Home > Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(15)

Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(15)
Author: J.A. Owenby

“Tensley!” Layne scrambled to catch me as I teetered.

Black dots blurred my vision as I sank to my knees and crumbled to the floor, grabbing Layne’s arm.

“Hang on. They’re coming,” Layne whispered.

I moaned as I was lifted onto a gurney.

Marilyn and Michael appeared next to me, concern flickering across their faces. “Oh, honey. You’re hurt, and I didn’t realize it. It’s going to be okay,” Marilyn assured me as she clasped my hand. “We’re right here with you while they take you for an ultrasound.”

Bright lights burned my eyes as I was hurried in for an test.

“We’ll be here waiting,” Michael promised.

A sudden sharp pain speared my lower right side. I gritted my teeth, bound and determined not to scream. I moved my head and peered behind me to find Marilyn, Michael, and Layne standing at the end of the hall, watching me with worry etched deeply into their expressions.



I was loopy as hell. A silly smile eased across my face when my wobbly focus landed on Marilyn. “How’s Benji?” I croaked, my throat raw and parched from the anesthesia.

“Hang on.” Marilyn moved over but continued to hold my hand.

“How’s my patient feeling? I’m Lily, and I’m here to take care of you tonight.” A young nurse dressed in hot-pink scrubs approached my bed. “Are you nauseous, hon?”

I started to shake my head, then thought better of it. Surgery had left me woozy.

She smoothed a loose curl away from her face and smiled. “Do you remember why you’re here?”

“The doctor said I had appendicitis,” I replied.

“Yup. It ruptured this evening. I suspect your attack pushed it over the edge.”

I didn’t respond. Instead, I worked on pushing back the wave of nausea.

“Uh-oh.” Lily snatched up a little bag and shoved it in my face seconds before I vomited.

“Shit.” I grabbed my right side as pain erupted. “Shit.”

“Let me take that for you.” The nurse took the used barf bag and tossed it in the biohazard container.

I grimaced as my eyes landed on Layne. He stayed? Leaning into the pillow, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “Benji?”

“He’s out of surgery,” Marilyn said, stepping up to the side of my bed and patting my arm. Her fingers were freezing cold. “Michael is with him in ICU.”

“ICU?” My forehead creased in confusion. Apparently the anesthesia had hit me harder than I thought.

“He had internal bleeding and, well, we’re waiting to talk to the doctors. They’re monitoring him closely. The next twenty-four hours are critical.” Tears silently slipped down Marilyn’s cheeks as she spoke.

“No. No. No.” I tossed the covers off me and attempted to sit up. “I need to see him.”

The nurse gently pressed my shoulder, forcing me back in bed. “Nope. No, ma’am. You’re to rest right now.” I was too weak to fight her.

“I’m going to join Michael now that you’re awake, but Layne offered to stay with you. I’ll send word the second anything changes,” Marilyn promised.

“What about the men they arrested? Have they been charged?” I asked.

“They’re investigating what happened, but we don’t know what charges they’ll face yet.” Marilyn’s expression fell. “Apparently they were in the comedy club and saw Benji and Thomas together.”

“That’s so messed up.” I took a deep breath before I asked the next question. “Are they waiting to see if Benji lives or not?” I snapped my eyes closed, trying to block out the nightmare. I couldn’t lose Benji. Marilyn and Michael couldn’t lose their son due to something as awful as a stupid hate crime. Faggot was such a hateful word, and it shouldn’t be used to describe anyone, especially Benji. He was a beautiful man with a heart and soul that people loved. He was a human being who had as much right to live in this world as anyone else.

I shook my head, guilt overwhelming me. “I should have told him no when he said he’d park in the alley. It wasn’t far from the parking lot, and I didn’t think it was a big deal. I’m sorry, Marilyn. If I’d only said no.” My shoulders shook with my sobs, and I swore a blue streak while I grabbed my side.

She sat down gently on the edge of my bed and allowed me to cry. Her own tears flowed freely. “In no way did you make those men hurt you and Benji. This isn’t your fault. It’s not Benji’s either.”

“He’s going to make it. Dammit, he’s strong and hardheaded. He’ll fly those bastards the finger and get out of his bed tomorrow.” I willed all my energy and strength to Benji. He would need it to recover. My injuries were superficial compared to what he’d already gone through, not to mention what waited for him ahead. I would be walking within a few hours, but Benji might still be in ICU … or worse.

“I agree. He’s going to be all right.” Marilyn fished a tissue out of her purse and dabbed her eyes. “I hate to leave you, but I need to check on Benji.” She leaned over and hugged me.

Avery darted into my room at that moment. “What the hell happened?”

“A lot,” Layne said from the corner of the room. He’d remained silent until that point.

“What are you doing here? I know why Tensley is here.” Her eyes narrowed, and her clenched fists landed on her hips. “But you have some explaining to do.”

Layne stood, exhaustion flickering in his face. “I’ll tell you everything I know.”

“Avery, you and Tensley are in good hands. He saved them both. Give him a chance.” Marilyn patted Avery’s arm, then left the room.

“You saved her?” Disbelief colored Avery’s words.

“Yeah.” I motioned to a chair. “You might want to sit down for this one.”

She pulled a seat toward my bed, the legs noisily scraping the floor, and sat next to me. Gripping my hand in hers, she glared at Layne. “I’m all ears.”

I almost felt sorry for Layne … almost.






I had no idea what time I’d finally drifted off to sleep. With the pain medication, I’d probably crashed out before Avery and Layne.

The bright Spokane sunshine penetrated the windows in my hospital room. I rolled my head on my pillow to face the opposite direction and spotted the activity around the nurses’ station. It was then that I saw Layne slouched in his chair, his hand propping up his head, sound asleep. I raised my arm to rub my eyes, but it wouldn’t move. Squinting against the light, I noticed Avery. She’d leaned over my bed, placed her head on a small available spot on the mattress, and had fallen asleep holding my hand. Suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, I looked away. I welcomed that moment with no one else awake. Things had moved so fast the night before, I’d not been able to process it all very well.

“Hey,” a deep, gruff voice said quietly. “How are you feeling?” Layne stood and stretched, making a twisted and hilarious face. “Man, that felt good.” He flashed me a sleepy smile.

Although he’d slept in a hospital chair, he looked yummy. I recalled the first thing … no, the second thing I’d noticed about him, next to his eyes: his lips. They were full, soft, and kissable. Shit, the pain meds were really fucking with me.

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