Home > A Nothing Special New Year(24)

A Nothing Special New Year(24)
Author: A.E. Via

“First of all, I sent Jesse away because he’s only seen one side of me.” Mason closed the few inches between them. His jaw clenched and his teeth bared. “And I don’t want him to see me lay your ass out if you don’t calm down and lower your motherfuckin’ voice in my house.”

Clark narrowed his eyes, but his tone was a lot calmer. “What. Are. You. Doing?”

“Second of all. Jesse is a grown man… not a kid. We’re both consenting adults. And being with a man—regardless of his living situation or social status—will not violate the integrity of my badge. And I suggest you don’t imply it again.” Mason walked around Clark and took one of the beers out of the bag and twisted the cap off. He handed it to his partner, who seemed to take forever before he accepted it… but he did.

Clark sat down heavily on one of the stools. “Of all the men in Atlanta, Mase… why that ki—”

Mason glared.

“Why that guy?” Clark asked. “I mean, I know you’ve been a little hard up to get some action, but this is a bit extreme even—”

“Are you trying to get decked?” Mason barked a shocked laugh.

Clark put his hands up in defense. “I’ve just never seen you act so reckless or throw caution to the wind.”

“That’s true,” Mason agreed. “I usually see something I want, and I sit back and overanalyze and question it for so long that ends up slipping through my fingers.” He clapped Clark on his broad shoulder. “Not anymore, man. I told you this year was going to be different.”

“So, you’re a couple living together now?” Clark took a long swallow of his beer. “After knowing him for five minutes.”

“He’s staying here until he gets on his feet.” Mason squeezed his eyes shut, getting frustrated. “And no, we’re not a couple, but I like him, Clark. And I want to get to know him.”

“How old is he?” Clark hissed like it was a dirty little secret.

“He’s almost twenty-five,” Mason said boldly.

“For fuck’s sake. He’s almost ten years younger than you.”

“And tall.” Mason smirked slyly—that was the part he really liked—and Clark almost spit his beer across the countertop. And just like they had for the last four years of being partners, they quickly squashed their disagreement and had each other’s backs.

“Shit. I do kinda owe you one for whatever you said to Erlene last week. She asked if she could come over yesterday, and she made a really nice lunch… then, um… she ended up having to stay because of the storm.”

Clark’s smile was innocent, and his cheeks turned a ruddy color under his stubble, and Mason couldn’t’ve been happier for him. For them. “I told you, buddy—the new year is ours. No more of this lonely, brooding shit and Sunday nights on my couch watching ESPN.”

Clark waved him off. “Well. If your beau’s gonna be around a while… I guess I should meet him.”

“Thanks, man. You’re going to like him.” Mason called for Jesse. “You’ll see. He’s not at all who you think he is.”




It was a tense few moments as he answered Mason’s partner’s multiple questions that he seemed to fire off one after another. Once he seemed satisfied that Jesse had nothing to hide, he actually loosened up and became a pretty funny guy. Actually, Clark was the reason why he and Mason were pulling back into his driveway at almost midnight after visiting downtown Atlanta.

Jesse had complained nonstop about his negative experiences in Atlanta from the moment he stepped off the bus, and Clark had insisted Mason take him out and show him some of the city’s highlights. And boy did he ever. Mason showed him the beauty of Atlanta and all of her surroundings from the gondolas of the twenty-story SkyView Ferris wheel in Centennial Park.

Mason cut the engine to his SUV and turned to face him. “Did you like that?”

“I did. Thank you. So much.” Jesse couldn’t stop smiling if he tried. Being out with Mason and experiencing the city through his eyes was already swaying him that maybe he could make a life for himself here. Away from the drug dealers and crime. Walking down the street with Mason made Jesse feel safe, as if he walked with his own bodyguard.

Downtown was bustling with nightlife; even late on a Sunday night people went in and out of the bars and restaurants lining both sides of Marietta Street. Mason pointed out some of his favorite local eateries, but since they were still full from dinner, he promised to take Jesse to get the best lo mein at Hsu’s in Peachtree Center real soon. Jesse hadn’t missed the way Mason drove him by some of the nicer elementary schools, noting that some of them were hiring for the summer session. He’d seen enough to make him think that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad here.

“If you let me take you on a proper date, I’ll show you all the museums we have here, the aquarium, and we still have some time to see the Botanical Gardens Winter Wonderland light show if you want.”

A laugh bubbled up and overflowed from him, and the only explanation he had for this amazing feeling… was Mason.

“Okay, maybe the Winter Wonderland does sound a little cheesy.” Mason turned away. “It’s kind of a family thing to do anyway.”

Jesse cupped Mason’s chin. “I love Christmas lights. My mom hung them all over our place and on the balcony of our condo every year.”

Mason smiled, and Jesse’s heart flipped in his chest. “Cool. How about next weekend?”

“Okay,” Jesse whispered, his eyes falling to Mason’s dark lips. “I’m really glad you did this. I was starting to believe that Atlanta was the gateway to Satan’s lair.”

Mason laughed, a deep robust sound, and Jesse thought he could listen to him do that all night. “Well, I hope I’ve at least debunked that theory.”

Jesse ran the pad of his thumb over Mason’s bottom lip. “Oh, I’m maybe about half persuaded. I think I can use a little more convincing.”

Mason gripped Jesse’s wrist, stopping his teasing, “Then come inside and I’ll see what else I can do.”

Jesse folded himself over Mason’s back, massaging his firm ass as he worked to unlock the deadbolt on his front door. “What’s taking so long?” Jesse licked the rim of Mason’s ear.

“You’re distracting me, that’s what.” Mason chuckled when Jesse eased one hand around and cupped his balls, making him groan. “Shit.”

“Come on, Officer. It’s cold out here. Don’t you wanna be inside under the covers with me?” Jesse flirted.

Mason got the door open, and they both fell inside the dark house, all frisky hands and hot kisses on any exposed skin they could reach. Mason got Jesse out of his jacket and latched onto his collarbone, making him cry out in pleasure from the heat that shot through his body.

“Ellis. Your mouth is so hot.” Jesse was pushed against the wall, his hands restrained above his head. “Yes, fuck. More.”

Mason kept his wrist locked over Jesse’s and used his other hand to pull his leg up on his hip. The way Mason ground his hard cock against his had Jesse seeing stars. He had his head thrown back, his neck arched, when Mason stopped suddenly, letting Jesse’s leg fall back to the floor.

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