Home > Rixon Raiders : The Collection(82)

Rixon Raiders : The Collection(82)
Author: L. A. Cotton


It was Jason.

He stared at me, through me, as I stood there paralyzed. Jenna was still kissing him, trailing her treacherous mouth all over his skin. Skin that less than forty-eight hours ago, I’d tasted. Skin I had been kissing.

A violent shiver rolled up my spine, my stomach churning.

Move, Felicity. Just keep walking.

Jason’s brow rose as he continued to stare at me, barely kissing Jenna back, but not stopping her either.

His intense gaze was cruel.

But then, I shouldn’t have expected anything else.

Steeling myself, I narrowed my eyes at him, lingering for a second, and then put one foot in front of the other and kept walking. Telling myself he hadn’t just ripped out my heart and stomped all over it.



Chapter Two






“We need to talk,” Cameron pressed his hand against my chest blocking my exit from the locker room.

“Not interested,” I said coolly.

“We are doing this.” His brow arched as he shoved me. It was only a mild push but enough for me to know he meant business.

“Fine,” I shot back. “Say whatever you have to say, man, and let me get the fuck to class.”

“You go to class now?” He smirked.

“Fuck you.”

“Why’d you do it?” Cam let out a weary sigh, his eyes asking me a million things I didn’t have the answer to.

Shrugging, I said, “Because I was drunk and she was there.”

“Don’t give me that bullshit. You like her.”

“Like her?” I barked out. “I can’t fucking stand her.” Felicity Giles was exactly the kind of girl I spent my days trying to avoid. Needy. Desperate. Weird as hell.

“You really are a dick sometimes, you know that?”

“Never claimed to be anything else.” I shrugged dismissively.

“I just don’t get it. Vaughn was all over you. You could have taken her back to the hotel…” He let the words hang between us. We’d gone to New York for Hailee’s birthday last weekend. Asher’s cousin Vaughn had showed us around with her brother. She was hot. Slim with curves in all the right places, and Cam was right, she was up for it. Whispered it in my ear more than once during the night. But I hadn’t gone there. Instead, I’d drank more than I should have, gone back to the hotel and found myself outside Felicity’s room in the middle of the night.

“Look, it was just sex. Drunken sex. I was horny, and she was there.” She might not have been my type, all geeky with no filter, but there was no denying Felicity was gorgeous. Long dark hair, narrow waist, and legs that seemed to go on for miles, even if she did stand a good few inches shorter than me. And her eyes, fuck. Two pools of sea-green that had worked some hypnotic voodoo shit on me.


“Just sex,” my best friend repeated flatly.

“Yeah, just sex. She knows the score. It was a good time. Now it’s over. So can we all just fucking move on?” I couldn’t get distracted by some girl-drama, not when I had the play-offs in sight. My focus needed to be one-hundred-and-ten percent on the team. On winning State.

“So it wasn’t a game?”

“Game? What the fuck are you talking about?” Irritation rippled through me.

“You didn’t know?”

“Seriously, Chase, spit it out already.”

Cameron was staring at me like I’d lost my fucking mind. And maybe I had. If I’d had known it would cause this much trouble, I never would have looked twice at Felicity. But then, my step-sister wasn’t supposed to walk in on us.

He didn’t reply, still gawking at me, so I added, “Look, I know she’s Hailee’s best friend, but she knows the deal. I didn’t promise anything, and she didn’t—”

“Will you just shut up a second,” he ground out and it was my turn to gawk.

A beat passed. Another. The air charged around us.

And then he delivered the last words I ever expected to hear.

“She was a virgin.”

“A virgin?” I choked out. “Is that supposed to be a joke?”

Felicity wasn’t a virgin. Sure, she’d been tight, but I just figured she wasn’t as experienced as Jenna or the other gymnasts and cheerleaders who rode dick like it was an Olympic sport. But she hadn’t said a word when I’d gone faster. Harder. I always liked to be in control and that spilled over to sex. I never made a girl do anything she didn’t want to, but I wasn’t gentle either. I liked to fuck. And then I liked to get the fuck out of there. I’d tried the whole relationship thing once before and it had blown up in my face, and I wasn’t ever looking to go there again.

I didn’t do sleepovers and except for a handful of girls, I didn’t do repeat performances. Sex was an outlet. Nothing more, nothing less. And like football, I excelled at it.

So how the fuck hadn’t I realized Felicity was a virgin?

“You really didn’t know?” Cam asked.

“Do you think I would have fucked her if I did?” He winced at my harsh tone. “She was practically begging for it.”

I think. It was all a little hazy. But she’d wanted it as much as me.

“Nice, real nice.” He deadpanned.

“Are we done? Because you’re starting to piss me the hell off.”

“Yeah, we’re done.” He let out an exasperated breath. “Just stay away from her, Jase. She’s Hailee’s best friend and things are already strained enough.” He didn’t say the rest; he didn’t have to.

Things between us were strained. But then what had he expected when I found out about him and Hailee?

Growing up, she had been the bane of my fucking life. I’d hated her. Hated everything about her. But a lot had changed since senior year started. I guess that was a trending theme with it being the final year of high school.

Me and Hailee weren’t exactly friends now, but for the sake of Cameron, we’d called a shaky truce.

“Is that all?” Anger laced my words. I was so fucking over all this bullshit.

“I know it’s hard seeing me with her—”

“Save me the ‘I’m sorry I chose your step-sister’ speech.”

“Jase, come on...” His hand curled around my arm. “It doesn’t change anything. You’re still my best friend. I’ve got your back. Always.”

But it did change things.

It changed everything.

It had always been the two of us against the world. Now it wasn’t.

And I didn’t know what the fuck to do with that.



I pushed off the wall the second Felicity appeared. Mondays she stayed behind after school for book club.

Fucking book club. It sounded like something my grandma would have enjoyed if she were alive.

“Jason?” Her mouth fell open when she spotted me, those big sea-green eyes widening to saucers. “What are you—”

“Let’s go, Giles,” I said, trying to keep it as impersonal as possible. My dick had other ideas though, traitorous motherfucker, stirring to life the second my hand clasped around her tiny wrist. Remembering how it had felt to pin them above her head while I slid inside her, making her cry out my name.

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