answers. I'd claimed Phineas as my omega, and immediately after he'd turned into a wolf. And was possibly pregnant. So much was already different between Phin and Riley. I couldn't just assume the labor would be the same. And Riley's labor already hadn't been easy. By loving Phin, had I damned him?

No. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to him. I'd promised.

Eventually, Paul came in, and Tyrone must have left because when we went back into the living room, only Paul was there with Riley and Branson.

He scowled at me. I probably deserved it. "We're going to bed. Tomorrow, tests, and I'll go back to the Alpha house and see if there isn't anything we missed." I ignored the shocked expressions. I'd changed my stance since walking into the kitchen.

Clearly, I couldn't keep the pack completely out of our lives, not while there was trouble.

The best thing I could do was find the culprit and fix the trouble, and hopefully then we could all go back to ignoring the other side of the bay.



Chapter Eighteen


Nash tried to leave when I was still asleep. I woke when he went into the bathroom, found the note he left me, and was waiting at the door when he came out. "Where to first?" I asked brightly. He could still order me to leave, but that would only mean we'd have to take time out of the day for me to convince him.

I wondered if this new confidence stemmed from my recent change to a creature of the paranormal, or if I was growing as a person. I tried not to show how excited I was to be able to change into a wolf. And I definitely didn't want to utter the phrase creature of the paranormal where any of them could hear, but to be blunt, I thought the whole thing was hecking awesome.

"Aren't you tired? Don't you want to sleep?" Nash scratched the back of his neck, rubbing his eyes after. Clearly he was tired, but he wouldn't be going back to bed. So neither would I.

"I want to be where you are."

Nash smiled. At least he didn't fight me. But he did make us wait to leave until after he'd made something for breakfast—bagel and egg sandwiches that I demanded we eat as we go.

"Should we run there?" I asked gripping the car door.

"You can't eat if you're running, babe," Nash said with a grin.

I supposed that was right. Still, I eyed my sandwich, wondering if I could open my mouth wide enough to shove the whole thing in. Nash walked around to my side, physically lifting me into his vehicle.

"You'll choke if you try. Then I'll have to save you with mouth-to-mouth, and we'll get distracted."

"Oh yes," I said while chewing. "I forgot your perversion for taking advantage of me when I need medical assistance."

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