Home > Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs #1)(10)

Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs #1)(10)
Author: Michelle Heard

“Good,” Fallon answers. “I have to help with the preparations for the welcome ball. You want to help?”

“No, thanks,” I chuckle. “There’s no way I want to be a part of the decorating committee.”

“It’s fun,” Fallon defends.

“Yeah, but the other girls, not so much. I’ll end up punching one of them.”

Unfortunately, attending an exclusive academy also means I have to put up with the stuck-up snobs of the world. Some people think just because your daddy’s rich, you can walk over people.

“You’re way too violent,” Kao laughs.

I shrug. “Some people just bring out the bitch in me.” Grinning at Kao, I ask, “You said you have a date for the ball? Who is she?”

“Summer Clarke.”

Both Fallon and I just stare at Kao until I finally find my words. “Seriously? Why her?”

Summer Clarke and her friends have been our nemeses since we were freshmen in high school. They’re the opposite of us – high and mighty, thinking everyone should obey their every whim and order.

“Why not her?” Kao throws a question at me.

“Duh… she’s practically the queen bitch.”

Kao glances at Fallon, and she gestures to me. “What she said.”

“She seemed nice enough to me,” Kao states.

“That’s because she doesn’t consider you a threat to her social standing,” Fallon says, then shrugs indifferently. “But, hey, whatever floats your boat.”

A waiter approaches our table, and I order a chicken salad. Just then, my phone starts to ring, and seeing that it’s Miss Sebastian, a smile forms around my mouth.

“Hey, Mamma G.”

Miss Sebastian is my favorite person. She’s unique and doesn’t care what people think of her. She’s all sparkles and always says the funniest stuff to make me laugh.

“My angel-baby! How was your first day?”

“Good. We already got assignments to do.”

“I’ll call Kao, Noah, and Mila in a minute. I wanted to hear if the four of you would have lunch with me on Saturday?”

“Kao’s sitting right here. I can ask him quickly?”

“Great, saves my bedazzled ass the call.”

Looking at Kao, I ask, “Mamma G wants to meet us for lunch on Saturday.”

“Sure. Just say where.”

“He says yes. Where should we meet you?”

“I’ll come to Trinity. You can show me around and point out all the chunks of hunks you like.”

I let out a chuckle. “There aren’t any chunks of hunks, Mamma G. Besides, I’m focusing on my studies and don’t have time to date.”

She lets out a sigh. “There’s always time for a little hanky panky, just not third base. Your daddy will kick my bedazzled ass.”

Laughing, I shake my head because there’s no way Dad will ever do that. He loves Miss Sebastian way too much, and she gets away with murder, where he’s concerned. “Great, we’ll see you then.”

After ending the call, Kao murmurs, “Trinity is in for a treat and will never be the same again after Miss Sebastian is done with it.”

Fallon lets out a burst of laughter. “Yeah.” she glances mischievously at me. “We should introduce Summer and her friends to Miss Sebastian.”

Laughter explodes from me. “God, that would be priceless.”

The rest of the gang walks into the restaurant, and seeing Hunter, my good mood evaporates. As soon as my salad arrives, I spear a piece of chicken with my fork. I’m just about to take the bite when my eyes lock with Hunter’s.

A frown instantly forms on my forehead, and I drop the fork on the plate. Shoving my chair back, I mutter, “Lost my appetite.”

Before all my good intentions to not fight in front of our friends fly out the window, I quickly leave the restaurant.



I survived yesterday without getting into any fights. Walking into the gym, and seeing Hunter already waiting for me, I remind myself to keep my cool around him.

“Morning, Little Bean,” he says way too cheerfully at five in the morning.

And that damn nickname!

I scowl at him and threaten, “Call me little bean one more time.”

Hunter grins at me, and I hate that he’s so damn attractive you can’t help but notice.

I grab a pair of gloves and head guard and try to calm down while putting the gear on.

When we’re both ready, and I face Hunter, his grin only widens into a sexy as hell smirk. “Game on, Little Bean.”


I dart forward and deliver a couple of punches before bouncing away from him. “Come on, Chargill. You’re making this way too easy for me.”

He taps me lightly on my shoulder, which has my eyes rolling. “Stop playing around,” I grind the words out.

Hunter shoots forward and wrapping an arm around my waist, he tries to sweep my feet from under me, but I’m prepared and acting fast, I reverse the move on him, dropping him to the ground.

He lets out a bark of laughter and climbs back to his feet. “How was your first day of classes?”

The question catches me off guard, and for a moment, I blink at him until I realize he’s trying to make small talk. “We’re only here to spar, Chargill. Don’t pretend to be interested in my life.”

Tilting his head to the side, a serious look tightens his features. “What makes you think I’m pretending?”

I shrug even though anger bubbles to the surface. “You couldn’t have cared less two years ago, so now shouldn’t matter as well.” Done with this sparring session, I strip off the gear.

Grabbing my towel and water bottle, I walk away, so I don’t do something that will attract everyone in the gym’s attention.

Before I can reach the exit, Hunter catches up to me, and the moment we’re outside the building, he grabs hold of my hand and drags me off to the side. “I didn’t care?” he bites the question out. “It’s because I fucking cared that I stopped you.”

Raising my chin, I cross my arms over my chest and meet his glare with my own heated one. “You could’ve fooled me. My relationship with Brady had nothing to do with you. You shouldn’t have stuck your nose in my business and –”

“There was no way in hell I was going to let you have sex at sixteen!” he practically barks at me.

“My almost having sex is not the problem,” I bite out. “What happened when you took Brady home?”

I just want the truth. I want to know what Hunter did to Brady.

I need to know.

Hunter takes a step closer, and I have to lift my chin higher to keep eye contact. He clenches his jaw, and anger ripples off him in waves, clashing against my own.

“How many times do I have to say it?” he growls. “I didn’t do anything to Brady. I dropped him off and went home.”

“Liar,” I hiss. My emotions become an overwhelming whirlpool of anger and hurt.

Hunter glares at me for a moment, and I can see the emotions warring on his face as he struggles to reign in his own anger. Slowly a defeated look shadows his features, and then he throws his hands in the air. “God knows I’ve tried, but no more. We’re done.”

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