Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(50)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(50)
Author: L. A. Cotton

“Get out,” I snapped at Cameron as he blocked the door, staring at me with a dark expression.

“Make me.”

“Cameron, come on. You did a decent thing last night, but let’s not turn it into something it’s not.”

“And what would that be, Sunshine?”

“Do you know what the trouble with you is?” I spun around and glowered at him. I was tired, thirsty, not entirely sure I was done puking, and so fed up of the constant games.

The back and forth.

The push and pull.

All these unwelcome feelings I felt every time he looked at me.

“Oh, I’d love to hear all about what you think is wrong with me.” He leaned against the doorjamb blocking off my exit. Not that I was ready to leave; I still needed to get dressed.

“You’re entitled,” I said. “You’re used to people giving in to your every demand. You want to skip class, that’s fine because you’re a Raider. You want to fuck girls and then kick them to the curb and not get any shit for it, cool, you’re a Raider. You spend years making my life hell and then the one time you do something nice, I’m just expected to what? Drop my panties and let you—” I swallowed the words as Cameron’s expression turned hungry, his lip curved in an infuriating smirk.

“Does the idea of me fucking other girls upset you, Sunshine?” He stepped forward, forcing me back into the bathroom.

“Cameron, come on, this is—” But he kept coming until my butt hit the marble counter. My hands flew out behind me, steadying myself, and he chuckled.

“Do you know what I think?” he said. “I think you’re a judgmental bitch. You don’t know anything about me or my life. You only see the game. You couldn’t possibly pull your head out of your ass long enough to see what’s really going on here.”

My lips parted on a gasp. “I’m not...”

“But want to know what I really think?” Cameron dipped his head, crowding me further against the counter until the rough edge bit into my skin. “You don’t hate me, you hate yourself. I’m everything you loathe, but you want me anyway.”


His mouth hovered over my lips, so close I could feel his warm breath. My body began to tremble, my stomach knotted so tightly I felt a little lightheaded.

“Why do you keep doing this?” I whispered, barely able to speak. Cameron was too much. His gaze unyielding, his body plastered against mine. His hands… God, his hands began to caress my sides, making it hard to think straight, let alone breathe.

“I just want you to admit it.” He nudged my nose with his. “Admit you want me and then I’ll leave you alone.”

“You will?” I gulped, my mind swimming with all things Cameron Chase.

He nodded slowly, his eyes still locked on mine. I’d never noticed before—or maybe I’d just refused to see it—but they were a dark shade of blue with flecks of silver-gray streaked through them. They reminded me of lightning across a stormy sky. Fitting really, considering how dangerous Cameron was turning out to be for my carefully constructed life.

“I’m waiting, Sunshine,” he said when I didn’t reply.

“Fine. If it means you’ll leave me alone... I want you,” I said with as little emotion as possible. “It makes no sense, goes against everything I stand for, and to be honest, makes me real disappointed in myself, but it’s the truth. Happy now?”

“Sunshine?” A slow smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

“Y- yeah?”

“Shut up.”

And then he kissed me. Cameron Chase picked me up like I weighed nothing, dropped me on the counter, and kissed me.

“Cameron, wait.” My fingers gripped his shoulders, holding him back as I managed to break away. “What are we doing?”

He gave a throaty groan. “Let’s call it working out our differences.” One of his hands slid over my hipbone and underneath his jersey drawing a soft moan from my lips. “Don’t over-think it, Hailee.”

Don’t over-think it.


I could do that.

I could totally—

Cameron dived at me again, attacking my mouth. He threaded his hand into my hair, drawing me closer, sweeping his tongue past my lips and into my mouth. And damn him, I went willingly. I’d spent so long fighting, of being on the defensive. I couldn’t deny that, just for once, it felt good to give over. To switch to the offense for a change.

To stop thinking and just feel.

My legs wound around his hips and Cameron dragged my body to the edge of the counter, grinding into me. He was still half-naked and I couldn’t resist reaching for his chest, tracing his abs with my fingers. His body was perfection, the hours of physical training and conditioning evident in the hard planes of his chest, the corded muscles of his neck and shoulders and thick biceps.

“Fuck, that feels good,” he rasped against my mouth as I continued painting patterns on his skin. The knowledge I affected him the way he affected me, was powerful. Heady.

And I wanted more.

I looped my other arm around his neck, anchoring us together, kissing him deeper. I’d kissed other guys before. Guys from The Alley and the odd party we’d gatecrashed. But I’d never kissed anyone like this. It was fire and ice. Two opposites coming together with dangerous consequences.

Cameron rolled into me again, his hard length hitting the right spot. “Oh God,” I moaned, a wave of need crashing over me. He was right. I wanted him.

I wanted Cameron Chase.

There was something very wrong with me to want the one thing I hated. But maybe Flick had been right. Maybe it had all been leading to this point.

“Not God, Sunshine,”—he nipped my ear—“Just Fourteen.”

Gripping his chin, I stared into Cameron’s stormy eyes. “You did not just refer to yourself as your team number?”

“I’m just a conceited jock, remember?” His brow arched, daring me to argue. But I wasn’t looking to go another round of verbal chess with him, so I smashed my lips to his, demanding more. Needing more.

Cameron’s fingers glided up my thighs to the edge of my panties and I froze. Kissing was one thing but letting him touch me... that was something else entirely.

“I need to feel you,” he said huskily. “And I know you want it. You’re practically riding my leg.”

My head rolled back against the mirror as I levelled him with a hard look. He chuckled again, gently sliding off my panties until they were a puddle on the floor. The marble felt cool against my thighs, but when Cameron stepped between my legs again, his boxer briefs tented, I forgot all about the sting. “Are you wet for me, Hailee?”

“Why don’t you find out?” I said, surprising us both. Cameron’s brow shot up as he leaned in to capture my lips again, pushing his tongue against mine with a hungry growl. His fingers slid through my wetness, teasing me.

Cameron broke the kiss, touching his head to mine, his eyes simmering with heat as he slowly worked a finger inside me. I wanted to move, to escape from his intense gaze. But he had me trapped. Ensnared. And when he curled his finger upward and rubbed, I was done. Cameron Chase owned me now, and I’d willingly handed myself over.

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