Home > Ruined (The Salvation Society)(28)

Ruined (The Salvation Society)(28)
Author: Annabelle Anders

“That way,” the sister behind her continued, “a lady wouldn’t find herself in such a predicament when her maid is suddenly called away. It isn’t as though you could ask Lucas to help you.”

Although initially taken aback, Naomi already was feeling more put together. The governess had set herself to arranging the dishes on the tray Naomi had removed earlier and was efficiently pouring water into the porcelain pot. “Do you have any napkins, Ma’am?” she asked Naomi for all the world as though she, her employer, and her charges hadn’t just arrived to find her in a somewhat scandalous situation with the duke’s brother.

As he had every night for almost a week now, Luke had made love to her the night before. And then she, in turn, had made love to him. And if she was correct in her assumption, they’d been on the verge of making love again before his brother had begun pounding on the door.

A duke. She covered her cheeks with her hands for a moment, only to drop them immediately.

“I’m sorry for your loss, Mrs. Gilcrest.” The young woman who’d been dampening the wrinkles out of her skirt rose, looking quite solemn. “Especially with your babe on the way. When is it coming, do you know?”

“It’s not polite to comment on a proper lady’s confinement, Lady Lucinda.” Mrs. Cromwell made a hushing sound.

Only, Naomi didn’t imagine herself a very proper lady at the moment. A proper woman, perhaps, a highly satisfied voice piped up in her thoughts.

“I’m not offended.” She gave Lady Lucinda a reassuring nod and reached for some napkins in a nearby cupboard. “Sometime after the holidays.” According to the midwife who’d visited her in August. Arthur had insisted the midwife visit just before he’d taken his leave. He’d told her it would provide him with peace of mind until he could return.

The memory brought her up short. It would be easier to hate him if he had been all bad. He’d been irresponsible. He’d lied to her and he’d cheated. And despite his last ghastly blunder, she could not deny that in the time they’d been together, he’d treated her with affection.

And he had asked Luke to look after her. Luke, the man who had since stolen her heart and brought it back to life—a heart she’d considered beyond repair.

“I imagine you wish for a boy?” Lady Lydia had finished working on the fasteners and moved around to assist with a second tray. “To carry on Captain Gilcrest’s name.”

“Gil wasn’t the heir, Lydia,” her sister inserted. “Baby girls are underrated.”

“I suppose. But the earl shows no sign of marrying and if he doesn’t, Gil’s child would stand to inherit the title.”

“I hadn’t thought of that.” Lady Lucinda’s eyes opened wide.

Neither had Naomi. Her heart skipped several beats at the possibility.

She’d not met Gil’s older brother as he’d not been in London last spring and Gil hadn’t been eager to talk about his family to her.

“That’s probably why they’re coming here.” The two girls had been moving around the kitchen as they talked and since they were wearing identical gowns, Naomi lost track of which one was which.

But… Her heart stopped. “They are coming here?”

“It’s why Black rushed us down here.”

“That and because Luke’s new orders had come. He only brought us because we begged. Blasted brother of ours thinking he could get away without coming home while on leave.”

Naomi hardly noticed that the girls were glancing between one another, looking more than a little dismayed that such a complaint had been uttered aloud.

Because Naomi was the reason he hadn’t made it home.

But her mind was spinning with what she’d already learned. She hadn’t considered that her child might be an anticipated heir, nor could she dismiss the announcement that Luke’s orders had come. She’d known Luke was going to have to leave but it was becoming all too real…

Fear slid down her spine. He was going to leave the country. He was going to put himself back in the line of fire. Even if he went through with his plans to sell out, he must first fulfill his present duties. It was the quality of man that he was. His honor would require it.

“Shall we?” Mrs. Cromwell lifted one of the trays and Naomi rushed forward to lift the second one.

Walking out of the kitchen, Naomi hoped they’d allowed Blackheart and Luke enough time to settle all the matters that had needed discussing.

Arthur’s family was coming here? Crescent Park, however, sat mostly empty. but she had difficulty imagining his mother and brother going out of their way to come to her assistance.

The possibility that her child could become the heir to the Tempest Earldom had her wanting to cover her belly and hide from the world.

Where would that leave her? She drew on all the training she’d had as her mother’s daughter and lifted her chin as they entered the parlor, which suddenly seemed much smaller than it had before.

Both Luke and Blackheart rose but it was Luke who crossed the room to take the tray from her hands and lower it to a table. He met and held her gaze briefly while doing so. If an expression could hold a thousand words, he somehow managed just that.

I’m sorry we were interrupted.

I’m sorry you had to meet my family this way.

You look beautiful.

I want to be inside of you again.

I’m going to have to leave you.

Naomi merely nodded and turned to pour the first cup with shaking hands. She would imagine that he loved her, but it was too soon. Wasn’t it?

She was more grateful than ever for his sister’s excitement to inform Luke of practically everything they’d done or seen while he’d been away. And most exciting of all was that the duke had given his permission for them to make their come outs that spring. Lady Ravensdale had consented to sponsor them.

While lying in bed, holding one another in the dark of the night, Luke had explained that his next mission would take six months to a year. The duration depended on how quickly he could achieve his objectives.

Come spring, Naomi would be a mother. Her baby would be here. How was it possible for a person to feel so many emotions at the same time? She required all of her dignity to maintain her poise until the duke indicated that he and Luke had business to attend to in the village. He would send a carriage later this afternoon if she would be so kind as to dine with all of them in the private dining room at the inn?

She nodded and somehow made the appropriate responses until the carriage rode off of the property. Luke was expected to follow shortly.

Blackheart had confirmed that Lord Tempest and his mother might both be traveling to Hull Crossing. Learning of Arthur’s death, they’d suddenly located their interest in his wife and the child she was carrying. She wasn’t sure if she ought to be grateful or offended.

When the carriage disappeared around the corner, Luke didn’t hesitate, but walked them back into the parlor and swept her into his arms.

If Lord Tempest was sending someone here, or possibly traveling himself with his mother, Luke needed to return to the coaching inn. She shuddered when she comprehended the repercussions if they discovered she’d been with Luke, alone.

Good lord. They could not know the truth of what she’d been up to.

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