Home > As If You Were Mine(38)

As If You Were Mine(38)
Author: Cindy Kirk

Angel brought one hand melodramatically to her chest. “I’m shocked that you doubt me.”

“I know you. Remember?”

“Too well.” She smiled. “But I do have something to tell you, and as one of my dearest friends I wanted to make sure you heard it from me first.”

He raised a questioning brow. This sounded serious.

“Jake and I—” she paused for effect and delivered her news just as the nurse walked into the room “—we’re going to have a baby.”

His mouth dropped open. Although Angel and her schoolteacher husband had been married for over a year, the idea that his tough-as-nails partner might want a baby had never occurred to him.

But now, seeing her face flushed with excitement, and knowing how much she and her husband loved each other, it seemed infinitely right.

“Angel, that’s wonderful.”

“So you’re happy?”

“I couldn’t be happier.”

“Well, I should hope so.” The nurse, who’d been silent up to this point, spoke. “It isn’t every day a man finds out he’s going to be a father.”

Angel’s eyes widened and her cough sounded to his discerning ears more like a laugh.

It was all he could do to keep a straight face.

“Well, sweetheart—” Angel moved to the door and cast him a conspiratorial wink over the nurse’s shoulder “—I’ve got errands to run. I’ll give you a call later.”

She pulled the door shut behind her and Crow leaned back against the pillow. It was nice to know that in a world of constant change, some things remained the same.



Sara couldn’t keep the disappointment from her voice when she returned from the nurse’s station and faced Meg’s questioning gaze. “His condition has been upgraded to good, but they still say only family is allowed to visit.”

“I’m sure it won’t be long before you can see him,” Meg said soothingly.

“It’s been three days already. If they didn’t have that guard at the door,” she said, “I’d go in regardless of what the nurse said.”

Sara’s gaze shifted to the door down the hall with the police officer sitting outside just in time to see an attractive dark-haired woman come out of Crow’s room.

“Angel, haven’t seen you in a while.” The officer’s voice carried clearly down the quiet hall.

Angel. Sara frowned. Crow had mentioned that name before. She was sure of it.

The woman and the officer talked for a few minutes before walking right past Sara and Meg on her way to the elevators. She was even more beautiful close up.

Sara waited until Angel got on the elevator before she returned to the nurse’s station desk. An R.N. that had just come from Crow’s room sat at the desk and looked up as Sara approached. “May I help you?”

“I’m here to see Crow, er, Sal Tucci,” Sara said with more confidence than she felt. Still, if they let that woman in to see him, surely she could have five minutes.

“Are you family?”

“No, but—”

The nurse raised her hand, cutting off Sara’s explanation. “I’m afraid visitors are restricted to family members only.”

“But I saw that dark-haired woman come out of his room and I thought—”

“She’s his wife.”

“I’m afraid you’re mistaken,” Sara said. “Sal’s not married.”

The nurse’s eyes grew frosty. “I’m afraid that you’re the one who’s mistaken. Not only are they married, but he just found out he’s going to be a father.”

“A father?” Sara’s skin turned suddenly cold and clammy. “Are you sure?”

“Positive.” The nurse smiled briefly. “Mr. Tucci said himself that he couldn’t be happier. Now if you’ll excuse me.” She picked up a pile of charts and stood.

“Of course.” Sara took a deep breath and headed back down the hall, her head reeling.

Her manager looked up from her phone. “Will she let you see him?”

“No, but it’s fine. He’s got everyone he needs here with him.” Sara forced a brittle smile. “I’d only be in the way.”



Raven propped her feet up on a pile of books and stared at Crow. “Are you okay?”

“Couldn’t be better.” Crow dropped an armful of clothes into a box and sat down. It had been almost two months since he’d been stabbed, and though he’d thought he was back to normal, moving all of his belongings from his apartment to his new house had shown him just how far he still had to go. But he’d found keeping busy to be a good thing. It kept his mind off Sara and how much he missed her.

“How’s Sara?” Raven’s gaze was sharp and assessing.

He forced a noncommittal shrug. “How would I know?”

“You’ve talked to her, haven’t you?”

“Do you get some sort of sadistic pleasure making me regurgitate this stuff?” he said. “Every time I see you, it’s the same questions. I’m surprised you don’t have the answers memorized.”

“Tell it to me again,” Raven said, brushing a strand of hair from her face with a lacquered nail. “I’m a slow learner.”

Crow heaved an exasperated sigh. He could argue with her, but in the end he’d lose. “She sent me a card and flowers while I was in the hospital, but when I got out she was touring. I texted then finally did reach her by phone. We talked and that was it. She was different somehow.”

“And you told her I was your sister?”

“I’ve already told you I did.” That part of the phone conversation had been the most puzzling.

“Tell me again what she said.” Raven pressed.

“Something about nothing surprising her anymore,” he said. “That she wouldn’t even be surprised to find out I was married.”

“I can’t figure that one out. Why would she say that?” Raven said, a thoughtful look on her face.

“Beats me.” Crow shrugged. “And it was weird. At the time, I thought it was funny. Like she was making a joke. I know I made her mad when I laughed.”

It had been a difficult conversation. Sara had been distant, almost like a stranger. And every time he’d suggested getting together, she’d had some flimsy excuse.

“You’re telling me I shouldn’t be counting on that bridesmaid’s dress yet?”

“Save your money.” Crow met his sister’s gaze and as much as he regretted saying the words, he knew they were true. “The way it looks now it’ll be a cold day in July before I ever see her again, much less marry her.”



Sara pulled up to the curb in front of the address Raven had given her. She sat there for a long moment before shutting off the engine. She’d only agreed to come to Crow’s housewarming party because Raven had put the screws to her. When she’d tried to politely decline the invitation, Raven had told her bluntly that after all her brother had done for her, couldn’t Sara spare a couple of hours? Asking about what Angel thought of her coming had been on the tip of Sara’s tongue, but she couldn’t bring herself to say the woman’s name.

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