Home > 7th Circle (Hades #1)(45)

7th Circle (Hades #1)(45)
Author: Tate James

The elevator arrived, and I let out a long sigh of relief when the doors slid closed once more. This was way too much tension for having just woken up. My nerves were all kinds of frayed, like they hadn't been in a long, long time.

"Hayden," Lucas murmured, turning to me and cupping my face in his hand. He tilted my face up to meet his gaze, then gave a small smile. "You're so short without heels on; it's freaking adorable."

I let out a shocked laugh. "You did not just call me adorable. Do you have any idea how many people I've killed, Lucas?"

His smile faded, and he shook his head. "I don't. But you're still adorable to me. I'm sorry I fell asleep; that was too risky."

Goddamn, he knew exactly what to say to wiggle past all my defenses.

"Equally my fault," I admitted with regret. His thumb brushed over my lips again, just like he'd done before I fell asleep, but this time I nipped him with my teeth. "Come on, I'll drive you home."

The elevator had just reached the parking level, and I let him link his fingers through mine as we walked past my modest collection of cars.

"You okay on my bike?" I asked him, stopping beside my Fat Bob. I grabbed a spare helmet from the shelf behind the parking space and held it out to him.

Lucas's brows hitched, but he took the helmet from me. "I've actually never been on a motorcycle before, but yeah, I'm game."

I gave a soft laugh as I pulled my own helmet on and swung my leg over Bob, then kicked the engine over. "I kinda like being your first, then."

He chuckled and slid onto the seat behind me. "Good. That was my first time giving head too. I hope it was okay."

I almost swallowed my damn tongue, then recovered by nodding firmly. "Uh, what? I mean, yep. Yes, you... yeah you nailed that." Then I grinned like a damn idiot as I drove out into the night with his hot body draped around me.

The drive to his house was over way too soon, and he reluctantly climbed off the back of my bike when I stopped at the end of his driveway.

"So... uh, I'll text you?" He said it as a question this time, and I got the impression he was actually asking permission, like he was checking if his one chance had run its course already.

I took his helmet back and clipped it onto a strap for the trip home, then screwed my face up as I thought. I should tell him no. He’d asked for one chance, and he’d gotten it... Trouble was, he hadn't asked for one night. He’d asked for a chance to prove he was what I needed in my life. Trouble was, he'd done that.

No matter how badly I wanted to live in denial, I had to admit that he'd proved his point. Sure, we’d mostly fucked. But those few things he had said, they'd all struck a nerve. His persistence had paid off before we'd even gotten naked tonight.

"Sure," I finally conceded. "But no one finds out, understood?"

He jerked a quick nod, a wide grin on his lips. "Understood."

"And we're not dating."

His grin deepened. "I promise I won't get jealous next time Zed marks his territory by putting an arm around you. I'm not asking to be your one and only, Hayden; I just want you... in whatever way you're willing to give."

I shook my head in disbelief. "You're something else, Lucas Wildeboer."

His eyes widened in shock at my use of his real name, and I gave a soft chuckle.

"Good night, Lucas."

He ran a hand over the back of his neck, his smile pure joy. "Sweet dreams, Hayden."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I drove away, trying so damn hard to wipe the echoing smile from my own face. It was no use, though. That goddamn lying teenage stripper was worming his way straight into my life... and my heart. And I wasn't even mad about it.

Until I sensed someone watching me again, then I just felt sick with anxiety thinking I'd slapped a target on Lucas's back.






The sun was well up in the sky by the time I dragged my ass out of bed the next day. I'd been awake until dawn, worrying that Lucas might be in the firing line of whoever was attacking my power structure. Ultimately, though, I'd decided they were probably just watching me, like they had been all week.

I hadn't kissed Lucas outside his house, and we'd only exchanged a couple of words. Even then, I hadn't noticed a tail until I was on my way home, so there was every chance they hadn't even seen me drop Lucas off. Hopefully.

So long as we were careful—more careful than we'd already been—then he could remain safe.

With a long yawn, I checked my phone for the time and groaned. It was already midafternoon, and I had a bunch of missed calls and texts. There was just one that made me smile like an idiot, though.

Wild Card: Good morning, H. I dreamed about you...

He'd sent it hours ago, and I yawned again before replying with a single heart emoji. It made me feel like a total dork but also gave me belly flutters of excitement, so I went with it.

The rest of my messages were just normal Saturday updates, plus a few from Zed advising me that he and Alexi were having a friendly chat with a certain Detective Sambal. He’d been one of the major beneficiaries of Wraith money in the past, so it was safe to assume he was currently on the take for this new player.

I texted him back, telling him to meet me at Anarchy later with an update, then went to shower.

When I was clean, my hair washed and blowdried, I wrapped up in a robe and went out to the kitchen to make coffee.

The TV was on in the living room, and after filling my mega-mug with caffeinated goodness, I wandered through to find my sister moping.

"What's up with you, brat?" I asked her, shoving her legs off the sofa so I could sit down. "You've got that sulky face going on."

She pouted at me, then turned her attention back to the TV.

I didn't push her for information, knowing perfectly well that she'd talk when she wanted to talk and not a moment sooner. This time it only took about five minutes of watching Julie and the Phantoms before she let out a melodramatic sigh and sat up.

"I don't think Lucas is interested in me," she admitted, and I stiffened. She misinterpreted my body language, though—as she often did—and threw her hands up in the air. "You totally warned him off, didn't you? Goddammit, Dare, I thought maybe, just maybe, this time you'd let me make my own damn decisions. He's not like other boys! Surely, even you could see that?"

Oh, I whole-heartedly agreed with her on that statement, but not for the reasons she was thinking.

Taking a careful sip of my coffee, I schooled my face into that neutral mask I wore so often and met her eyes. "What happened?"

She scowled at me, then shrugged. "I asked if he wanted to see a movie tonight with me and some of the other Shadow Prep girls." Her cheeks pinked, and she looked away, picking at the frayed sleeve of her sweater. "He made some total bullshit excuse about needing to work tonight."

I frowned, confused. "So? Maybe he needs to work." I didn't know why I was trying to placate her; I should be agreeing that he wasn't interested. But I hated seeing my sister upset...

She scoffed a laugh. "He goes to Shadow Prep, Dare. Not on a scholarship, either. Pretty sure he doesn't need to work. Also, he got super evasive when I asked where he worked and wouldn't even say what time he got off. So, yeah, pretty sure he's lying to blow me off."

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