Home > Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs #1)(19)

Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs #1)(19)
Author: Michelle Heard

“Hunter!” Hearing Melinda’s screech, all our heads whip in their direction.

Seeing Hunter sends a sudden tremble through my body, and it doesn’t help that he looks way too hot after being at the gym. There’s still beads of sweat glistening on his skin… and his muscles… sigh… all the hotness in the world wrapped in a neat bow of deceit.

The same emotions I felt last night when we kissed hit me full force, and I quickly turn my head away from the group before someone sees it written all over my face. I can only hope it’s temporary insanity brought on by the shock of having Hunter’s mouth on mine.

Melinda stalks up to Hunter and shoves her pointer finger in his face. “You still owe Jessica an apology for last week.”

“Oh, dear, who’s the fashion disaster?” Miss Sebastian asks.

“She’s a royal pain in my butt,” I mutter under my breath.

Mila glares at Melinda and her three friends. “They’re our nemeses.”

My eyes dart to Mila as she walks over to where Hunter is staring at Melinda with an aggravated expression.

Melinda notices Mila first, and sneers, “Oh, look. Another one of your dogs that you can’t keep on a leash.”

“Say what now?” Miss Sebastian’s perfectly manicured eyebrows almost disappear into her hairline, and then she darts forward.

Fallon, you’re missing out on the showdown.

A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth as our godmother stops next to Mila.

“Did you just call my angel-baby a dog?” Miss Sebastian gives Melinda an incredulous look.

Melinda’s lips pull down as her eyes sweep over Miss Sebastian then she turns her gaze to Mila. “How did you get into this prestige academy with a drag queen for a godmother?”

Her question burns over me, and anger explodes through me. With my eyes burning on Melinda, I stalk over to her, and just before I reach her, I pull back my arm. When my fist connects with her jaw, the feeling isn’t nearly satisfying enough.

Melinda staggers backward, her eyes wide with shock. She’s still gasping for air, her eyes brimming with tears when Hunter closes in on her. He crowds her personal space, a thunderous look tightening his features. “Pack your bags and get off my campus. You have one hour.”

“What?” Melinda shrieks. “Jade just hit me, and I have to leave? That’s unfair!”

“We do not tolerate discrimination in any form,” Hunter bites the words out. “You have one hour, then I’ll have you escorted off the grounds.”

Two red spots bloom on Melinda’s cheeks as the first tear rolls down her face. “My father won’t be happy!”

Hunter looks up to the heavens as if he’s praying for patience. “I don’t care what your father thinks.” Making a show of looking at his watch, his eyes snap back to Melinda. “You now have fifty-five minutes.”

Melinda’s eyes dart over the crowd that has formed around us, then they’re back on Hunter with burning rage. “You can’t expel me, Hunter. Trinity Academy doesn’t belong to you.”

“Oh, but he can,” Jase’s voice sounds up, and then he appears through the crowd. Placing his hand on Hunter’s shoulder, he leans against him, then settles a bored look on Melinda. “Have you forgotten who his father is?”

“So, what if he’s Mason Chargill’s son? He’s just the president.”

I wrap my arm around Miss Sebastian's waist and hug her to my side. What Melinda said was cruel, and I really hope Hunter forces her off the campus. We’ll have one less bitch to deal with then.

Hunter surprises me as he lets out a dark chuckle that makes goosebumps ripple over my skin. The sound is both hot and dangerous.

“Have you forgotten what my father did to the Weinstocks?” His eyes are icy, a clear sign that he’s about to lose his temper. “I’m my father’s son, and I won’t hesitate to do the same to you.”

“This is getting out of hand,” Miss Sebastian says, hurt staining her always cheerful voice. “It’s okay, Hunter.”

Hunter’s eyes snap to Miss Sebastian. “No!” Lifting his hand, he pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a couple of deep breaths. “Sorry, Miss Sebastian. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” Glaring at Melinda again, he growls, “You now have forty-five minutes.”

Melinda’s eyes dart over everyone. “I’ll be back with my father, and you’ll pay for degrading me in front of the student body.”

I watch her walk away before I turn to Miss Sebastian. “Are you okay?”

She gives me a smile. “Yeah, she didn’t say anything I haven’t heard before.”

Shaking my head, I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. “She’s just a mean person. You always look beautiful.”

“What Jade said.” Jase moves to her side and wraps his arm around her. “You’re a MILF.”

Miss Sebastian’s eyes grow huge before she bursts out laughing. “Mother of fashion!”

Embarrassment colors Jase’s face a shade of pink, then he quickly tries to rectify himself. “I didn’t mean it literally. I just meant you’re beautiful and most probably star in a lot of men's fantasies.”

“Not any better,” Mila cries.

I begin to laugh and struggle to say, “Jase has a one-track mind.”

When Miss Sebastian catches her breath, she flutters her eyelashes at Jase. “I never knew you had the hots for me, my chunk of hunk, but I’m a married woman.”

Jase lets out a chuckle, knowing she’s only teasing him. “I’m never going to live this moment down.”

“Nope.” Mila shakes her head at him with a warm smile and a proud look on her face. “But, you meant well.”

My eyes dart to Jase, and I watch as Mila’s words wash over him. His eyes are glued to her, and for a moment, I swear I can see love shining from them before he clears his throat and mutters, “I have to be somewhere.”

My gaze follows Jase until Hunter’s harsh voice gets my attention. “Are you waiting for something?”

I follow the direction of his cold eyes and see Jessica and her remaining two friends quickly shake their heads before they scatter into the dispersing crowd.

Miss Sebastian places her hand on my arm, and asks, “Is your hand okay? You gave her quite the punch. I thought her legs were going to fly right over her head.”

I glance down at my knuckles and wiggle my fingers. “I’m fine. Tough as nails.” I grin at my favorite person. “One punch wasn’t enough, though. I should’ve removed some of her teeth.”

“Aww, my little violent baby girl. You warm my heart,” Miss Sebastian croons.

“I’m hungry, let’s go eat,” Kao says.

“Yes! Yummy food.”

Miss Sebastian links her arm with his, and I watch them walk away before I look back to Hunter. He stood up for Miss Sebastian in a heartbeat, and it reminds me of the old Hunter who used to be my friend.

“Thank you for defending Mamma G,” I mumble awkwardly, then I dart after my friends to catch up with them.



Chapter 10



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