Home > Her Rogue Protector (The Antonio Brotherhood Book 4)(8)

Her Rogue Protector (The Antonio Brotherhood Book 4)(8)
Author: Eliza Quinn

It wasn’t just the sex, Reina was coming to realize. It was all of Gavin, really. His youthful exuberance, the way he embraced life with gusto, reflected on Roy as well. Reina was initially worried; she didn’t want to complicate an already secret affair by letting her nephew in on it. It would get his hopes up and leave him open for disappointment, and hurting Roy was the last thing she wanted. They hadn’t labeled their activities, but Reina had a feeling a conversation like that would put a stop to everything once and for all.

Reina knew that she could not afford to live in the moment forever. Plus, there was the issue of Elijah to think about…

Reina shook her head and pushed the blankets off her before donning a small robe and heading down toward the sound of cracking wood. She found Gavin and Roy on the lawn, both holding two training sticks.

Roy was currently looking up at Gavin and saying, “It’s way too heavy, Gavin.”

Gavin bent down to Roy’s level. “If it wasn’t heavy, it wouldn’t stop a blow.” Reina’s heart swelled in her chest as she watched Gavin tenderly brush Roy’s blond locks away from the little boy’s forehead.

“Now, mind your defense, or I’ll crack your pretty head like an egg.”

Roy nodded somberly, and Gavin tousled his head affectionately. Reina continued to watch them. Gavin led Roy in a series of exercises, always a step behind to give the boy some free reign and correct him should he need it.

He would make an excellent father, Reina found herself thinking, the right blend of soft yet firm. Reina thought back to her own father, Peter Gardener. He had been a simple yet loving man. He wasn’t very wealthy or powerful, but he had always strived to make sure that she and her sister, Jade, were well provided for.

“Our father wants to see you, Sis…” The idea that her entire life had essentially been a lie was still too painful for Reina. Perhaps, she would be more open to pursuing a relationship with Silas Melissinos, her biological father, if he hadn’t barged into her life making demands.


Jade and Ben had both entrusted her with keeping Roy safe; he was her main priority, and she would be there for him for as long as she could.

Roy really needs a father, someone to protect him and teach him what a man should be.

Reina sighed. It wasn’t like she could just ask Gavin Binyamin to step in and sub as a dad. He had no obligation to her…

Her sigh caught Gavin’s attention, and he waved good morning to her. She waved back, as Roy caught sight of her.


“Aunt Reina!” he called out with excitement, “Look what I can do!” He proceeded to demonstrate a martial arts form, and she applauded in accordance.

“That was very good, Roy.” She laughed. “You’ve certainly been practicing.”

“Yeah, Gavin taught me that. He’s the best, isn’t he?”

He certainly is, Reina found herself agreeing silently, but said, “I’m sure, darling. Go on inside and wash up, or you’ll be late for school.”


Roy started to balk but stopped when Gavin placed a hand on his shoulder. “Remember what we talked about, Roy,” he said. “A gentleman has a code of honor.”

“You’re right,” Roy sighed, “I have to always show respect.”

“Good man,” Gavin said and moved him along. “Now go and do as your aunt says.”

Roy bounded up inside, leaving just the two of them alone. Gavin advanced on her, drawing her into his arms for a deep, sensuous kiss.

“Now that’s a proper good morning,” he said when he lifted his head.

“Yeah, it is,” she breathed, cupping his cheek.

“You know,” Gavin began to say as he slipped a hand into her dressing gown to caress her skin, “I bet if we hurry, we can do something entertaining between now and when Roy gets out of the bath.”

Reina opened her mouth to vehemently disagree but was cut off by the phone in the kitchen ringing.

“Can we hold that thought?” she said to Gavin, and headed into the kitchen to retrieve the phone. “Hello?”


“Good morning, sister. Did you have a nice night?”

Reina’s eyes nervously darted over to Gavin, who came to sit at the dining table and watch her.

“As a matter of fact, I did.”

“I’ll bet,” Elijah chuckled on the other end. “Binyamin has got quite the reputation for his talent with the ladies.”

“You’re disgusting, you know that?” she spat.

“Eh.” She envisioned his laid-back shrug. “I’ve been called worse. So, do you have any information for me?”


Reina swallowed the lump in her throat, “I…I couldn’t find anything. I’m afraid you were mistaken.”

There was a short silence, and Elijah finally spoke, “Oh, sister. Don’t you know that it’s a bad idea to lie to a Melissinos? Especially when you’re a terrible liar?”

“I’m not lying, Elijah…”

“Except you are,” Elijah cut her off coolly. “But don’t worry. All you need is a little practice.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“I’m trying to give you an assist here, Reina,” Elijah sighed, sounding defeated, “but I need you to help me help you. I need one thing, for you to get into Binyamin’s computer and insert the flash drive I sent you. That’s literally all you need to do.”

Reina gripped the phone tighter, turning her back on Gavin and lowering her voice. “I can’t, Elijah. I can’t…”

“Can’t what? Betray him?” he demanded, harsh now. “Don’t be so bloody naïve, sister. This isn’t personal; it’s business. It’s never personal.”

“Well, it is for me!” Reina heard herself hissing back. “I’m sorry, but I’m not like you. I don’t betray people, not like that.”

“Reina, the only one you’ll be betraying is Roy if you don’t do this for me,” Elijah retorted. “He’s the one who needs your loyalty, not Binyamin.”

“Elijah, please…”

“Don’t be stupid, Reina,” Elijah went on. “Making decisions with your heart will get you in trouble. You have forty-eight hours to get me what I want.” The line went dead, and Reina stared at the receiver in her hand like it was a dead rat.


“Making decisions with your heart will get you in trouble,” Elijah had said. The bitter irony was that he was right. Her heart had indeed gotten her into trouble, for she wasn’t sure she could bring herself to betray Gavin.

At first, when Elijah had brought his little “proposal,” Reina had tried to tell herself that she had no idea what her brother would use the information she stole for. It was just a harmless little action, right? And if it helped her hold on to Roy, then indeed it was a necessary evil?

The more time she spent with Gavin, the less she could bring herself to invade his privacy in such a horrendous way. What did that say about her as a person?

“Reina.” She heard Gavin’s voice behind her, remained still as his arms encircled her waist. “I’m right here,” he whispered against her hair. “You’re with me, you’re safe with me.”

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