Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(135)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(135)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“It hurts my heart knowing people can be so cruel to something so cute.”

“We see it all here. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart, but it only makes it all the more rewarding when a dog who has only ever known neglect and abuse finds a loving home. You want to see the rest of the place?”

Nodding eagerly, I said, “I’d love to.”



I ended up staying most of the afternoon. George was happy to talk shop and I was more than willing to listen. It couldn’t have gone better... until he reminded me there were no volunteer openings, and the bottom fell out of my happy bubble.

“Of course, I understand,” I said, wringing my hands in front of me.

“I think you’d really fit in here.” A gentle blush creeped into his cheeks again and there was no mistaking he was flirting. “But my hands are tied. Hopefully you got a real feel for what it’s like though?”

“I did, thank you.”

“Well, it was nice to meet you, Felicity. If you have any questions or need any help with your application, just give me a shout.” He fumbled in his pocket. “Here’s my card.”

“Thanks.” I plucked it from him and held it close to my chest as if he’d just offered me the universe. “I should probably let you get back to it. Wouldn’t want to keep them waiting.” My head flicked over his shoulder.

“Yeah, I have big shoes to fill today since Joseph is on vacation.”

“I’m sure you’ll do a great job.”

“I’ll try.”

Neither of us made any effort to move but it was starting to feel awkward, so I gave him a small wave and walked away. It had been such a bittersweet experience; confirming my unexplored desire to work with animals but tempered by a sting of regret. Frustration because I hadn’t been braver to go after what I wanted last year or whenever my mom and dad brought up college.

And knowing it might have been too late.



Chapter Twenty-Eight






I was on the way out when Hailee’s voice stopped me in my tracks. “Maybe you should call George and see if he can...” The conversation became muffled but I caught the odd word.




“George?” I doubled back and breezed into the kitchen.

“Good morning to you too,” my step-sister grumbled as she poured herself a glass of juice.

“So who’s George?” I leaned against the door jamb casually.

“No one.”

“You make it too easy sometimes, you know that, right?”

“And you make it so easy to hate you.” A smirk spread across her face. “Don’t you have to be at school bright and early for practice?”

“They’ll wait for me.”

“So arrogant.”

“So prickly,” I shot back. “So, George?”

“Is no one.”

I didn’t like the way she was deflecting. Hailee only usually did that if she didn’t want me to know something. And right now, there was only one person she didn’t want me to know about.


“I’ll find out, little sis,” I warned. “One way or another, I’ll find out who George is.” Grabbing an apple from the bowl, I bit into it, sending her a pointed look.

“You don’t care remember? So why would you possibly want to know who George is?” I glared harder and she chuckled. “Not so arrogant now, are you?” Her brow shot up.

Without another word I stalked out of the kitchen, the muscle in my jaw working overtime.

Fucking George.

It shouldn’t have mattered who he was. He could have been the Giles’ new pool boy or a family friend for all I knew. But it didn’t stop my mind zipping off in a hundred different directions, all of them ending at the same point. George wasn’t no one.

He was someone, and I fucking hated it.

By the time I’d arrived at Asher’s house, George had taken on a life of his own. Snowballing into Felicity’s life. Maybe they were dating. Maybe he was an ex looking to rekindle their relationship. Or maybe Felicity was pursuing him. That one especially stung.

“Good mornin’.” Asher took one look at me when he climbed into my car and let out a low whistle. “What happened now?”

“Who’s George?”

“George? Is this some kind of test? Am I supposed to know who George is?”

“Just answer the fucking question.”

“Curious George? George Foreman? George Clooney?” Asher mocked, and I stared at him blankly. “No? Well, in that case I have no idea who George is.” My hands tightened around the wheel as I took the turn for school. “I’m guessing from the way you’re strangling the life out of your steering wheel that wasn’t the answer you wanted?”

“It’s nothing.”

He snorted. “If you say so.”

A beat passed. And another. Until I finally choked out, “I heard Hailee on the phone to Felicity.”

“And what? You’re worried George is swooping in to mend her broken heart? I’d call that a sweet dose of ‘I fucking told you so’.”

My chest rumbled with indignation as I swallowed my reply. It pained me to say it, but Asher was right.

“What, no comeback?” he added.

My eyes slid to his, silently pleading for him to drop it. But I’d picked the wrong friend to confide in for that.

“Didn’t I tell you this would happen?” Ash ground out. “Felicity is a catch, bro. If you weren’t so hung up on her, I wouldn’t have hesitated to try my luck there. But there are a lot of other guys out there, Jase.”

“I know. Fuck, you think I don’t know that?” The words came out strained.

“So what happened?” Out the corner of my eye, I watched as he twisted around, running a hand through his messily styled hair. “Talk to me; let’s try to fix this before it’s too late.”

“Coach is going to be pissed if we’re late,” I said, deflecting.

“Jase, man, come—”

“Just do me a favor and look out for her, yeah?” I lowered my voice, finding an empty parking spot. Cutting the engine, silence descended on us.

Asher wanted to say more, to argue I was making a huge mistake, but I’d already made my bed. This morning was just a blip. Surprise at hearing her and Hailee talk about another guy so soon. But it was bound to happen eventually. Felicity might have been quirky, but she had a caring personality and the kind of smile that lit up an entire room. Any guy would have been lucky to have her. I would have been lucky to have her. In another life, maybe.

I shouldered the door, not even bothering to wait for Ash, and headed for the locker room. I needed to hit something. I needed to hurt.

But most of all, I needed to forget.



Practice didn’t help much. I skulked through two classes, barely listening to the teachers, before joining my teammates at lunch. They chatted around me, excited for a week’s rest before the first play-off game next weekend.

“I come bearing good news.” Asher dropped his tray down and sat beside me. “George is no one.” He leaned in, keeping his voice low. “Well, he’s someone, but he’s no one for us to worry about.”

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