Home > The Emperor (Dark Verse #3)(25)

The Emperor (Dark Verse #3)(25)
Author: RuNyx

Amara blinked at the man, her heart starting to pound – not at the offer but the fact that he wanted her out of Dante’s life.

She swallowed, fear infiltrating her system, making her breathing choppy as she slowly stood up. “With all due respect, Mr. Maroni,” she rasped out quietly, “I’ll decline.”

She turned to leave the room when his voice stopped her in her tracks. “Or your mother dies, Amara.”

She spun around on the spot, looking at him in shock.

He gazed back at her calmly. “This is for your own good, girl. My son might fancy you for now but in a month, a year, a few years at the max? He won’t. He’ll fuck you and he’ll be done. And one day, he will marry someone who fits him and take over the entire Outfit.” His voice almost gentled as every word hit her chest like a bullet. “I’m giving you a chance to choose a future for yourself, make a life for yourself, a clean slate.”

“And if I don’t make the choice you want,” Amara huffed in disbelieving laughter, “you kill my mother.”

“Yes,” he stated, with no remorse. “Take the weekend to think about it. I’ll book your tickets for the night of your graduation. You’ll have an apartment, a car, everything you need waiting for you. Except for your mother, who will stay here as insurance.”

Amara felt her eyes burn.

“Oh, and don’t think of telling my son,” Mr. Maroni continued, taking a sip of his drink, his face a mask of kindness. “You know his brother? He’s in a mental home. Dante loves him. You tell Dante and his brother will disappear and that, my dear, will be on you.”

Amara had thought she’d seen the worst of humanity when they had taken her. Looking at Lorenzo Maroni, she realized she hadn’t. True evil was like air pollution, inhaled without thought, seeping into the lungs, rotting from the inside out. It was invisible. Insidious. Sadistic. And Lorenzo Maroni was true evil.

Amara pushed her tongue to the roof of her mouth to keep her tears contained. Leaving the room, she walked out of the mansion into the bright day, her entire life changed in the span of a few minutes.



Amara looked at her mother across the kitchen island, gripping her hands. Her mother’s eyes reflected the same pain and rage she felt inside her bones.

“We can leave, Mumu,” her mother squeezed her hands. “Start somewhere fresh. We have enough savings.”

Amara shook her head, wiping her tear across her cheek. “The threat is for your life, Ma. It won’t matter where we go.”

A tear slid down her mother’s aging face. “You love him.”

Amara felt her own eyes water. “Yes,” she whispered softly, a secret just shared between the two of them.

“You always loved him,” her mother stated.

“Not like this,” Amara looked down at their joined hands, hers softer, younger, her mother’s rougher, more wrinkled. “He always had a bit of my heart, but I’m not that girl anymore. My heart isn’t the same anymore. This new heart, it doesn’t just love him, Ma. It beats for him.” Tears streamed down her face. “He came into this new heart to help me rebuild it, day after day, and he just never left.”

Her mother came around the counter to her side, wrapping Amara in her arms, cocooning her in that feeling of safety that always came with her, pressing kisses to her head. Amara broke down, knowing she had no choice. Her mother’s life, his brother’s life, they were precious. She couldn’t be selfish.

“You need to tell him, Mumu,” her mother spoke into her hair.

Amara pulled back. “I can’t risk his brother’s life.”

The older woman cupped her face, looking down at her firmly. “Dante is not a boy, Amara,” her mother said, using her given name, conveying her seriousness. “He’s been playing this game for a long time. He knows his father better than you do. Tell him the truth, tell him everything, and let him handle it.”

Amara bit her lip, so, so tempted. “But his brother-”

“Trust him,” her mother interrupted her. “He has been here for you, for years. That boy loves you. Don’t deny him the chance to handle this.”

Maybe her mother was right. Maybe he could do something about it.

Nodding, she hiccupped, deciding to talk to him about it soon.


Vin came to her soon after sunset, his body tall and strong and nothing like his old chubby self, holding a package in his hands.

“Have you been crying?” he asked, his eyes knowing her too well.

“I’m aging now,” Amara rolled her eyes, taking the package from him. “What’s this?”

Vin smiled, shaking his head. “Just get dressed. I have orders to get you out in 30 minutes.”

Amara frowned at that, taking the package to her room, tearing it open. It was a dress, a gorgeous dress. Quickly stripping down to her underwear, Amara slipped into the dress, looking at her reflection in the full-length mirror. The dress was forest color, shimmering in greens if she turned one way and metallic if she twisted another. It had a high neck and full sleeves, coming down to her wrists, the hem falling down to her ankles, with one slit on the right that came mid-thigh.

Taking a deep breath, she tied her hair in a high ponytail that would show off the shape of her neck without showing off the skin and swiped a little red lipstick over her mouth.

She couldn’t see a single of her scars in the dress. Just like that, she looked like a genetically blessed woman with slightly heavy breasts and ass that was balanced out by her height. She looked beautiful. And for one night, she could pretend.

Sliding her feet into flats that didn’t really go with the entire outfit, she exited the room to see her mother and Vin look up. Vin grinned, giving her a little whistle that boosted her shaky confidence. Her mother tried to smile, her eyes still pained from what she’d told her.

No. Tonight she would pretend.

Giving her ma a little kiss on her cheek, Amara smiled and let Vin escort her up to the waiting car.

“Thanks for the dress,” she told him as they neared the car.

Vin chuckled. “Not my gift.”

Amara frowned. “What do you mean?”

He just chuckled and got in the car. Amara buckled herself in as they drove out of the property towards the city. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

Accepting that he wouldn’t say anything else, Amara let herself enjoy the ride, watching the lights of the city as they twinkled closer and closer. The possibility of having to leave that place, of losing the city she had come to love had Amara drinking in the sights even more.

Not tonight.

Vin drove to a deserted street, towards an empty multi-story building near Dr. Das’s house, stopping the car right outside the entrance.

“He’s waiting for you.”

Amara looked at her friend, her heart starting to pound as it dawned on her.


“He asked you to drive me here?” she asked, her voice low, slightly rough.

He nodded. “For your safety. Go up to the top floor. Happy birthday, ‘Mara.”

Amara leaned across the console to hug him tightly, her chest heavy. “I love you, Vinnie.”

Vin pat her back. “Love you too, ‘Mara. Though if you tell anyone I got mushy, we’re gonna have a problem.”

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