Home > Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)(87)

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)(87)
Author: Manda Mellett

I’m fucking alive.

For a moment I don’t believe it.

A man runs up to me. Shaking my head and blinking my eyes to clear the dust from my sight, I tense, knowing I’m unarmed, enemy or foe?

Igor stops in front of me. “You okay?”

Though I haven’t tested it out, I think I am, or at least, not in danger of dying. While I’m not sure I can move, I can snap orders. “Status report.”

“Nine dead, all theirs. Gun is injured but still alive. Gears took a bullet, but he’s breathing.”


“Cat and Pip are fine. The safe room was intact, just difficult to open.”

We did it. But it’s too soon for elation. And that fucking explosion will have garnered attention. “Prospects on clean up. We’ve got to get the bodies out of here fast.”

“Already on it.” Igor half turns. “You need help?”

“Yeah.” I admit, allowing him to pull me to my feet.

I forget my non-weight-bearing leg and stagger which isn’t surprising, my good one’s hurting just as much. He offers me his shoulder to lean on and leads me to the truck which is already laden with bodies and bits I barely recognise as human.


“Whoa!” I try to catch a sobbing and crying Cat before she knocks me over, and App, the brat that he is, nearly finishes the job wrapping his lead around me. I wait while she untangles him.

“I’m okay,” I try to impress on her, once she’s got me free. “I’m okay.”

“I was so worried. I saw…” She saw me fall. “I thought Igor would come back and tell me you were dead. How the hell did you survive?”

Having no idea myself, so I can’t tell her. I try to minimise the risk I was in. “I was a SEAL, Cat. We’re survivors.”

Whatever she’s going to say next, she’s interrupted.

“All loaded!” shouts Brute. “I’m out of here!”

“Can’t pick up all the bullet casings,” Grinch moans.

“Leave it to me.” Pip gives me a nod, and from somewhere summons up a grin. “I’ll deal with the cops. Fuck knows they won’t be too concerned about someone blowing up an MC, or evidence from our target practice.”

It’s then I realise someone’s missing. “Gears?” I snap. Igor had told me he was shot.

“Gears took a bullet to his leg. He’ll live, but he’s gone with Brute.” Pip shakes his head and pulls out his phone. “I better get in touch with Snatcher now comms are safe to use. Oh, and Stormy? Gun’s shot but cursing up a storm. Thought you’d like to know.”

That cheers me up.

“Grinch okay?

“Singing your fuckin’ praises. Do you even have to ask?”

Nah. I don’t. Even one-handed, I’m a fucking good sniper. But I’d had to make sure, the building exploded before I saw that the bullets had hit their intended targets, the men holding Grinch and Gears.

As Pip walks away to deal with Snatcher, I can hear sirens in the distance. With an expert eye I look around. Sure, behind us what remains of the building is burning, destroying everything we own. But we’re alive, and anything can be replaced. Our equipment might be gone, but our intelligence isn’t bound by servers and computers, it’s all stored in the cloud. We can rebuild.

“I found this in the safe room. I hung onto it.” Cat’s holding something to her. I bark a laugh when I see what it is. It’s my fucking cut. Pip must have stored it there. “Do you want to put it on?”

“Nah, not until I’ve changed the rocker. Hold onto it for me, will you?” I’m pleased to see it, having expected it to have been destroyed, if not by the Devils then by the explosion.

“What do we do now?”

“Wait for the cops.” I tell her.

“In the state you’re in?” Pip’s eyes widen. “Fuck that. Nah, you get out of here, Storm. Take your woman and the dog and get back to the old clubhouse. I’ll be there as soon as we can. You’ve done enough for tonight.” He throws me the keys to one of the club’s SUVs.

Giving him my thanks with just a raise of my chin, I hop with one hand on her shoulder around to the rear of the clubhouse, and slide into the passenger seat, taking App’s leading and giving it a small tug so he jumps in with me. “You drive,” I tell her, pointing to the rear exit to the compound. Going that way we should avoid the cops speeding our way. Thank goodness we’re right on the outskirts of the city, and none of the other units are occupied this time of night.

“Where do I go?”

I give her directions, and soon we’re drawing up behind the old Utah chapter clubhouse. Surprisingly, it’s like coming home, though I’ve never been based here, and only before have visited when attending club parties.

I assess it fast. There are bedrooms enough for most of the club, though as they’ve only been used as crash or fuck rooms after a party for years and probably won’t be up to much. But better than turning up bloodied and bruised at a hotel. Though Cat deserves more, we’ll make the best of it.

When we go inside, again, with me having to lean on her, her holding App’s lead and the spaniel traipsing along behind, we’re not the only ones here. Doc is already sewing up Gears’ leg. Gears, is swigging from a bottle while he does.

Doc turns when I enter, his eyebrows rise making his eyes widen. “I presume you’re next.”

“Nah, I got off lightly.” I catch sight of myself in the mirror above the bar and snort. I can see why he was worried. My features are barely visible through the amount of dust on my face, and my forehead and cheeks are bloodied.”

“Finn!” Cat exclaims, getting her first proper look at me in good light.

“All superficial, babe.” Though fuck knows how. Someone was on my side tonight. The second time I’ve escaped death in an explosion. I vow not to try my luck and hope to avoid a third time. “I just need a shower. You okay Gears?”

“Through and through.” Moving closer I bump my left fist against his. We’re both survivors.

I turn as Cat exclaims. “I don’t get you men. Gears was shot, you’ve been blown up and fell from the roof, the club’s lost everything, your home, your work. Yet you’re both fine.” She huffs, and places her hands on her hips. “What does it take to faze you?”

“Nothing if I’ve got you,” I tell her truthfully, lowering my voice so Doc remains oblivious of our conversation. “Nothing’s lost which can’t be replaced. Gun’s alive and Swift will be in her element getting answers. At last we’ll find who’s been targeting Pip, then the club will be safe.”

Gears winks at me. He might not have heard the words, but he’s read the sentiment.

“I’m going up to get a shower. Hey,” I grimace, “The accommodations aren’t much here, Cat, but we’ll make do for now, okay? You coming?”

“Leave App with me, if you like?” Gears calls out.

As Cat passes off Swift’s hearing dog, I use the bannister to haul my ass up the stairs, and turn into the closest room. There’s a bed and that’s about all I can say, and a bathroom which could probably do with a scrub, though it will need one again once I’ve finished, so I’m not bothered.

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