Home > Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(36)

Diving in Deep (Bay State University #2)(36)
Author: Katie Holland

“I guess we go back to being friends and try to put this behind us. Okay?”

“Yes, that’s more than okay. Now about that Spanish homework?”

“You know we don’t have any,” I said.

“I know, so how about I take you out to eat to try and make up for my assery.”

Despite myself I chuckled. “Assery, huh?”

“Yep. Come on, let’s go. My treat.”

I really should have said no, but I never seemed to make the best decisions when it came to Karma, so of course I agreed.

We went to a Mexican restaurant so I could “practice my Spanish.” She would laugh at the way I said things and then correct me. I was surprised that we were able to act so normally after everything that happened.

“I’m glad we’re still friends,” Karma said, when I walked her back to her dorm. “You know I’m going to have to tell Kayleigh about this right?”

“Yeah, but to be fair Major already knows what happened, well, not your part of it but mine.”

She gave me a look.

“What was I supposed to do? I felt guilty, like I’d taken advantage of you or something. I needed to talk to someone, and I knew Major wouldn’t tell anyone, even Kayleigh.”

“Okay, I get it. Are you going to tell him this part too?” she asked.

“That’s up to you,” I said.

“You might as well tell him,” she said. “Because after I tell Kayleigh she’s going to say something to him.”

“Fair enough,” I said. “Well, good night, Karma. See you tomorrow.”

I waited until she was safely inside and walked back to my dorm. I was surprised when I saw Major watching TV.

“Hey,” I said. “I thought you’d be with Kayleigh.”

“We need to talk,” he said.

“About what?”

“What the fuck was wrong with you today?”



“Karma lied to me about remembering us having sex.”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah, really.”

“How did you find out?”

“She called me Friday and said she couldn’t sleep. She asked me to talk dirty to her so she could get off and that would help her.”

“Tell me you said no,” Major said.

“You know I can’t seem to say no to her, so I did as she asked.” Major shook his head at me. “Anyway, while I was talking to her, she let something slip that made me realize she remembered everything from that night. I confronted her tonight and she told me everything. Then she bought me dinner to apologize.”

“I don’t even know what to say to that,” he said. “There are so many things wrong with everything you just told me.”

“Once she explained why she lied, the reason she did it actually made sense. It was probably for the best anyway.”

“So, why did she lie?”

“Remember when I told you it was the best sex I’d ever had and I just felt like more, well I guess she felt the same thing. So, in order to protect herself and our friendship she said she didn’t remember anything that happened.”

“So, let me get this straight,” Major said. “It was the best sex either of you had, you both had some kind of connection but neither of you wants a relationship with the other?”

“When you put it that way it sounds stupid.”

“That’s because it is. You two are just the fucking same. You’re miserable because you want to be with her and she’s with an asshole that’s using her. Yep, you two were made for each other.”

“First of all, I’m not miserable without her, she was never mine to have. And I don’t do relationships. Second, it’s her choice to be with whoever she wants to be with, even if it’s with a douchebag.”

“You are such a fucking idiot,” Major said, shaking his head. “What you and Karma have right now is a relationship, just not a romantic one. And this thing with you and Tiffany is the same.”

I was about to argue with him when I realized he was right. “Fuck, I hate it when you’re right,” I told him.

Major laughed. “Sorry, bro, but I think you’re going to have to figure out how you really feel about Karma. Do you just want to have sex with her again or is it something more? When you figure that out, you’ll know what to do.”

With those words Major went back to watching TV, leaving me with a lot to think about.



Chapter 22


When I got back to the dorm, I was glad to see Kayleigh was alone. It was time I came clean about me and Bodie.

“Hey,” I said, joining her on the couch.

“What’s up?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, better now,” I said. Then told her everything that happened with Bodie from the sex to the talk today.

“I knew it,” she said smiling. “And that explains a lot about Bodie today. Was he really mad at you?”

“At first, I think he was, but then by the time I finished talking he seemed to get why I did it.”

“Sometimes I don’t know what to do with you,” Kayleigh said, shaking her head.

“But you still love me,” I said.

“You know I do. So, I have to ask, why are you with Anthony when it seems like you really like Bodie?”

“It would never work out between me and Bodie. We’re way too much alike. Actually, we’re kind of like the male and female version of the same person. We’re better off as friends.”

“He’s seemed different to me since we got back from Christmas break,” she said.

“I guess,” I said. “We’re getting along better.”

“I don’t think he’s the player he was when he got to college.”

I snorted. “But he’s still a player and I’m not sure he’s the type to ever settle down.”

“What about Tiffany?” she asked.

“What about her?”

“They seem to be friends without sex. Did you ever think Bodie was capable of that?”

“No, but we don’t know for sure they’re not having sex,” I said.

She rolled her eyes at me. “Whatever Karma. Let’s just agree to disagree about Bodie for now.”

“Okay. So, what do you want to watch?” I asked, and grabbed the remote.




By Wednesday afternoon, I was all caught up on my homework and ready for practice. I’d basically told Anthony I needed time to focus on school and he gave it to me with no questions asked. I thought he deserved some kind of reward for that, so I sent him a quick text.


Me: I think you should pick me up after practice and we can have wild monkey sex

Anthony: Fuck Karma, you made me choke on my coffee

Me: Sorry?

Anthony: Definitely don’t be sorry for that. Just wasn’t expecting it.

Me: So, is that a yes?

Anthony: Of course, it’s a yes. I’ll be waiting when you’re done.


I was grinning when I walked out of my bedroom and Kayleigh handed me a smoothie.

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