Home > Maelstrom (World Fallen #2)(55)

Maelstrom (World Fallen #2)(55)
Author: Susanna Strom

“How would they know about Valhalla?” Ripper asked. “It’s so far outta the way that stumbling on it would be like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack.”

“It was a guest ranch before the pandemic,” Kyle said slowly. “They rented rooms to people who wanted to experience life on a real cattle ranch. They must have advertised online, and maybe the Wilcox Brigade saw the ad before the internet went down.”

“And the name of the place might have struck them as a good omen,” I said. “Valhalla. Viking heaven. Doesn’t get much more Aryan than that.”

“That explains how they found the place, but doesn’t answer the big question.” Ripper’s gaze scanned the room, moving from person to person. “What are we gonna do about them?”

“We could cut our losses and move on,” Levi said. “Find another out-of-the-way farm or ranch.”

Hannah harrumphed and shot him an incredulous look. “Are you serious?”

Levi raised his hands. “I’m not advocating anything. I’m just listing our options. Number one, we turn our backs on Valhalla and Bear and look for another place. It’s probably the safer option. No confrontation. No risk. Or, number two, we go to war with the Wilcox Brigade.”

“I’m not going to abandon Bear,” Kyle said. “If I have to take on the Wilcox Brigade by myself, I will. If you guys don’t want to stay and fight, I understand, but I couldn’t live with myself if I tuck tail and run when a friend is shackled and living like a slave on his own property.”

“I agree with Kyle.” Kyle shot me a grateful look. “I’d rather not fight anybody, but we’re good people and good people don’t abandon their friends.” I turned to Ripper, who met my eyes with a level, unreadable expression on his face. Was he thinking that it was ludicrous for someone like me—a sheltered college student—to make a case for going to war? “And besides, we have Ripper and all of Grandpa Kurt’s weapons. We’re all smart. We all have some training.” Except Hannah. I glanced at her, but said nothing. I really needed to talk to the girl about learning how to shoot. “They won’t know what hit them.”

Ripper took my hand and squeezed it. “I never left a brother behind and I’m not starting now. I say we fight.”

“Yeah,” Levi agreed. “I’ve dreamed of kicking some Nazi butt. I’m in.”

“When I worked with Doctors Without Borders—in Yemen and in Syria—I saw firsthand the cost of warfare,” Sahdev said. “I’d hoped never to witness it again, but some things are worth fighting for.”

“We got a consensus,” Ripper said. “We’re taking Valhalla.”

Despite my brave words, fear crawled up my spine. Friends. Family. Home. Those were the things that mattered most, and precisely what we risked losing if the battle against the Wilcox Brigade went awry.

Ripper’s face betrayed none of the tension that had caught hold of me. Deep in conversation with the other men, he must have sensed my eyes on him. He held up a hand, and the talk ceased.

“Mac, you promised me pancakes for breakfast, didn’t you?”

I nodded.

“How about getting started? Bet we’re all hungry.”

Once upon a time, I would have huffed out an indignant protest at such a request. Sure. Ask the little woman to fix breakfast while the men plan an assault on the enemy. It reeked of sexism and reinforced every old, outdated gender stereotype. Except preparing breakfast would keep both my hands and brain busy. It would distract me from the trepidation that was gaining traction inside my chest. And taking care of others soothed something inside of me, met a need that was an inherent part of my psyche.

I would summon up the gumption to stand with the others and fight. But first, I’d make sure everybody ate.

Ripper knew all of that.

I smiled, letting him know that I saw through his simple request. “No problem.”

Hannah hopped to her feet and followed me to the kitchen.

“I saw a package of powdered eggs in Grandpa Kurt’s supplies,” I said.

Hannah made a face. “That sounds gross.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “But it’s a source of protein. We should try making scrambled eggs to go with the pancakes.”

“If you say so.” Hannah looked skeptical.

Hannah took charge of the pancakes, while I tackled the powdered eggs. I dumped the eggs into a bowl, added water and a spoonful of dried milk, then took a whisk to the mixture, beating it until my arm began to cramp.

Hannah produced a heaping platter of pancakes. I turned down the heat and scrambled the eggs, stirring until they looked dry and crumbly. We called the men to breakfast, then crowded together around the small kitchen table.

Ripper decided to do another reconnaissance of Valhalla that night. Kyle was desperate to get eyes on Bear, so he would accompany Ripper this time. They hoped to confirm how many people were in residence on the ranch and—if possible—to check out the contents of the outbuildings. Since he’d be up for a second night in a row, I persuaded Ripper to take a nap.

We passed an uneventful day. Hannah and I raided the dressers and closets, looking for clothing that might fit the members of our party. We found jeans and T-shirts for the men, and a pair of boots that were just the right size for Sahdev. I was taller and curvier than Hannah, so the teenage girl’s clothes that fit her tiny frame were too snug on me, but the mom had left behind some pants and shirts that more or less worked for my size and height. Whoever would’ve guessed that I’d be grateful to score used mom jeans?

At sunset, Ripper and Kyle strapped on their gear. Standing safe in the circle of his arms, I said goodbye to Ripper. His dark eyes studied me, assessing my mood. Nothing escaped that penetrating gaze.

“You gonna be all right?”

“Yes. Sahdev and I are going to teach Hannah and Levi how to play Parcheesi, although Levi looks so sleepy that I doubt he’ll be up for long. Sahdev plans to take first watch. I’ll spell him, then I’ll wake Levi for third watch.”

Ripper smoothed my hair back from my face. “I’ll be back after daybreak.”

“I know you will.” I cupped his cheeks between my palms. “Listen, you need to keep your mind on the mission.” Nothing but the truth there. I didn’t want Ripper off his game because he was worrying about me. “I’m still a little gun-shy about being separated, but it’s already easier tonight than it was last night. I’m fine. I’ll see you in the morning. Now scoot.”

“Scoot? Guess I can take a hint.” He kissed me, a bold, unabashed, claiming sort of kiss, that made me wobble in his arms. “Don’t get into trouble while I’m gone.”

“Me, trouble?” I gasped in mock indignation. “Mr. Solis, I don’t think there’s a lick of trouble I could get into tonight, not even if I wanted to.”

“We could play strip poker,” Hannah called from the sidelines. “Or, I found a bottle of tequila in the back of a kitchen cupboard. We could get schnockered.”

Ripper paused with his hand on the doorknob, and glanced back over his shoulder. “I gotta worry about coming back and finding you naked, passed out drunk on the floor, huh?”

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