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Scout (Cock & Bull #1)(11)
Author: Dallas James




They’d kissed. Hell, they’d made out! In the foyer. Shit! Who’d initiated it? What else had they done?

Alex took a personal inventory. He was bare-chested and his pants were gone, but he was still wearing his boxer briefs. Okay, that was a good sign, right? If they’d had sex, he probably wouldn’t have put them back on. Right?

As hard as he wracked his brain, he couldn’t remember what had happened after they’d stopped kissing by the front door.

Shit! How much did I have to drink last night?

He didn’t feel that hungover—just a mild headache and a dry mouth—so it shouldn’t have been too much.

Panic assailed Alex, and his heart rate sped up. The arm around his body squeezed him. “You’re thinking too much.” Scout’s lips brushed over Alex’s bare neck, sending goose bumps skittering across his flesh and blood rushing to his morning wood. “We didn’t do anything but kiss. I asked if we could, and you said yes. We didn’t have sex, and we’re not going to this morning either, as much as I would love to fuck the hell out of you.”

He paused, and Alex couldn’t think of a thing to say to fill the silence. Being in bed with this man was his fantasy come true. Well, sort of. In his fantasies, they’d done a lot more than just kiss.

Did Scout do this often? With his other PAs or employees? Alex didn’t think so. In fact, Scout’s words from last night popped into his mind. “I’ve never done this before, Alex—not with someone who worked for me. But there’s something about you . . . I just can’t . . . I can’t resist. I want you, and for more than just one night. And that kind of scares me a little.”

Behind him, Scout let out a heavy sigh. “You’re still overthinking this, so let’s see what we can do about it. Do you have plans for today?”

It was Saturday, and there had been nothing on Scout’s schedule that required him to work today. “Um . . .” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat before trying to speak again. “Uh, no. No plans.”

“Good. I want to take you on a bike ride. We’ll have lunch and talk. If you want, you can stay here, sleep a while longer, then shower, and borrow some of my clothes. We should be about the same size. Or, you can go home, do whatever you need to do there, and I’ll swing by to get you around ten. It’s seven now, if you were wondering.”

“A bike ride? I don’t have a bike yet. Been meaning to get a new one.” His ten-speed had been stolen a few weeks before he’d left New York City, and he hadn’t had a chance to replace it yet.

“Not a bicycle—on my motorcycle. Is it safe to assume you don’t own one?”

“Um, yeah. I mean, no, I don’t own one.”

Scout kissed Alex’s back again, sending a shiver down his spine. “Good. I’d rather you ride behind me today. I’m going to go back to sleep for a bit. Are you staying or should I pick you up at your place?”

Definitely choice number two. Alex had to get out of there, so he could have some time to himself to think about what’d happened, and what might happen between them, before they talked again. “I . . . uh . . . I’m going to run home, if that’s okay.”

“Whatever you want to do is fine with me, babe. Just promise you’ll take a ride with me later.”

He shouldn’t. He really shouldn’t. Not if he wanted to keep his job, which is what he’d lose if this . . . whatever this was went south. Unfortunately, “no” was not what came out of his mouth. “I promise.”

With a final squeeze, Scout released him and rolled onto his back. When Alex flipped the covers to the side, he noticed there was a small pillow between where his ass and Scout’s pelvis had been. The other man was also missing his shirt. One leg and hip were peeking out from under the sheet, revealing he was only wearing a pair of navy-blue boxer shorts.

Alex’s gaze shot to Scout’s eyes to find him watching him from under partially-opened lids. A blush stole over his face, along with a sheepish look. “What can I say? I would’ve been too tempted if there wasn’t something between us.”

Well, at least one of them had been thinking a little clearer than the other at some point last night. Thank God.

As Alex stood and glanced around for his clothes, which had ended up on the floor next to Scout’s, his boss closed his eyes and shifted until he was comfortable. “Before you leave, what’s your sub preference? I’ll have the bistro pack us a lunch.”

“Um . . .” Pulling on his clothes, Alex hesitated. For the life of him, he couldn’t think of a single thing off the bistro’s menu. “Uh . . . anything’s fine. Surprise me.” Scout hadn’t disappointed him yet with any of the meals he’d cooked for them over the past month and a half and had inquired about foods Alex didn’t care for after their first lunch together.

“Sounds good.” His eyes remained shut. “See you at ten. Wear jeans, boots, and a leather jacket if you have one.”

“Uh . . . okay.” Alex checked to make sure he had his wallet, phone, and . . . shit! His keys! “Um . . . Scout? Where are my keys?”

“On the little table in the foyer,” he murmured, sleep dragging him under again. “Drive safe.”

After one last glance back at the bed, and the incredibly sexy man in it, Alex quietly left the room. He needed time to think and stop the whirlwind of questions and “what-ifs” flying through his head. He just hoped he hadn’t screwed himself out of a job.



Scout hoped he was doing the right thing. But it was too late to take back his confession and actions, so the only option was to forge ahead.

Under his thighs and ass, his Harley Davidson Fat Boy 114 purred like a contented feline. It’d been weeks since he’d last taken it out for a ride, something he did whenever he wanted to clear his head. However, this would be the first time he was taking someone out on a date on his bike. And, yup, if things went as he planned, this would be considered his and Alex’s first date. One of many. The man was special and could very possibly be the one.

While he’d had several relationships over the years that’d gone longer than a month, Scout had never seen himself in a lifetime commitment with any of those men. He usually made it clear when he first started dating someone that he wasn’t looking for anything long-term—just someone to spend time with—and whenever they’d seemed to expect more from him, he’d ended things. But with Alex . . . God, he could see them growing old together, maybe even having kids. Scout wanted to take the man to all his favorite places around the world. If they had children, he wanted to raise them like his parents had him—working on their third passport before they reached twenty-one and showing them all the great wonders that were out there to explore.

Earlier, after Alex had left—he kind of figured the guy would need some alone time to think about everything that’d happened—Scout hadn’t been able to fall back into a deep sleep. His body had been willing, but he hadn’t been able to shut down his brain. Finally, he’d given up and gone into his home gym to run a few miles on the treadmill. Then, after showering, he’d called down to the bistro and asked them to pack a lunch for two that he could put in the Harley’s saddlebags. Once that’d all been done, he’d realized he didn’t have Alex’s home address. That’d been easily remedied by accessing the man’s personnel file.

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