Home > Miles & Breaker_ Alpha(3)

Miles & Breaker_ Alpha(3)
Author: Nicole Adrianne

She wrapped her arms around his waist. "I'm coming with you."

Dissenting murmurs broke out among the crowd as they realized Dana was volunteering herself for deportation.

Alex shook his head, putting his hands on her shoulders. His lips were moving, but it was impossible to make out what he was saying.

"Not against Jada," I heard Dana say quietly, her higher voice floating over the loud hum of the crowd. "Everyone knows she's going to graduate, not me."

Alex looked at her sadly. His voice was slightly louder now, and partly audible. "I can't let you do this. I have no idea what to expect . . . could be dangerous."

"Hurry up already!" shouted a teenager in the back of the room.

Dana stared at him intensely. "I love you, Alex," she said, before kissing him and then glaring around the room defiantly. Alex, his eyes widening in surprise, slipped his hand into hers.

"Are you sure about this, Dana?"


"Good luck!" I shouted. They turned and gave me a grateful smile. "Thank you," mouthed Alex.

Then they walked into the shuttle, hand-in-hand, never looking back.

As I lay on my bed, reliving the afternoon before, I couldn’t help but worry about them. Had they survived the shuttle flight? Would Alabaster welcome them? Would they truly come back in two years, unharmed?

While I couldn't help but worry about them, I knew they were better off together, rather than if Alex had been sent away alone. Dana and he were strong, brilliant individuals. They made a resourceful couple, and I was confident that they had the fortitude to thrive in Alabaster.

I breathed, inhaling and exhaling deliberately to calm myself, assessing my personal situation.

In eleventh grade, there had been the three of us. In just a few months, I was to begin twelfth grade: yet, only one student remained.

Would there be a merge? That hardly seemed fair, merging another class with Class 1. Besides, it seemed unlikely that there would be another student on Alpha facing the same issue. Maybe they could arrange a transfer, giving someone the opportunity to live and work on Alpha after graduation and a year in Alabaster.

I rolled over, remembering that speculating on the unknown future was irrational. I would find out soon enough who would be assigned to my class. In the meantime, I knew lounging passively would get me nowhere. So, I pushed off the bed and readied myself to face the day.



I glanced at myself in the mirror, straightening my dress and adjusting the strap of the duffel bag on my shoulder. After double-checking that I was presentable, taking a sip of water, and swallowing my pill, I put my hand on the doorknob. I took a deep, steadying breath, afraid of what lay beyond the comforts of my dormitory.

I opened the door partway, peeking my head out and looking both ways. It was odd: the hallway seemed empty.

Emboldened by the lack of people outside, I quietly stepped out. I heard voices, still far off, coming from the left side of the hallway. At that, I decided to go right.

As I traveled the corridors, the area still felt strangely vacant. I relaxed, realizing that I may actually make it to the fitness complex without incident.

"And we are broadcasting live from Station Alpha. We're here today to speak with the lovely Miss Jada Breaker. Miss Breaker, could you give us just a few moments of your time?"

I had to suppress a frustrated scream, knowing that I had little choice in the matter.

I turned around to face the cheery woman's camera, putting on my trademark smile. "Of course, Maurice," I replied as cordially as I could.

The least they could have done was send Sal.

"Thank you. So, Jada, if I may, have the last few weeks been stressful for you?"

"Only as stressful as I needed them to be. Studying for the final exam, of course, was necessary, but I've been alright."

"And how did that exam go?"

"It was completed satisfactorily," I said. But not for everyone, I added silently, thinking of Alex and Dana.

"I'm sure it was," Maurice agreed, laughing her too-loud laugh and smiling her too-wide smile. "Now, Jada, the event that has everyone talking. What do you think of Dana Wilborough's choice yesterday?"

I smiled brightly, looking directly at the camera, addressing not only Maurice but the thousands of viewers I knew were watching me intently. "I think it was courageous."

Maurice's smile dimmed almost imperceptibly, and her face tightened with what appeared to be surprise. With my history, what answer had she expected? Still, with my status as Alpha’s Youth Ambassador, I knew she realized the impact of what I had said.

Maurice giggled artificially and turned to the camera. "Now there's an interesting thought," she said, as if speaking of a deluded child. Anger flared inside of me at the condescending tone she used. I knew, though, that her treatment of my statement as trivial would not diminish its power.

"One last inquiry, Jada," she said, turning back to me. "What will happen to you now that you're the only one left in your twelfth-grade class?"

I didn't even have to think about my answer. "I honestly don't know. I'll have to wait and find out, just as you will."

"Alright, that wraps up our interview with the lovely Miss Breaker!" I smiled one last time at the camera before Maurice and her crew bustled off down the hallway to harass another poor, unsuspecting innocent.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Now that Maurice had finished her interview, she wouldn't expect another one for at least the rest of the day. I was free to resume my quest to reach the fitness complex. Clutching the strap of my duffel bag, I started jogging towards my destination, hoping that both the newscasters and the other students would leave me in peace.



Later that day, my dormitory control panel bleeped. "Interface," I called from my bed.

"Yes, Miss Breaker?" responded an eloquent-sounding electronic voice.

"Could you verbalize the control panel alert?"

"I could, Miss Breaker. Message is as follows: Dear Ms. Breaker, we would like to inform you that arrangements have been made for a transfer student to join your twelfth-grade class on Station Alpha. He will be arriving tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM in Hangar 27, Shuttle Bay 8. We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us in welcoming our new student to Station Alpha. Best wishes, Transfer Student Accommodations Committee of Station Alpha."

While I had heard the full message, my mind hadn't focused on much of the content past "transfer student". I contemplated how much easier twelfth grade had suddenly become.



Chapter 3

My Dad shifted awkwardly in his recliner, glancing at my Mom. She was just opening her mouth to say something when Dad repeated his question. "Son, can you explain that again?"

"I've been reassigned."

"When did that happen?" His rich, low voice resonated through the room, making the small space seem even more crowded.


"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Who else was reassigned?"

"No one. Just me."

Mom, who'd practically turned red in the face with impatience, couldn't contain herself any longer. "How?" The word was more of a demand than a question, asked in the same tone she used the few times she'd grounded me as a kid.

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