Home > Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(24)

Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(24)
Author: Katie Holland

Me: So, do you want my help?

Tiffany: Sure. Come over any time.


I grabbed my bag and headed over to Tiffany’s apartment. I hadn’t been inside, but I knew which one was hers. I knocked on the door. A girl I didn’t know answered it.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“I’m here to see Tiffany,” I told her.

“Just a sec. Tiffany, the door is for you,” she yelled into the apartment.

I watched Tiffany come out of what I assumed was her bedroom.

“I didn’t think you’d be here this soon,” she said.

“Is that a problem?” I asked.

“No, just unexpected. Come in.” She closed the door behind me. “Do you want a drink or something?”

“Nah, I’m fine,” I said.

“Okay. Let’s go to my room.”

I followed her to the room she came out of. I was right to assume that it was her bedroom. It was very tidy, as in nothing looked out of place.

“Does your room always look like this?” I asked.

“Yeah. I’m kind of a neat freak,” she said with a shrug. “So, are you going to tell me how you knew what was on my computer?”

“I hacked it,” I told her. “My dad owns a security company, so I grew up around him doing all sorts of stuff. That was one of things I picked up on and I found out I was really good at it.”

“Okay, I really don’t know what to say to that,” she said.

“That’s fine. It’s not something I tell a lot of people. And I really don’t use it just for fun and stuff like that. Last time I used, it was to help Kayleigh. Someone was stalking her, and I was trying to help get him kicked out of school.”

“Really? Did it work? What happened to the guy?”

“Uh, he ended up kidnapping her and was killed by the police. My computer skills actually helped in her rescue.”

“Wow. That’s like something from a movie or a book.”

“Yep. So anyway,” I said. “Am I qualified to help you?”

She kind of laughed. “Yeah, I think you can help me.”

“Okay, let’s get started,” I said.

What I helped Tiffany with was super easy for me, but complicated if you were just a normal computer user. In less than an hour we were finished.

“I never would have gotten that without your help,” Tiffany told me.

“Why are you taking this course anyway?”

“I just thought it would look good when I finish my degree.”

“What are you majoring in?”

“Business. I’d love to be able to run my own company one day,” she said.

“What kind of company?”

“I have no idea,” she laughed. “I just know I’m not cut out to work for someone else my whole life.

“I’m taking business, too,” I told her. “One day I’ll take over my parent’s company.”

“You said your dad had a security company. Do you mean like installing alarm systems?”

That made me laugh. “No. West Security and Recovery specializes in high end clients. We keep both them and their homes safe.”

“Gotcha. So, like bodyguards and shit.”

“Yeah, that’s part of it.”

“What’s the recovery part all about?” she asked.

“If wealthy people go missing, we help find them.”

“Wow, I didn’t even know such a thing existed.”

“Most people don’t. So, do you have any other homework that you have to do?”

“Yeah, actually I do.”

“Me too,” I said holding up my bag. “Mind if I work on mine here?”

“Not at all,” she said, “as long as you’re okay working on the bed.”

“That’s fine with me.”

I got out my books and stretched out on Tiffany’s bed. A few hours later, my stomach was growling.

“Enough homework. It’s time to eat,” I announced, closing my books.

“Ugh, I agree. I can’t take another minute of homework. Do you want me to cook you dinner?” she asked.

“You can cook?”

“Yeah,” she said with a laugh. “Most people don’t eat out all the time Bodie.”

“I know. But the majority of people our age can’t even boil water without burning it.”

“You’re hanging out with the wrong people then.”

“Probably,” I said with a smile.

I watched as Tiffany made us homemade mac and cheese and burgers.

“Maybe you should open a restaurant or café,” I told her halfway through the meal. “This shit is excellent.”

“I never thought about that.”

“You could use your business degree to get you started,” I suggested.

“It’s a thought, but I still have two years to go until I graduate, so who knows what’ll happen before then.”

I helped Tiffany clean up.

“And he knows how to clean,” she said when we were finished.

“Of course, I do. I had chores when I was a kid.”

“So, not so spoiled after all. Nice to know,” she joked.

“Funny. Thanks for dinner,” I told her.

“And thanks for the help with my assignment. I’ll let you know my grade.”

“You’ll get an A. I guarantee it.”

By the time I got back to the dorm, it was after 8:00. I’d managed to distract myself for almost six hours. I knew I had to apologize to Karma, and I hoped enough time had passed that she’d cooled down some so I texted her.


Me: Karma, I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have asked you that and I don’t know why I did. Are you still mad at me?


I had no idea if she would respond or not. All I could do was wait.



Chapter 16


When I heard my phone ding, I assumed it was Anthony, but it turned out to be Bodie. I stared at the text not sure what to do. Was I still a little pissed? Yes. But he was apologizing and in my book that counted for something. After a while, I finally decided to answer him.


Me: Apology accepted

Bodie: Thank you. I hated that you were mad at me.

Bodie: You left your Spanish book at the coffee place. Do you need it?


Crap. I didn’t even realize I’d left it there.


Me: Not right now since we don’t have that class again until Tuesday. I’ll get it from you tomorrow.

Bodie: Ok. See you in class.


I flopped back on my bed. People always thought it was women that caused all the drama, but in my experience, lately it was the guys. My phone dinged again and this time I was positive it was going to be Anthony. I smiled when I saw a text from him.


Anthony: Do you have plans tomorrow night? Better yet, what are your plans for the whole weekend?

Me: Nothing planned for tomorrow, but I have practice Saturday morning. What did you have in mind?

Anthony: Could you be persuaded to spend the entire weekend with me?

Me: YES! But I absolutely have to be at practice.

Anthony: That can be arranged. I’ll pick you up after your last class tomorrow.

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