Home > Scarred (The Everyday Heroes World)(2)

Scarred (The Everyday Heroes World)(2)
Author: Cheri Marie


“O, I have to do this by myself. Always remember that I love you, nothing will ever change that. Remember this night with love for me. Forget all the rest. - C”



Chapter 1






Eight Years Later…


Standing in front of the mirror, I pull my hair back into a tight bun as I reminisce on the last eight years. All of the plans I had made before MacKenzie’s disappearance no longer mattered, the life that Owen and I had planned together no longer mattered. All that matters to me is finding MacKenzie, or at the very least, whoever is responsible for her disappearance.

Four years of college at the University of California, Northridge to get my bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, going through the police academy, and two-ish years as a beat cop in Los Angeles have all brought me to where I want to be, to the level of clearance I felt I needed to achieve to have the means to find my sister, working as a Criminal Investigator with the FBI.

Today is the one-year anniversary of me joining the Bureau. Sometimes I think about where my life would be now if MacKenzie hadn’t gone missing. ‘Would Owen and I still be together? Would we be married and have a family?’ But then I bury all that away. None of it matters, because I made the sacrifices that I had to make to find my sister.

Picking up my badge, I clip it onto my left hip and slip my gun into my holster on my right. I do a once over of my appearance and then grab my keys to head into the office, hoping for an easy day. That wish is cut short when I get a call on my way in to report to a crime scene. Nothing like jumping into another gang war murder at seven in the morning.

Three hours later, I’m walking back into the office from working the crime scene. I spot something on my desk, hopefully it’s what I’ve been waiting for. Picking it up, I look at the return address on the large manila envelope, it’s from the Las Vegas Metro PD. Taking a seat in my chair, I open the envelope and pull out the contents. I take a breath and open the file, flipping through records, statements, interviews and evidence that have been collected since MacKenzie disappeared without a trace almost nine years ago.

I do my best to hold back the tears when I come across the photos that my mother had given the police; one of just MacKenzie being her goofy self, and one of the two of us before homecoming the year she went missing. Bringing them up, I hold them against my chest, squeezing my eyes shut against the memories, and make the same silent vow to never stop searching for answers until I get to the bottom of what happened to her.

“You alright, Barrett?” My director asks as she approaches my desk.

My head shoots up to meet her eyes as she stands next to my desk, looking at me curiously.

“Yeah, I’m good, Director. It’s just been a long day.”

“I hear you on that. You did good today, Barrett. Enjoy your weekend off,” she says, giving me a quick smile before she disappears into her office.

I gather up everything from the file and tuck it neatly back into the envelope before slipping it into my leather messenger-style bag and head out of the office.

It’s a short drive from the office to the apartment I share with my best friend, Remington. Remington and I met in college. Assigned to the same dorm, we couldn’t have been more opposite. I was the quiet one, focused on my studies, while she was the wild party girl. But somehow it worked, we hit it off immediately and have been inseparable since.

Grabbing my things from the passenger seat, I decide to climb the two flights of stairs to our place rather than take the elevator. It keeps me in shape and does great things for my legs and ass. Before I can fidget with my keys to unlock the door and let myself in, the door unexpectedly swings open.

“Welcome home, roomie.” Remington singsongs, her arms open wide for a hug.

“What are you so cheerful about?” I ask, curiously.

“Well.” She draws out. “You know that guy I’ve been seeing?”

“Devon?” I raise my brow at her, unsure if this is a trick question since he’s been here the past few days.

“Yes, right! Devon.” She waves her hand in the air as if it really doesn’t matter what his name is.

“Did you seriously forget his name, Remi?”

“No,” she says, and I look at her pointedly. “Yes, okay, maybe. Anyway, turns out his dad is the owner of the exclusive Skylines Nightclub, but Devon runs it for him. He’s going to talk to his dad about giving me a gig there. I would be tending the bar during the week and performing on the weekends.”

“That’s awesome! I’m so happy for you.” I say, giving her a hug before stepping around her to walk into the apartment.

“There’s something else,” she says excitedly.

“What?” I ask as I place my bag and the manila envelope on the counter.

“He got us on the VIP list for tonight!” she says, bouncing up and down.

I sigh. “No, Remi. I can’t, I have work to do tonight.”

“Come on Cam, please. We haven’t gone out together in forever. Just take one night to let loose a little. It could be fun. Who knows, maybe we can find you a hot stud to bring home so you can finally get some dick.” She draws out the word and I roll my eyes.

“I don’t need dick, especially when it’s attached to a man that will undoubtedly just bring me more problems.”

Remington narrows her eyes at me. “You’re coming out tonight, if I have to drag you kicking and screaming. I’ll use your own handcuffs on you if necessary.”

“You wouldn’t.” I challenge her.

“Oh, I most certainly would.”

“Fine,” I say, exasperated, throwing my hands up in mock defeat.

“Yay!” Remington says, dancing around the living room as I make my way towards my room to relax for a bit before getting ready for tonight.



Remington comes strutting into my room in one of her usual club outfits. She’s wearing a black dress that barely reaches mid-thigh with an open back and a neckline that plunges almost to her bellybutton, paired with a pair of gold stilettos that lace up to just below her knee.

“What the hell are you wearing?” I ask, my eyes taking in her appearance, wondering if she’s expecting the same from me.

“This is my money outfit,” she says with a shrug. I just shake my head, not even asking for her to elaborate. “Besides, I could ask you the same thing.”

“There is nothing wrong with my outfit.” Suddenly feeling inadequate.

“Yeah, if you were going to a job interview. Slacks and a pretty shirt just aren’t going to work.”

Walking into my closet, Remington grabs a red, bodycon dress that I bought a while back but have never worn, and my black, Red Bottom stilettos, then hands both over to me.

“Put this on and be in the living room in ten minutes. I already put in a request for a car pickup.”

I take the dress and shoes, shutting the door behind Remington. I lay the dress out on the bed and stare at it for a few moments. ‘Remi’s right, with the outfit I’m wearing, VIP or not, there is no way they would let me into a club like Skylines.’ Quickly stripping myself of my slacks and shirt, careful not to mess up my makeup, I slip into the dress. The silky, stretchy material clings to my every curve, stopping just above my knees. Pulling the pins from my updo, I let my long auburn locks fall down my back before slipping my feet into the heels.

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