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Collision Course (Westin Force #3)(24)
Author: Julie Trettel

“Oh, I know,” I said as he took my hand and I helped him up in a show of good faith. “I won’t be blindsided again, Kill. Trust me when I say I have eyes everywhere.”

Tarron grinned. “Everywhere.”






Chapter 14



I gasped when they walked inside. I hadn’t been able to make myself go out and stop them. Killian deserved whatever was coming his way as long as Baine stuck to his promise not to seriously hurt him. I was mad at my brother, but I didn’t want him to die or anything. He had always been overprotective of me. Baine knew it. It was the number one reason why he had insisted on keeping us a secret until I came of age.

I didn’t understand what had changed his mind or why he had confided in my brother. I also couldn’t fathom the hurt and disappointment Baine had been through when his best friend stabbed him in the back like that. It broke my heart for the both of them.

The Killian that would do such a thing to his best friend in the entire world wasn’t the guy I knew. I didn’t care how angry or upset he had been, it still just didn’t make sense to me. Someday I hoped we could talk about it and maybe my brother could actually explain it all to me, but for now, seeing them walk in side-by-side covered in dirt, bruised, and bloodied with smiles on their faces made my heart feel a little lighter.

“Don’t you dare sit on my furniture,” I said, wiping a tear from my eye.

I had already been deemed worthless and evicted from the kitchen while Tori and Resa finished up dinner.

Kano had also arrived with Silas in tow and Felix and Tarron walked in behind Baine.

“Hi,” I said, offering my hand to Silas and then Tarron. “Welcome to my home.” I looked over at Baine and cringed a little at the blood crusting his lip. “Wait, you’re not leaving again already, are you?”

Silas huffed. “No, not yet.”

“So we can have him tonight?” Macie asked with a grin.

Even the grumpy one fell quickly to her charms. “Looking like that, he’s worthless to me.” Silas winked at her. “He’s all yours tonight.”

She walked over and took Baine’s hand. “Come on, Uncle Killian leaves some comfy clothes here in case he’s running late picking me up after school. Uncle Kill, you can use my bathroom.”

I watched as she walked him into my bedroom as if it were the most natural thing in the world, then ran back out and grabbed the clothes from the spare room on the other side of the house to deliver to him.

Knowing Baine was in my bedroom, and soon would be naked in my shower was making my brain mush.

“Will you be staying for dinner as well?” I heard Tori ask our new arrivals.

“Uh, yes, please do. Why don’t you ask the rest of the team to join us,” I said.

“Are you sure? There’s a lot of us,” Tarron said.

I nodded. “I’m sure. “Tori, are we good?”

“Yeah, sure, it’s no problem at all.”

I smiled. “Please make yourself at home. Excuse me for a moment.”

I turned and walked into my bedroom before I could stop myself. When I closed the door behind me, I looked around and didn’t see Baine. I listened and heard the water running in the shower. My heart was racing as I stepped inside.

Dirty clothes were piled up on the floor. I smiled and shook my head before bending over to scoop them up.

The water turned off and I froze. I heard the shower curtain pull back and slowly turned around. A small gasp escaped me and my eyes trailed down his body and back up again. I gulped hard. He was sculpted like a masterpiece now. My breathing became heavy just staring at him. I knew the second we found ourselves truly alone, and he touched me, I was going to instantly combust.

He hardened right before my eyes as his erection became evident.

“Uh, um.” I licked my lips and he groaned. “I just wanted to get, um, the things, uh, your clothes into the thingy, I mean the washer.” I knew I was talking to his dick, but I couldn’t seem to pull my eyes away.

“You keep looking at me like that, O, and we aren’t going to make it back out there.”

I gulped and forced myself to look up and meet his eyes. A pained expression crossed my face. “I invited them all. All of them. We’re never going to have a moment alone.”

Baine laughed and shrugged. “I’m sure Tarron has an extra dampener on him. They’ll understand.”

“What? No. We can’t.” I knew my face was bright red as reality came back to me.

He stepped out of the shower and I frowned.

“You’re dripping on the floor.”

“Don’t have a towel.”

I huffed this time and walked over to the cabin under the sink. When I bent over, I heard Baine groan. “You’re killing me, O.”

I should have just tossed the towel to him and left, but I wasn’t thinking straight. I walked over and handed it to him. When our fingers touched my entire body lit on fire. That’s all it took. Before I could get away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.

“You’re wet,” I screeched.

“I’m betting you are too,” he whispered in a deep voice that caused the hair on my neck to stand up.

I neither confirmed nor denied it.

He gave a knowing smirk and leaned down and kissed me. This wasn’t a quick kiss, nor was it the branding kiss we’d shared earlier. This was so much more. I all but melted in his arms. I was ready to take him right there on my bathroom floor and make him mine once and for all.

The metallic taste of blood in my mouth knocked some sense into me and I pulled back.

“You’re hurt.”

He shrugged. “It’s just a little cut.”

His lip was split and swollen. I started to worry. I knew it had likely started to clot, but we’d just reopened it.

He brushed back a lock of my hair pausing to twirl it between his fingers. “I’m fine, O. So much better than fine.”

“Dinner’s ready,” I heard Tori call from the other side of the house.

I sighed. I was more than ready for alone time with my mate. All I had were years of old memories. Was he really as great as I remembered him?

He leaned down and kissed my collarbone. “Soon.” There was promise in his voice. “But I know you’re going to worry every second while we have a houseful of unwelcomed guests.”

I snorted. “I invited them, so they aren’t unwelcomed.”

“The way you’re staring at me, yeah, they’re very unwelcomed. I’m happy to get rid of all of them and keep you to myself.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Wouldn’t I?”

I suspected he absolutely would. I sighed. “Later. Let’s go eat.”

He paused and I looked back to see a hungry look in his eyes.

Mine widened with awareness. “Food, Baine, actual sustenance.”

He nodded. “Yeah. I’m probably going to need that for later.”

He made me feel like the most desired woman on the planet. It made me playful and cockier than ever before. I grinned back at him as I reached the door. “Promise?”

His breath hitched as he nodded.

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