Home > FURY (Rosewood High #6)(17)

FURY (Rosewood High #6)(17)
Author: Tracy Lorraine

My cock swells once more as I think about just how damp her panties were when I ripped them from her body.

She can tell me all she likes that she doesn’t want me, but her body tells a very different story.

I take the hit when it’s offered to me before passing it on and pushing from the lounger I was resting back in. I was expecting someone to at least ask who I was, but it seems no one really gives a shit.

Draining the rest of my bottle, I head inside for a new one to take with me on the walk home. I’ve achieved what I came for, I’m fed up with being surrounded by people now.

“Hey, gorgeous. I haven’t seen you in Rosewood before.” A warm hand slides down my back as I reach the kitchen counter.

“Oh yeah, what makes you say that?” I almost growl as I turn around to find a blonde standing before me in a dress that’s almost smaller than Ruby’s.

“I’d remember your face,” she purrs, her hand now trailing up my abs.

“Why’s that?” I ask, dropping my lips to her ear. “Is it one you’d want to sit on?”

If she’s shocked by my words, then she doesn’t show it. Instead, she pulls back to look into my eyes.

“I’m Krissy, by the way, and I think I need to dance with you.”

“Is that right?” I glance down the hall to where everyone is still dancing and I spot a flash of Ruby’s dress, only it’s not just her dress because that motherfucker has his hands all over her.

“Sounds like a great idea, lead the way.”

I smile down at her as I might actually be interested and allow her to pull me out of the kitchen and down to where everyone is grinding away.

The second she comes to a stop, her hands slide up my chest and the length of her body presses against mine. But I don’t feel any of it, I’m too busy staring at Ruby who’s got her tongue in that motherfucker’s mouth.

A growl rumbles up my throat with my need to go and rip him away from her, but my new dance partner seems to take it a different way.

“I think me and you could get on really well tonight,” she purrs, her lips only a breath from mine.

“You don’t even know my name.”

“Huh, I guess I do need to know what to scream.”

My eyes narrow slightly at her. I guess at least she owns what kind of girl she is.

The side of my face burns and when I look over, I find exactly what I was expecting. Ruby has unattached herself from her little friend and is glaring daggers at the girl in my arms.

A smile twitches my lips at the thought of managing to find a girl that’s on her squad. I really, really hope they’re friends. That can only work in my favor. I saw the way she almost combusted when I spoke to the girl in our kitchen, and I didn’t so much as touch her.

This girl, though. Krystal or whatever her name was, she seems more than willing to play my game.

“It’s Ashton, baby. And you can scream it all night long if you wish.”

She grinds her hips against mine. If she’s expecting to find me turned on by her then she’s about to be bitterly disappointed. She’s going to need to do more than breathe around me to make me even a little interested in what she has to offer.

The girl shooting hate glares at me though, one look and she stirs something inside me she really shouldn’t.

“Now that sounds like a plan I can get on board with,” she whispers in my ear before licking her tongue around the edge. I shudder, but it’s not for the reason she would like, I’m sure.

My hands slide down her back until I grab on to her ass, pressing her tighter to my body as we dance together.

“I’m not sure I like having all these others around. You wanna go somewhere a little quieter, get to know each other a little better?” she almost moans in my ear.

My eyes lift to Ruby once more and the second I see that fuck’s tongue slip into her mouth, I step away from the blonde, take her hand in mine and drag her from the room, ensuring I lock eyes with Ruby before I disappear with my little friend.









Ruby“Let’s get out of here,” Poppy shouts in my ear, distracting me from watching Ashton pull Krissy from the room.

“I... um...” I look to the empty doorway and up to an expectant looking Justin.

Something heavy settles in the pit of my stomach. I never should have come back after my time with Ash. I should have just gone running back to Harley’s with my tail between my legs.

“Y-yeah, okay. Is Harley coming?” I look over Poppy’s shoulder for our friend and eventually find her dancing with the same guy.

“Yeah, she’s just saying goodbye to Nathan.”

Five minutes later and I’m climbing into the back of Zayn’s car, although Zayn is nowhere to be seen.

“I can’t believe my brother is letting you drive his car.”

“He likes me taking his things for a ride,” Poppy says with a laugh while Harley groans and folds her body into the seat as if she wants it to swallow her whole.

“Please, I’m begging you. Stop.”

“So, tell us about Nathan,” I say, poking my slightly fuzzy head through the gap in the seats and staring at Harley, glad that they haven’t turned their inquisition on me. I’m well aware that they have yet to straight-up demand to know what Ash did to me earlier, but as much as I appreciate that, I know I’m only on borrowed time.

“He was so sweet,” she swoons, her eyes going all soft and pathetic. It’s a look I’ve never seen on her before but with the smile that’s playing on her lips, I quickly realize that it’s one I want to see more of.

“Did you get his number?” Poppy asks.

“I did. We’re going to meet tomorrow.”

“Eeek!” Poppy squeals. “That’s so exciting.”

“Who’d have thought it, Harley Hunter with a prep boy?”

“Oh shush. He’s not like that.”

“Did he drag you into the nearest room and get you off minutes after you met him?”

“Well, no. But he did kiss me before I left.”

“Exactly. He’s a prep boy, a proper gentleman, not like the idiots we go to school with.”

“You realize your boyfriend is one of the idiots we go to school with.”

“I do. There isn’t anything gentleman-like about Zayn, let me tell you.” I spot Poppy’s eyebrows wiggling in the rearview mirror before Harley starts begging her to stop.

“Tell me later, yeah,” I say, slapping Poppy gently on the shoulder.

“Sure thing. He does this thing with his tongue...” Poppy bursts out laughing when Harley groans once more. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding... kind of.”

“So, you’re seeing him tomorrow? What’s the plan? Where are you meeting him? You gonna kiss him again?”

“I don’t know. He said he’d message in the morning, but he’s in town until early evening. Anyway, enough about me. Are you going to tell us what went down with Ash tonight and why he ended up leaving with motormouth Krissy?”

I groan, falling back into my seat.

“I have not had enough to drink to relive it yet. But I think we all know why he willingly dragged her out of the room.”

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