Home > Stars Collide (Written in the Stars #1)(9)

Stars Collide (Written in the Stars #1)(9)
Author: Mia Monroe

Oh, this is Jeremiah teasing. Got it.

“I can do seven-thirty. See you in the morning.”


I exit the truck, watching for a few seconds as he drives off before making my way through the parking lot to the apartment. When I get inside, I peel out of my winter armor, glancing at Nate on the couch as I kick off my boots.

“Hey,” he says, playing a video game.

“Hey.” I sit next to him. “Kryptonite drove me home because I was too nervous to drive in the snow.”

Nate pauses the game. “Dude. Why didn’t you call? I would’ve come.”

“Thanks, but he just offered out of the blue.”

“So he’s not a total dick?”

“No, he’s nice. Mostly. Everyone hates me though.”

“What do you mean?”

“They love him and they're loyal. I’m the interloper.”

Nate scrunches his face. “That sucks.”

“Yeah. Even Richard, Uncle Rick, implied I didn’t really have a chance at this role, but I should see it through for family harmony, whatever the fuck that means.”

“Weird. Do you want the job?”

I exhale, rubbing my hands together to warm them. “Kind of. My competitive streak makes me want to prove everyone wrong. The work is kind of fun. It’s interesting.”


“I hate feeling like I’m not wanted. They’ve already decided not to like me or give me a chance.”

“Yeah, but, dude, you’re Gabriel Parlati. You’ve won major championship games. Are you gonna let an obstacle like this tear you down?”

I let his words settle for a moment then sit up a little straighter. “You’re right.” Do not let what happened in Italy define the rest of your life. “I’m not a quitter.”

“No way. You got this?” He puts his fist out for a bump.

I tap it with my fist. “I got this.”

“What are you gonna do tomorrow?”

I think it over for a few seconds. “Turn on the charm machine. Win them over.”

Nate smiles. “That’s what I want to hear.”

After a shower to warm up, I stand in front of the window, gazing up at the moon and reflecting on today and how I ended up here. Do I regret what I did? Not yet. That’s good, I guess, but it’s weird not having a solid plan for the first time in my life. If I left the planetarium, what would I do? I have no skills off the field. This is a rare opportunity to learn the ropes and build something solid. Even if I don’t get the job, this is a really good experience for me. I have to make it work. I just have to figure out how to win Jeremiah over. If I can do that, I can sway the others. And if I can do all of that, well…I can do anything.

An idea hits. Actually, I’ve got it backwards, I need to work on the others first. Show them I’m a nice guy. Yes. I nod, smiling. That’s a good plan.

Tomorrow kicks off Operation Charm Machine. Jeremiah isn’t going to know what hit him.



Chapter 3






I pull up in front of the apartment buildings to get Gabriel and realize I don’t have his phone number or know which apartment he lives in. That was smart. I guess my brain tripped from his proximity to me last night. The heated cabin was filled with his scent—warm, masculine, sensual. It made me want to curl up in him like a thick blanket on a cold day. Being close to him feels like being sucked into a black hole. Or what I imagine it to feel like. There’s an invisible pull, as strong as gravity, drawing me closer, luring me to explore, but then my senses kick in and I resist, knowing that giving in would only lead to my demise. You can’t survive a black hole. And romance? Same.

Besides, I have zero time for romantic pursuits, even if Gabriel was an option. Which he is definitely not. No matter how pretty he is. Regardless of how melty-gooey that smile of his makes me feel inside.

A tap on the window snaps me out of my daydreams. When I turn to look, Gabriel smiles and waves. I unlock the door and he climbs in, blowing on his hands.

“Morning,” he says, still smiling as he buckles himself in.

“Hi. You need gloves.”

He nods. “I do. I’ll pick some up.”

I put the truck in gear and pull on to the street. We ride in silence for a few minutes until Gabriel speaks.

“What’s on the agenda for today?”

“More of the same. It’s not glamorous, but it’s productive.”

“I don’t need glamour.”

“No?” I sneak a glance at him to see his perplexed expression.

“No. I just want to learn.”

Right. So you can steal my job.

“Is there anything you can delegate to me?”


“Really, Jeremiah? There’s nothing you need help with?”

“I have it under control.”

“Not what I asked.”

The mood in the truck turns tense. I don’t have anything to say. I’m not delegating shit just for him to potentially show me up.

“We can go over next month’s budget today with Samuel.”


When I stop at a red light, I venture another peek at him. He’s leaning on the door, gazing outside. It’s a gloomy day, but you can tell the sun is trying to push through the clouds.

Damn, he’s gorgeous from the side too. His profile is stunningly perfect. I can tell his nose has been broken before from the lean of his bridge. There’s a small but visible scar on his chin where his stubble doesn’t grow and another one near his eyebrow. From far away he looks like a flawless model, but I actually prefer him up close. He’s slightly more approachable, more real.

He must sense me staring at him because he turns his head sharply to meet my gaze. My lips almost part in apology for such shameless admiration, but before words can come, he disrupts my balance again with a megawatt smile. Even that isn’t perfect, though, with a few teeth not quite in alignment. It’s just pretty. The kind of smile that immediately makes you want to smile in return. I don’t.

“It’s supposed to warm up later and begin to melt off.” Weather is a safe topic.

“Good.” Gabriel nods. “I’ll be able to get myself home. Thanks again.”

“It wasn’t a hardship.”

Later that morning, Gabriel excuses himself before our budget and planning meeting with Samuel. I assume to go to the restroom, but when he returns several minutes later, he’s carrying a tray with three cups from the café. He sets it on the desk and sits in a chair, picking up his notebook without speaking.

“What is this?”

“Coffee.” He lifts one of the cups, checks the side, then takes a sip. “Got hazelnut for you and black for Samuel. That’s what Easton said he likes.”

“Thank you.” That was thoughtful. Stop being nice, job stealer.

“No problem. I wanted some too.”

Samuel bursts in the door, pausing when he sees Gabriel. He blatantly rolls his eyes, so I walk over to him, facing him directly so Gabriel can’t see us.

“Samuel. Please be nice and don’t make this tense.”

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