Home > Curves and Cars(5)

Curves and Cars(5)
Author: Kat Baxter

“Oh God,” she pants.

“Keep circling that tight little clit. I can’t wait to suck that nub into my mouth. That’s it.” I can feel her pussy getting tighter and her noises are getting louder. She’s close and I’m ready to go over the edge with her.

I pinch her nipple and go faster, fucking her hard and deep.

“Yes!” She bangs her hand on the counter again and her back bows as she comes all over my cock. It’s enough to set me off.

It feels like the biggest orgasm of my life. I grip her hip tight as I hold myself inside her until my dick stops spasming.

We both gasp for air. Her chest is rising fast and she leans her head back against my chest. “Wow.”

“Yeah. Wow.” I pull out of her and discard the condom in the trash can. Then zip myself back up. She’s got red fingerprints on her hip where I gripped her too hard. It’ll probably bruise. I move my hand softly over her marred skin. “I’m sorry if I was too rough.”

She spins around to face me and looking at her in the mirror was one thing, but head on, she’s incredible. She’s got a small patch of red curls at the top of her mound and then endless curves of pale, creamy skin.

“You were perfect.”

“You’re flawless,” she says.

And that’s when it hits me. Now I’ve got to either sleep in these wet slacks with my wet socks or I’m going to have to tell her—show her—that I’m the very antithesis of flawless. I’m not even a whole man.



Chapter 4






* * *


Something dark crosses his features, then he turns and walks out of the bathroom. I’m left naked and confused. I blow out a breath and try to ignore the way my eyes heat and tears form.

For me, that experience had been unlike anything I’ve ever felt. We connected on much more than a physical level. I felt him everywhere. I’d foolishly assumed he’d experienced the same, but evidently not.

I don’t know why I let myself believe he could want me for more than a hookup. My own damn fiancé couldn’t even stomach the thought of sleeping with me. This was clearly just a weird adrenaline-induced seduction brought on by the storm and shared space.

I turn on the shower and go through the motions. Letting the water wash away my tears. But nothing seems to be loud enough to drown out my mother’s voice. I really wanted her to be wrong.

“You should watch your weight. You’re only a few pounds away from no man wanting you.”

“You need to get a manicure. What man would want you if you have oil under your nails?”

“No man wants a woman who can change a tire faster than he can!”

I climb out and wrap a towel around my body—well sorta—those damn tiny hotel towels never fully cover my curves. Standing back in the mirror feels nearly painful without his hulking body behind me.

I wash my face free of makeup, take a deep breath and put on my proverbial big girl panties and leave the bathroom. Maybe if he’ll loan me some clothes I can get a room of my own and just chalk this experience up to that time I lost my mind and had explosive life-ruining sex with a stranger.

He doesn’t feel like a stranger though.

He’s sitting in the office chair, still dressed the same. That is he’s shirtless and he’s got his black trousers on which I know have to be wet and horribly uncomfortable.

“The shower is empty if you want…” my voice trails off as I point over my shoulder like he doesn’t know where the bathroom is.

He glances up at me and there’s blatant hunger in his expression as those mesmerizing hazel orbs take in my nearly naked body. Well, that’s just damn confusing.

“Aren’t you uncomfortable? I mean I know those pants have to be wet.”

He scrubs a hand down his face, then leans forward and brackets his elbows on his knee. “I have to tell you something, Sugar.”

My stomach tightens. “Oh God, are you married?”

“What? No! Fuck, no. I’d never.” He stands and walks towards me, grabs onto my arms. “I’m not a cheater.” He looks up at the ceiling. “I probably should have told you before I buried myself inside you.”

“Cade, you’re scaring me.”

He begins unfastening his pants and I have no idea what is happening. Then the pants are dropped and he’s left in tight black boxer briefs which are currently doing nothing to hide his sizeable erection.

He does want me. Or he finds rainstorms super sexy.

“Do you see?”

“That you’re hard? Kinda hard to miss, you’re not small.”

“My fucking leg, Summer.”

Oh there’s that too. I hadn’t missed his prosthetic, I just didn’t care. “I noticed your limp earlier when we were coming in.” I point as his suitcase. “Do you have a shirt in there I could put on? It’s kind uncomfortable hanging out in a towel.”

He grabs a rolled up shirt, but makes no move to hand it to me. “That’s it?”

I frown. Confused. “That’s what?”

“You don’t have anything to say about my stump?”

I wince at the use of that word. “Well, I’m assuming from your tattoos that you were in the military and that it happened over there somehow.” I cup his cheek. “Did you want to tell me about it?”

He searches my face. I’m not sure what he’s looking to find there. “You don’t care?”

“That you lost your leg? Of course I care, that must have been horrible for you.”

“It doesn’t make you not want me? Change whether you find me attractive or not?”

I jerk back as if he’s struck me. “What? No. That doesn’t even make sense, Cade. It would not be an exaggeration for me to say that you are single-handedly the hottest, most attractive man I’ve ever met. Ever seen.” I rub my thumb against his cheek. “You’re so handsome. You’re still the man that rescued me from the church and saved me from that tortuous dress. Even if this is only for tonight, you’re my hero.”

He’s quiet for a few minutes as he takes me in. “That’s not all I did to you.” This time he’s got a slight smile and his voice is deep.

I smile back at him. “No, it’s not.”

He tosses me the T-shirt and it’s so soft and I don’t even try to hide that I put it up to my nose and sniff it.

“It’s clean.”

“I know that. But it smells like you.” I drop my towel and pull the shirt on. Despite the fact that I’m not short and there’s nothing on my body that’s petite, the shirt swallows me. Except across my tits where it does pull a little. This experience is weird for me, because I’ve never been swallowed by a man’s clothes before. I’m too big. Too curvy. Too much.

“You look good in my shirt.”

He’s still standing there with his trousers around his ankles.

“So that’s why you left the bathroom? You thought I was going to freak out about your prosthetic?”

He leans against the dresser and takes off the shoe and sock from his good leg, then pulls the pants off that leg. Then he bends and removes the shoe and sock from his prosthetic. Until finally he stands and walks towards me in his boxers and black socks. His gait is uneven and the prosthetic obviously doesn’t look like a real leg, but he’s still the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.

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