Home > Snow Place Like Home(2)

Snow Place Like Home(2)
Author: Kelex

“I don’t have a type,” Ezra yelled over the music.

Hugo scoffed before leaning closer. “You do, too! You like your daddies. Admit it.”

Warmth filled Ezra’s face. He hadn’t realized his cravings were so transparent. Fortunately, there was no hint of judgement in Hugo’s tone. He lifted his stare and smiled, shrugging.

Hugo drained his drink before eyeing the crowd moving to the music. “Let’s dance.”

Ezra wasn’t much of a dancer. When he was in public, that was. With the music turned up in his apartment, he could really shake his ass. Yet he’d been invited to a ball and predicted he’d end up on the dance floor at some point before the end of the night, so he didn’t put up a fight. After draining his own drink, he trailed behind Hugo until they were in the middle of the action. A crowd of bodies swayed to the music, swallowing them whole.

Ezra was slow to start, but by the beginning of the third song, he’d loosened up a bit. And almost had to admit he was possibly having a little fun. Cocooned in the midst of things, no one could really see him. Not in the dark. With the mask. The music flowed through him, and he let it take him.

Midway through the next song, a handsome stranger began dancing with Hugo, drawing him away. Hugo, being ever the extrovert, ate up the attention from the scantily clad, well-muscled man. Suddenly a third wheel, Ezra backed away, his rhythm off. As the song continued and Hugo openly flirted with the other guy, Ezra decided to remove himself from the equation. Spinning, he slammed into a broad chest and nearly fell backwards.

Two firm hands caught his waist and held him upright. Ezra lifted his gaze and realized it was Mr. Tuxedo. The guy was even taller than he’d anticipated, well over Ezra’s five-foot-ten-inches.

The guy leaned in close to his ear. “Sorry ‘bout that… wanna dance?”

The warm, rich tenor of his southern drawl would’ve been even better had it been quiet enough to truly appreciate it. Ezra was quite sure it was the kind that melted panties.

Fortunately, Ezra had a pair of panties to melt. Silky ones with lots of lace. Along with a matching garter belt and silk stockings hidden under his tux.

He pointed a finger toward the middle of his chest and mouthed, “Me?”

“Yeah,” the guy mouthed back with a too-cute grin showing even, white teeth.

The up-tempo song ended and a slow one began, the colored lights spinning about the dance floor lowering. Mr. Tux tilted his head in question before offering a hand.

Oh god, oh god, oh god. A case of nerves caught him in its grip, his chest tightening. Yet there was no way he wasn’t taking advantage of his turn of fate. Ezra took the guy’s hand and was swept into a pair of strong arms. A subtle hint of cologne tickled his nose. Inhaling, he closed his eyes, enjoying the scent. When he reopened them, he noticed the man staring down, the corners of his lips curling up.

“I saw your friend dancing with that other guy and thought we penguins needed to stick together,” the man drawled against his ear. Ezra had his own, personal Matthew McConaughey giving him eargasms. At least he was Ezra’s until the end of the song. The guy leaned back slightly and eyed him for a moment before returning to ask, “He is just a friend, right?”

Ezra turned his head somewhat and replied, “My best friend.”

“Good,” Ezra was almost sure he heard over the music.

“My name’s Lincoln,” the man murmured, warm breath and beard tickling Ezra’s ear and neck. He said something else, but a nearby scream drowned it out.

He shuddered. “Ezra.”

“Nice to meet you, Ezra.”

Damn, I like the way he says my name. “Same.”

They continued to dance, silent but for the few heated glances Ezra was caught stealing over and over again. He was quite positive there was a degree of hunger in the stare doing the catching, but Ezra wasn’t the best at determining interest. He’d fucked up that guess too many times to count, embarrassing himself repeatedly. Enough to make him stop guessing.

The song ended and he took a step back, assuming their moment was over. But when the next melody began, Lincoln grabbed his wrist and drew him closer.

“You’re not done with me yet, are you?”

Ezra attempted to conceal a goofy smile. “Nope.”


By their third song, he was getting overheated—yet he wasn’t going anywhere. Not unless Lincoln left for greener pastures, which he suspected would happen sooner versus later. The guy was definitely out of Ezra’s league.

When the tune ended, Lincoln nodded toward the bar. “I need something to drink. You?”

He nodded and then happily trailed behind Lincoln. On their way to the bar, Ezra noticed Hugo still dancing with his own handsome, half-naked stranger. His best friend smiled and gave him a thumb’s up as they passed. Warmth spread on his cheeks that had nothing to do with being overheated.

Drinks were bought and an unoccupied half-booth found. Ezra was suddenly seated beside a virtual stranger. It was too loud for real conversation, so he found himself drinking as much out of nervousness as overheating when they weren’t yelling a few words into one another’s ears. Every single time he lifted his gaze, he found the man staring down at him—which only caused his cheeks to flush and a stupid smile to spring across his lips. The drink in his hand was suddenly empty, which had Lincoln waving over a passing waiter and re-ordering for them both.

“You’re a good dancer,” Lincoln said against his ear.

The short hairs of Lincoln’s beard tickled him more at that angle, sending tremors down his spine. Heat flooded his cheeks. He leaned in closer to reply and drew in the man’s delicious scent. “Thanks. You, too.”

Lincoln met his stare and it was impossible to ignore the lust simmering in those dark eyes. Ezra felt his cock thickening. He readjusted himself in his seat, trying to find some comfort and ultimately rubbed his thigh against Lincoln’s.

The man leaned in and said something in his ear—but a passerby screamed in excitement just at that moment, making it impossible to hear. He frowned up at Lincoln in question… and the man’s smile faltered.

Before Lincoln could put distance between them, Ezra grabbed his arm and spoke into his ear. “I couldn’t hear what you said.”

A look that appeared to be relief crossed Lincoln’s face before he dipped his head. “I’d asked if I could kiss you. When you frowned at me, I assumed that was a no.”

He wants to kiss me? Ezra couldn’t fight the smile coming to his lips. “You know what they say when you assume.”

Lincoln smiled brightly and slowly nodded his head as he lowered it to claim Ezra’s mouth.

The heat of that kiss was enough to set Ezra ablaze. Lincoln’s hand wrapped around the back of his head, holding him still while the man’s plundering tongue and lips took control. Ezra fisted the lapels of Lincoln’s tux jacket and held on for the ride of his life… which left him reeling when it was over all too soon.

Lincoln sat back in the booth’s bench seat and looked much too pleased with himself as he watched Ezra closely. It appeared that Lincoln wanted to say something, but the waiter returned with their drinks.

Ezra took his glass, thanking them both, before sucking down half. The alcohol blended with the warm taste of Lincoln still lingering there.

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