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Dante (Love @ the Haven #1)(4)
Author: Stella Shaw

“You can help him with that, right?”

Blake shook his head. “It’s not my area of expertise. I’m in forensic accounting. I don’t deal with banks, with business finance. Rick… well, he hasn’t had any luck with it so far.” He made a tsk noise. “Anyway, that’s not your problem.”

I gazed at him for a while longer. He still smelled good, but there was a tang to it now, an edge of nervous sweat, perhaps. His hands rested on his knees. Did he worry he’d reach out and touch me otherwise? Instead of feeling the usual satisfaction I did when I knew a man wanted me—and would want to pay for it—my stomach felt shaky.

“And thank you for what you’ve been doing to keep things running,” he said.

Huh? “What’s that?”

“You’ve been keeping the books, haven’t you? The insurances, the taxes. Paying the bills. That’s all happened since Aunt Pop left the hotel.”

“It was just basic paperwork.” I did not want to talk about this, but I was seduced by the slight quirk to his mouth, his quiet but confident tone. The sexy lilt in his voice from his accent. The way he made sure to have my attention before he spoke again.

“I understand.” He must have got the message I didn’t want to talk about me, because he fell silent. In the background I could hear the electronic music of Tom’s favourite game, then a thump from upstairs where probably something else had just broken or fallen.

“Tell me about your business, Blake,” I said. “I don’t know anything about forensic accounting.”

I did, actually, and maybe Blake realised I was just turning on the escort spiel, but he settled back in his seat and smiled.

“It’s my father’s business, he founded it with a couple of friends he’d known since university. They have a combination of skills, not just accounting, so it’s a unique way to offer law and tax specialisms in the same practice. We have offices in the centre of Edinburgh, but can work around the country, wherever we’re needed.”

“Wherever there’s fraud to be discovered?”

His eyebrows rose. “It’s not always for that, but yes, that’s mainly what we’re called in for. We have a solid reputation for good work. Sometimes, though, it’s not investigative or criminal prosecution work. We also prepare top-level management reports, or support to businesses in trouble.”

“Do you still live in Edinburgh?”

He paused a beat before answering this time. “I travel a lot, but yes, I have a house there. My family still lives close by, and it’s where I met Rick. He was renovating the building next door to us, and we struck up a friendship.”

My turn to raise my eyebrows, and Blake laughed. If I’d had any doubts that he was also gay, his ease with the implied question put that to rest.

“No, nothing more than that, though I consider us close. Have you ever been to Edinburgh, Dante?”

“Me?” I didn’t want him to see how he’d startled me. “I’ve never been out of London.”

“It’s a spectacular, beautiful city. I think you’d love the buzz, the history, the social and cultural life. What are you doing over the Christmas holiday?”

I think my jaw just dropped. Blake laughed, put a hand to my chin and gently pushed my mouth closed.

“Sorry. That was a too-personal question. But if you were looking for a great seasonal celebration, you couldn’t find a better city.” His expression softened. “I wouldn’t miss Christmas with my family.”

“You’re single?”

His eyes narrowed and for a moment I thought I’d offended him. Maybe this was my too-personal enquiry.

But he nodded and smiled. “Yes, I am. Though with four siblings, all now married with bairns, it’s still a growing family. I wish I had more time with them, but it’s back to London after New Year.”

“All work and no play,” I murmured inanely. How dumb did I sound?

But Blake laughed. “I know. Whereas I expect you’ll be taking full advantage of playing, over the holiday. You’re an attractive, intriguing man, Dante.”

“I do my best.” I was sure to keep my expression clear. His eyes were still sparkling with pleasure, from when he’d talked about his life and his home. He was more sexy, more fascinating than ever. It wasn’t his fault I was such a loser in comparison.

“About the loan for Rick?” I said rashly.


“I still have a few contacts,” I said. “Some ex-colleagues from when I worked in the city. I’ll put out some feelers.”

“You will? That’s great.”

Blake looked relieved. Would he touch me now? I could feel the desire flowing between us, like an actual, living current. Sometimes a man put his hand on my leg, or sometimes they turned on that smug smile that heralded we’d come to a mutual agreement. Sometimes, to be honest, they just grabbed my crotch. I didn’t necessarily mind. It all helped me plan what sort of session I could expect.

But Blake stood, moving away from me. He took a deep, steadying breath before saying, “Thank you, Dante. I’ve helped Rick as much as I can, but he needs others to get involved now.”

He was a genuine man, I could clearly see. One with integrity, with maturity. I couldn’t reconcile what he was doing with me, that was all.

“Arne’s a good friend of mine,” I blurted out. “He can be relied on, too. We won’t leave Rick in the lurch.”


His smile was relaxed now. It warmed parts of me I hadn’t acknowledged for a long time. “Anything else?” I asked, instinctively lowering my tone.

“No. Except, again, thank you.”

As he turned away, I realised I’d raised my hand as if to grasp his arm, to keep him close. What was the matter with me? But he walked out of the bar without a second look at me.

Anything else?

Astonishing how much I’d wanted him to say yes.




And so, rather surprisingly, we all started work to repair the Haven.

The last weeks of November were still icy, but at least the snow eased off. The roof wasn’t totally ruined, thank God, so it was a patch-up job rather than a full replacement. Then replastering the ceilings affected by the snow damage. Rick needed hands to help—and we had them.

Arne was still living on the premises, so he and Pyotr turned full-time labourers. I was still looking for a contract office job, but recruitment in the city slowed this close to Christmas, so I had spare time. Most mornings, Liam would pick me up on his way to the Haven, and we both added to the team.

Even Tom helped, although after his wailing when he broke a heel on an exposed joist, he was relegated to making endless cups of tea.

There was no mistaking Rick’s relief and gratitude every time we turned up. Maybe he learned that escorts could be manual workers, too—no pun intended. Because, in return, I learned it was never a matter of just re-plastering over a hole or changing a washer. There always seemed to be deeper problems, that took time to fix. Every minute of the re-wiring, plumbing repairs, and replacement of rotten walls, could be measured by the new callouses on my hands.

But thank God Rick knew all about building. The rest of us had a hotchpotch of skills, none of which involved restoring a hotel. But under his guidance, we carried stuff about, smashed other stuff up, and after a few days, the snow wasn’t creeping indoors through the walls anymore. By the end of the week, some of the bedrooms were returning to use.

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