Home > Angelview Academy : A Dark High School Romance(162)

Angelview Academy : A Dark High School Romance(162)
Author: E.M.Snow

Still, it’ll be nice having the campus to myself.

I find myself laughing out loud at the notion that Saint would consider me in his plans for either of those happenings, which evokes a tight-lipped scowl from Loni.

“What’s so funny?”

“Um, maybe the fact that those are both a hard no. Prom doesn’t really seem like his type of thing, and I’m sure he’s got some exciting, luxurious trip to a tropical paradise planned. My being there would probably just get in the way of him scoring something hot, tan, and double-D’d.”

And knowing Saint’s appetite, there will be several of those somethings.

My words are casually spoken, but the thought of him with other girls makes my stomach twist painfully. I grit my teeth and shake my head, hoping that dislodges the image of him doing the same things he does with me with someone else.

“Please, it’s obvious to anyone who sees you two together that no other girl can come close. Besides, double-Ds eventually go south,” Loni points out, giving my arm a reassuring squeeze as she nods toward my chest. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

“I’m not worried,” I lie. But if I’m the only girl he’s interested in right now, why hasn’t he been coming to my room?

At that moment, we reach Loni’s classroom.

“I’ll see you at dinner,” she says, peeling away from me. She glances back at Saint, giving him a wave. “Later, Joe.”

Saint glowers at her, then jerks his chin in a way that might be considered friendly.

Once she disappears into her classroom, I turn my attention back to Saint.

“Did Baby Juggernaut forget my fucking name or something?” he demands.

I don’t even bother to give him a recap of Loni and Henry’s newest Netflix obsession and the absolute insanity that is Joe Goldberg and instead edge closer to him, my voice going soft when I speak. “Are you going to keep following me or actually walk with me? We’re in the same class, after all.”

Giving me a rare, genuine smile, he strides forward so we’re standing side by side.

“Didn’t realize you were so eager to be seen with me. Do you want to hold hands? Wear my blazer? Should I have ordered a class ring just so you can wear it around your neck on a janky chain?”

I roll my eyes so hard, it’s a wonder they don’t tumble out of my head and fall to the tile floor. “I already regret this.”

We begin walking together in silence. I’m dying to ask him why he hasn’t come to see me at night, but I’m embarrassed by how nervous I am to find out the exact reason he hasn’t. Also, I’m a little irritated that I now have the image of him getting some vacation strange in my head.

God, why does this have to be so complicated? I almost miss the days when I just loathed him and we hate-fucked on occasion. It was so much simpler than when his sole purpose was making my life hell.

“So, what were you and Loni talking about so intensely?”

My shoulders creep toward my earlobes. Could he hear us? Shit, what if he did? What all did I even say?

“Nothing really.”

“Yeah?” He sounds almost amused.

“Just stupid stuff. Prom and spring break—girl stuff.”

“I see.”

We turn the corner to head down the hall toward our classroom door. As we pass by a utility closet, he suddenly grabs my arm, opens the door, and yanks me inside.

I let out a squeak of surprise as he locks us inside and pulls the light string, illuminating his bronze features.

“What the hell are you do—”

He cuts me off, cupping my face between his big hands, and slants his full lips over mine. I moan. Clutch the front of his shirt to instinctively pull him closer. Melt into him without any hesitation. He backs me up against the shelves behind me, and I swear he’s about to fuck me right here and now. I’m not so sure I’d stop him. In fact, the thought shoots thrills through my veins, and I tense to jump up and wrap my legs around him. Before I can move, he abruptly pulls back.

“What—” I breathe, but he presses the pad of his thumb to the center of my lips, stroking my flesh with slow side-to-side motions and smearing my lip balm.

“I like seeing you jealous every now and then. Even if it is over some fantasy bitch with big tits.”

I gasp and he slips his free hand beneath my plaid skirt to give my ass a loud slap before stepping back and grinning down at me. “See you in class, Mallory.” Adjusting his blazer, he saunters out the closet before I can pick my jaw up off the floor.


I feel a headache begin to throb between my eyes as I make my way back out into the hall. Saint’s waiting for me, that superior smile still twitching his lips. Tilting my chin up, I march right past him into the room. His laughter follows me inside.

Taking my seat, I place my chin in my hands and let out a small sigh. I was already so confused and horny before the closet, and now I’m only more so of each. Stealing a peek toward Saint, who’s taken his seat as well, I catch him studying my profile. I discreetly flash my middle finger at him, like a middle schooler discovering the power of flipping off the boy who pulls her hair for the first time, but what can I say? He brings out the worst in me.

My headache’s getting worse. I shouldn’t even be worrying about him so much. I have much more important things on my plate that should be taking up my focus.

Like my upcoming meeting with Nora, for example.

I’d known it was coming but finding that note from her in my room over the weekend was still jarring. I’d gone for my first swim since Jon Eric’s death, deciding it was time I finally faced my fears and reclaimed the pool as my own. When I’d returned to my dorm, a note had been waiting for me, taped to the frame of my dresser mirror. I knew it was from Nora before I even opened the damn thing, but it still shook me to read her words. It wasn’t a long letter, but I was quickly learning that Nora really wasn’t one for unnecessary words. On the folded piece of paper was an address and a reminder that we were scheduled to meet again this Sunday.

Just thinking about sitting across from her without slamming her face into her salad plate spikes my blood pressure, but I don’t have much of a choice. It’s the only way I can check on Jenn and make sure she’s safe. Nora has ironclad leverage over me, and until I can figure out a way to free Jenn from her hold, I’ll be forced to play Nora’s sick games for the foreseeable future.

So, really, Saint shouldn’t be my top priority.

I should think of graduating.

Saving Jenn.

The fact that Nora is convinced that Saint’s dad is a mass murderer and that she’s using me to get money so she can go after him.

And yet, I can’t get my mind off him.

Stockholm syndrome at its finest, that little voice of reason trills in the back of my skull.

I glance over at him again, and he’s still giving me that ridiculously enticing smile that makes my knees wobble. He’s so arrogant, and that’s one of the things about him that I find most attractive: his confidence and total lack of fucks given.

Ah, man. This place has really messed me up.

I hate to admit, but Loni might’ve been right earlier. Someone’s caught feelings, but it’s not Saint.

It’s me.

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