Home > Lost in Las Vegas (Frost & Crowe Mystery #1)(5)

Lost in Las Vegas (Frost & Crowe Mystery #1)(5)
Author: Kristen Painter

I traveled with a tiara, for snowball’s sake.

Sin shook his head. “I don’t think what your father is talking about would qualify as a camper.”

“Sinclair’s right. This is more of a tour bus than a pop-up pull behind. It has all the comforts of home. Actually, it’s built on a bus frame.”

“All the comforts of home?” I crossed my arms and sat back. “So it has a hot tub?”

“Well, no, but that sort of thing will probably be available at whatever RV park you set up at.” My father looked at Sinclair like he was hoping for a lifeline. “I would imagine, anyway.”

“This sounds like fun,” Sin said. “So we’d pick up the RV where?”

“Anchorage. It’s the closest portal. Of course, that’s why you’d have to leave soon. It’s roughly an eight-day drive from there to Las Vegas.”

I went a little stiff. “Eight days?”

Sinclair grinned. “I bet the drive from Anchorage to Vegas is amazing.”

I stared at him. “Eight days?” That sounded like torture. Eight days in an RV? I couldn’t picture a vehicle nice enough that I’d want to spend eight days in it. Or even two, honestly.

“Imagine all the country we’d see. And I’ll do the driving. I’d enjoy it, actually.”

My father looked so pleased with himself. “You’re a good man, Sinclair.”

“I don’t know.” I glanced at Sin again. He looked so happy. Like this was the best thing that had happened to him since we got married. “Couldn’t we just fly?”

“You could,” my father answered. “But then the cats would have to travel in the cargo hold and—”

“No.” I put my hand down hard on his desk, the cold immediately seeping into my palm. “I’m not doing that to them.”

“Well, this way they could roam around and have their space.”

I did like that part. And how happy Sin looked. Was this what he needed? A new adventure? For him, I could endure anything. Even being cramped into a camper. At least we’d be together. And have the cats with us. I’d focus on that while I was standing on the toilet trying to wash my hair. “Okay, I’m in.”

My father’s grin went wide. “Excellent. Ezreal will accompany you to Anchorage and make sure you’re all set with the RV. You have two days to pack. Make sure you take your bracelet in case you need to hide your identity. I realize blue hair isn’t that odd of a sight these days, but your ears still give you away as an elf.”

“Bracelet?” Sin asked.

My father nodded. “For winter elves who travel outside of the realm, we have magical bracelets that can hide our true looks. They basically hide our ears and the color of our hair.”

“Nice,” Sin said.

I blinked at both of them, just chatting like this was any other conversation. “Hang on. I don’t even know how long to pack for.”

“I’d say at least a month. Maybe two.”

“Are you kidding?” Son of a nutcracker, that was a long time to live like a sardine.

“Well, we’d like you to visit quite a few stores. We’ll have the rest of the itinerary figured out by the time you reach Vegas, I’m sure. Or at least before you leave. And we may add more stops as you go so best to be prepared.”

Prepared. For a month or two of living in a camper going who knows where to smile and wave and be our royal selves.

My dad had lost his mind.

Sin shook his hand. “We’ll do the kingdom proud.”

“I know you will,” my dad said.

We walked straight back to our apartment. I was lost in thought. So much so that it took me a second to realize Sin had said something. “What was that?”

“I just said how amazing this trip is going to be.”

I frowned. “You really think so?”

“Sure, why wouldn’t it be?”

“I just… I don’t know. We were just kind of getting settled into life here.”

He opened the door to our apartment and let me in first, following behind. When the door was shut, he spoke again. “Our life here is great, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not the most…engaging life.”

My heart sank a little. “I knew it. You’re bored. Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I didn’t want to make you feel bad. I love you, and I love my new life. It’s just not as…”


He nodded. “I miss running my own business and coming up with new ideas and feeling like I was accomplishing something. I’m sorry. I’m sure in time that would change. But right now I don’t feel as useful as I’d like.”

I wrapped my arms around him. “You know what? I totally get it. Becoming a royal is a big adjustment. And not one any class can truly prepare you for.” I wanted to change all of that for him. And I realized how important this royal tour might be. Not to mention how it was happening at just the right time.

Had my dad sensed Sinclair was getting restless?

Sin hugged me back, kissing the top of my head. “I would never want to cause a problem for you.”

I leaned away to see his face. “I know you wouldn’t. But I love you, and you’re my husband, and your happiness is very important to me. And that is never something I’d consider a problem.” I smiled with everything I had in me. “We need to start packing.”

New light sparkled in his eyes. “You’re sure you want to do this trip?”

“I’ve never wanted to do anything more in my life. Outside of marrying you, which I already did.”

“Trip, Mama?” Spider sat a few feet away.

Sugar wasn’t too far behind him. She sat up and pawed the air. It was something new she’d just started doing. “Trip, Momlady?”

And that was her new name for me. Momlady. Cats were so funny. Talking cats, even more so.

Sin let me go to answer the cats. “Yep. Looks like we’re all going on a new adventure. Better pick out your favorite toys.”

At the word toy, Sugar perked up. “Mouses?”

“Sure,” Sin said. “Bring all the mouses you want.” He looked at me, grabbing my hand. “I promise I’ll be the best Prince Consort you could possibly imagine. I will kiss every hand and shake every baby you put in front of me.”

“You’re already the best Prince Consort I could possibly imagine. And it will be great to see your folks again.” I was starting to get excited about this. A little.

“They will be so thrilled we’re coming back. I’d better call them and let them know.” He didn’t let go of my hand though. And he hadn’t stopped smiling.

“You really love a road trip, huh?”

“Who doesn’t?” He tugged me close again. “There is nothing better than getting to see the country while also being in control of your journey. If you want to stop to see the world’s largest ball of tin foil, you can. If you want to stop at a roadside stand and buy homemade jam, you can. If you want to take a detour, you can do that too. Your day is up to you. I’m sure we’ll have some sort of schedule to keep to, but there has to be free time built in.”

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