Home > Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(53)

Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(53)
Author: J.A. Owenby

“Matthew, what are you doing?” The pitch of my voice climbed as reality sank in. “I don’t understand.”

Matthew ignored me as he approached Layne. “On your knees, asshole.” Matthew delivered a quick kick to the back of Layne’s legs and dropped him to the floor. “Say one fucking word and you can say goodbye to your girlfriend. Besides, even if you screamed for help, the music is too loud. No one will hear you.”

My pulse pounded in my ears while my brain attempted to calculate how quickly I could reach the gun, but there was no way to sneak up on Matthew since he was facing me. He’d obviously had all this planned. I just didn’t know why. Does he even have my license? I’d just trusted him and hadn’t even checked my wallet.

“Layne,” I whispered, my voice trembling. “I’m so sorry.”

“I’m the one that’s sorry, Ten. I should have trusted my gut about him.”

Matthew rapped Layne on the back of the head and knocked him out. A scream ripped from my throat, but no one came running to help us. I watched helplessly while Matthew blindfolded and gagged Layne, then tied his hands and feet together.

“Why? Are you this jealous? I don’t understand. Matthew, I never even realized you were interested in me until I started dating Layne.”

Matthew’s maniacal laugh filled the room, but his gun never left me. “Shut up. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Then tell me. Please.”

A back door to his office creaked open slightly, and terror shot through me as Jack Flannery walked in. “It’s time to go, Tensley. I’ve got a wonderful father-daughter trip planned.” Jack’s gaze filled with hate as his attention landed on my crumpled-up boyfriend. “Good job, Matthew. Make sure he never sees the light of day again.”

Overwhelmed with fear for Layne’s life, I lunged toward Mathew and the gun. Before I reached him, muffled shots went off, and Matthew’s body jerked backward. He slumped against the wall, his blood streaking the dirty white wallpaper.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!” I hurried to Layne and kneeled next to him.

Jack waved his gun at me. “We gotta go. Now. Tell your boyfriend goodbye.”

“You killed Matthew,” I hiccupped through my tears.

“He would have killed you. No one gets to do that except me.” The corner of Jack’s mouth twitched.

I kissed Layne’s cheek and realized he was no longer unconscious. “Don’t ever forget how much I love you.”

Layne attempted to talk behind his gag, but it was useless.

“Where are we going?” I asked, attempting to give Layne some information in order to find me.

“You’ll see.” Jack grabbed my arm and jerked me forward. “Quit stalling. Let’s go.”

My heart hammered against my rib cage as he escorted us out the back door. What does he want from me? Is Layne all right? Where is my bodyguard? A cry nearly escaped me as I spotted several huge garbage containers blocking the view on three sides. Even if my bodyguard was patrolling the area for me, he wouldn’t realize there was a door there.

Jack stopped at a black Honda Accord and opened the back door. Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting in my neck. Complete blackness filled my vision as I tumbled to the floor of the car.






My head pounded as I pried my eyes open. Sharp light blurred my focus and I blinked rapidly. When I attempted to move my arm, panic shot through me. I couldn’t move my arms or legs. Jack had taken me. I was tied to a chair. My heart raced and my breathing became erratic and labored.

“Ah, Sleeping Beauty is finally waking up. Did you have a nice nap?” Jack asked.

The stench of vomit and urine burned my nose. I peered around at the small room, my nostrils flaring in fear. My throat burned from lack of water as the events of my evening fell into place. “Where am I?”

The last thing I remembered was being at Barney’s, then nothing. Layne. Oh God. I hoped someone had found him. At least he wasn’t dead when Jack had forced me to leave, but that didn’t mean someone hadn’t come in after we left and finished him off. I didn’t have time to panic about him, though. I had to figure out how to get the hell out of there.

A soft, weak moan reached my ears, and my head snapped up, surveying the room. The space was set up similar to a medical facility. A table was covered in plastic, and a tray full of tools I couldn’t make out from a distance was directly in front of me. A large drain was in the middle of the cement floor, which was cracked with years of wear.

“Fuck.” Next to the door, a woman was curled into a fetal position, shivering. Her stringy black hair covered her face, but nothing else. She was naked, and her pale skin was completely exposed. She moved, peering at me with one horror-filled eye. It was then that I realized she was chained to the wall like an animal. Bile burned the back of my throat, threatening to spill over as I stared at her.

“Jack. What are you going to do to her?” Although the words escaped my lips, I didn’t want to hear the answer.

The metal legs of the chair scraped against the floor as Jack positioned himself right in front of me and straddled his seat. “If you’re good, I’ll untie you. Don’t even think about running. We’re in the middle of fucking nowhere, and it’s almost two in the afternoon. Even if you made it out the door, the sun would set in a few more hours, and you’ll freeze to death.” He folded his arms on the back of the seat and grinned.

My stomach dropped to my toes. “We traveled all night?”

“Yes. And it was a lovely first trip with my daughter if I do say so myself.” Jack stood and widened his arms. “Welcome to training camp, Victoria.”

“That’s not my name … Dad.” Although I wanted to spit in his face, I would have to try another tactic to stay alive, and I checked my tone before I spoke to him.

His laugh echoed through the room. “Nice try. I told you we were a lot alike. Calculating.” He tapped the side of his head. “Right now, I bet you’re trying to analyze the situation to see if you’ll get out alive. Don’t bother. As long as you do what I say, you will. But her on the other hand …”

“Let her go,” I pleaded. “I’ll do anything you want, but let her go.”

Jack knelt in front of me. “You’re not putting it together yet, are you? Maybe I drugged you with too much propofol.”

No wonder I felt like shit.

“Let’s give you some time first. You still look pretty groggy. If I untie your hands, do you promise to be the well-behaved daughter I’ve always dreamed you would be?”

“I promise. And do you have any fresh water? My throat is horribly dry.”

Jack walked behind the chair, leaned down, and began to untie my hands. His breath grazed the back of my neck, sending chills down my spine.

“Thank you.” I immediately began to massage my wrists, hoping the feeling would return. I must have been tied up for a long time.

Jack unzipped a backpack and removed an unopened bottle of water, then closed the bag again. “Make it last.” He shoved it in my face.

I struggled to grasp it. My hands still weren’t working. I glanced up at him. “Could … would you open it and help me? My fingers are really tingly, and I can’t get it.”

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