Home > Demon's Wish (Demon Mates #1)(38)

Demon's Wish (Demon Mates #1)(38)
Author: Xenia Melzer

“Thank you. We’re very happy.”

Troy was next to embrace him while Declan pulled Sammy from behind the counter and against his chest. “I’m sorry we woke you up. If we had known it was your mating night, we wouldn’t have bothered you…probably.”

At least Declan was honest. “It was a spontaneous decision. It’s fine.” Faced with the genuine joy of the werewolves, Dre found it hard to stay mad at them.

“Okay, let me get your coffee ready then you can run off and tell the others while my mate and I go back to bed.” Sammy disentangled himself from Troy’s embrace and went behind the counter again to make the coffee. Once the werewolves had their caffeine, Sammy closed the door, put a sign in the window explaining the shop would be closed until Tuesday, then they went back upstairs. Since they were already up, they had a quick breakfast before they showered together. After that, Dre spent the rest of the day exploring the tattoos on Sammy’s body and getting his mate intimately acquainted with his fire and his knot.

Life was perfect.



Chapter Sixteen

Sammy was standing in front of the mirror in his bedroom, fussing with his jeans and trying not to think about the fact that he would be meeting Dre’s father half-naked. Apparently, it was customary for the mates of demons to show off their tattoos so everybody knew who they belonged to. When Dre had hinted that the tattoos on Sammy’s legs and private parts were obscured by the jeans, he had only given his mate a withering look and Dre had wisely chosen not to press the subject. They had spent Saturday and the first half of Sunday in wonderful, domestic, sexy bliss until Sammy’s friends had showed up to celebrate their mating with an extended brunch. It was Monday evening now and they were expected at Barion’s mansion to celebrate again, this time with Dre’s family.

“Don’t worry, mo grah thu. My father is more than happy for us. He can’t wait to get to know you.” Dre slung his arms around Sammy and pressed a kiss on the top of his head. “He’s going to love you.”

“I hope so. You really have to start teaching me your language. I don’t want your father to think I’m not putting in the effort.”

Dre turned him around to look him square in the eyes. “Sammy, my love, I’m thrilled you want to learn the demon tongue, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want you to think you’re under any obligation to do so. You’re as much my mate as I am yours. This goes both ways, lover.”

Sammy sighed. “I know. I really do. It’s just…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it. He didn’t have to. Through their mate bond, Dre got it.

“This is the only family you have left, apart from your friends. I understand, mo grah thu.”

Sammy had to swallow a lump in his throat. Thinking of his parents still made him sad, though it was getting better. “I don’t want to replace them, certainly not, but I could— I could use a father who’s still there, you know?”

“Nobody thinks you’re replacing them, Sammy. And I’m sure my father will be more than happy to be there for you.”

“I hope so.” Sammy straightened. “I think we better get going before I have a nervous breakdown. I’m sure Barion is already waiting for us.”

Dre laughed. “Oh yes, he is. He’s been here twice already, asking what’s taking us so long.”

Sammy shuddered. “I guess I’m glad I took so long in the shower.”

“You bet you are. My little brother is like a kid on a sugar high.”

With one last glance at the mirror—yes, he was still half-naked—Sammy embraced Dre while his mate—his mate—sliced time and space to get them to Barion.

Somehow, Sammy had hoped to have some time to calm his nerves—even though deep down he knew that would have never worked—before meeting Dre’s father, but he wasn’t that lucky. Alerion was standing right next to Barion in the hall where Sammy and Dre had materialized. Dre tightened his hold on Sammy before he dragged him toward his waiting father and brother. Barion looked as if he were about to vibrate out of his skin, yet held himself back, probably because of the imposing figure next to him. There was no doubt that Alerion was Barion and Dre’s father. Their features were so similar. Alerion did look more like a brother, not a father, though it was hard to tell his age—how did demons age, anyway?—because he was completely black with golden tattoos and a shock of white hair. Sammy was acutely aware of his near-nakedness in front of his father-in-law. To make matters worse, he felt a flush creeping up his neck, surely making him look like a tomato.

“Father, this is Sammy, my destined mate. Sammy, this is my father, Alerion, the king of all demons.”

Alerion smiled broadly and reached out with his hand. Sammy took it automatically, even though his brain had just fried. “No need to be so formal, son. Hello, Sammy, I would very much prefer it if you called me Alerion or, if you feel comfortable with it, Dad. I can’t tell you how happy I am Dre found you.”

Sammy tried to shake hands with the demon king, while his mouth went on autopilot. “I don’t even know if I’m supposed to bow, Your High…uhm, Dad. Dre, why didn’t you tell me how to greet your father properly?”

“Yes, Dre, why didn’t you tell him?” Barion needled.

“Watch it, Barion.” Dre sounded slightly annoyed.

“Quiet, both of you.” Alerion used his hold on Sammy’s hand to pull him into a hug. “I already like you, Sammy. You’re funny. For the protocol, there’s no need for you to bow. Unlike my rowdy sons and subjects, I don’t have the feeling I have to assert my dominance over you.” He stepped back and winked. Sammy grinned.

“No, Dad, most certainly not. I know how that works. Declan and Troy had a hard time restraining themselves in the beginning.”

Alerion raised a brow. “Your former lovers?”

Sammy felt his cheeks redden. “Gods, no! They’re members of my book club—and also werewolves. Alphas. Did you know that alpha and omega are originally the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet and were used in Christian mythology to describe Jesus as the beginning and the end of everything? I think it’s rather funny that it’s also used to describe the strongest and the weakest member in a wolf pack, though if you think about it, it makes sense, in a weird kind of way… I’m blabbering, aren’t I? Dre?”

“No, mo grah thu, you’re just being your adorable self. I would never accuse you of blabbering!” Dre did his best to hide his smile.

“That’s because Dre is the king of blabbering himself.” Alerion patted his son fondly on the back. “Let’s get comfortable in the dining room. I hope you didn’t cook yourself, Barion?” He shot his youngest son a hard look.

“I don’t know why everybody keeps bringing this up. It was an accident, an honest mistake. Come to think of it, it’s your fault for letting me into the kitchen unsupervised at such a young age!”

“Young age? You were over six hundred at the time! Hardly an unsuspecting youth. And you insisted!” Alerion’s jaw was set in a way Sammy knew only too well. He felt himself relaxing more and more. He enjoyed a good show, just like everybody else.

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