Home > My Lord (Rothvale Legacy #2)(11)

My Lord (Rothvale Legacy #2)(11)
Author: Raine Miller

“I don’t even want to imagine what Mr. Finnegan and Marjorie are thinking about me. How am I going to work here at Donadea and be taken with any level of credibility after what they’ve both witnessed us doing knowing we're having sex all the—”

I slammed my lips down on hers to stop the tirade. It worked, and in a few seconds, I had my submissive sexy kitten moaning softly against my tongue. Kitten was the perfect descriptor for her, too. Hissing with baby cat-claws out one minute, and the next purring in my lap as she was petted. I knew I couldn’t get enough of her, and I definitely didn’t want our time together to end.

But really it wouldn’t be ending at all if I had my way.

I had a pretty good idea about something else that was going on with me, too.

Like and love are definitely not the same.

I liked to believe I’d experienced both in the course of my life. I did know the difference between the two.

I did, didn’t I?






“My friends as promised.” Ivan dropped his arms over the fence, brought two fingers up to his lips and delivered a sharp whistle. I figured out who his “friends” were when two white horses lifted their heads from grazing and started making their way toward us immediately. “The one on the left is Silver and that’s Pearl on the right. There's one more friend to meet but I don’t see him with the others. Maybe he’ll show up in a minute.”

The two white mares continued to come forward, their long, elegant manes and tails being swished by the wind. They were gorgeous beasts, pure white coats with black eyes and muzzles. Just add in a single swirly horn to each forehead and they’d be mythical creatures fit for a fairy tale. “Beautiful…just out of this world beautiful.” Nothing else needed to be said. I leaned into the fence and waited for the horses to approach, hoping like hell they would allow me to pet them.

“Indeed,” Ivan said softly as he focused on me, looking every inch the aristocratic lord, he’d been born. I still found it strange knowing he was so entrenched in the old aristocracy of England. When I thought of earls and barons, I pictured middle-aged men in tweed jackets and wool caps who cared for nothing beyond the next pheasant shoot. If I caught a glimpse of the House of Lords on television doing their thing in chambers, they appeared in robes with ridiculous collars arguing about something dull nobody cared about, much less understood. Ivan didn’t fit my perception of either stereotype. He was young and sexy, and even more so, charming and interesting. There was nothing dull or simple about him. It impressed the heck out of me to know he helped make arguments for important legislation and contributed his expertise as a public servant.

And I’d bet he had no trouble at all looking incredibly hot in his parliamentary robe either. I filed away the image in the secret fantasies portion of my brain. Maybe I could get him to wear it for me sometime. My inner nerd wouldn’t know what to do with herself when presented with so much sexy at one time.

I understood his ‘indeed’ wasn’t referring to Silver and Pearl as I was. Rather it was a veiled compliment that only served to pull me in deeper with him, into wherever this thing between Ivan and me was leading.

He says I’m beautiful.

But he was crazy beautiful for a man.

What in the hell am I doing here with a man like him? Ivan Everley, House of Lords, Baron, Olympian, Greek God, Parliamentary Cabinet Minister to the PM, Romanovs for relatives…and probably more I don't even know about yet.

I was unable to contemplate our situation anymore. My emotions were too taxed to reason out the logic or sensibility of being in an intimate relationship after such a long time of not. I was dreadfully out of practice.

And I’d never been very good to begin with.

“The horses, here in this setting—it is simply incredible, Ivan. I don’t think I’ve ever seen horses so magnificent.” I stroked the soft velvet of first Silver and then Pearl, allowing them to smell me before attempting to reach for their necks. I’d been taught that good manners were always appreciated, and animals were no different. Both horses rewarded me with nuzzles, giving me carte blanch to their foreheads so I could rub on them to my heart’s content.

Ivan watched.

I knew he was staring again and did my best to ignore him, wondering yet again, why he was so focused on me.

“You know your way around horses, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I do,” I answered while enjoying the smell of horse up my nose for the first time in a long time. “I love them.”

“And you ride?”

“Actually, yes. I took my first riding lesson at four. Over the years my mother liked to remind me of my announcement after that very first session. Apparently, I informed her that I would be moving into the stables and making the stall into my new bedroom.”

“Now that’s a scene I have absolutely no trouble imagining.” He said, leaning sexily against the fence, his lean muscles showing through the white linen shirt where his arms pulled the fabric tight. “You must have been an independent child, speaking your opinions freely.”

“You’re probably spot-on there. I am sure my family would agree with you, there. It's been a while since I've ridden though. I had to leave my horse, Rocket, behind when I moved to London," I said as a dark shape appeared from over the rise and caught my attention. Another horse. A stallion. Pure black and stunningly regal as he came toward us. “Is that the friend you hoped would show up?” I pointed in the stallion’s direction.

“Yep. That would be Pontus. Donadea’s standing stud, descended from a champion bloodline of racing stock, but he’s really just a big lout who earns his keep pleasuring the ladies.”

“Ha! Are you sure that’s Pontus you’re talking about? Could be describing yourself.”

He laughed at my analogy and wagged a finger at me. “Your mouth, Miss Hargreave, quite cheeky. I predict some payback will find its way to you… later.”

I suppressed the erotic shiver that immediately consumed me and turned my attention toward the approaching Pontus. When Ivan said stuff like that to me, my body responded in ways I'm sure he picked up on. I could only imagine how he might repay me for all my snarky teasing. Pontus distracted the awkward moment by pushing right in between Silver and Pearl and demanding some of the attention.

He nibbled at Ivan’s shirt hem and nosed around his hip pocket.

“Yes, mate, I’ve brought what you want. Finnegan wouldn’t let me out of the house without treats for you greedy lot,” he murmured. I watched Ivan retrieve a biscuit from his pocket and offer it to Pontus who wasted no time in gobbling it down. “And for you patient beauties as well.” He presented one each to Silver and Pearl. The contrast of the mares’ dainty acceptance of the treat compared to the messy way in which Pontus demanded his was hilarious. Witnessing Ivan interacting with the horses, and the obvious affection between them racked up even more points with me.

A man who showed his love and affection for animals?

Got me every time.

“So, you’re breeding horses here at Donadea.”

He nodded. “Polo ponies born here go all over the world to play. Donadea has been turning out the best in the sport for nearly two centuries. Pontus here is a direct descendant of the original standing stud. A racing champion called Triton who took Haymarket by storm in 1815. After his run through all the racing cups of the day he was moved here from Warwickshire to live out his days and to establish a breeding farm at Donadea. It continues to be a hugely successful enterprise for the estate.”

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