Home > Tag You're Mine(49)

Tag You're Mine(49)
Author: Catherine Charles

The sensation of his breath on my neck, combined with his hand dangerously low on my backside, sends chills coursing down my spine.

“Are you cold?” He whispers again, his slight stubble rakes across my smooth skin. I am speechless.

“I...um…” I shake my head in hopes of clearing my mind, but as soon as I’m able to formulate a thought, he steals it away.

“Use your words, Presley.” I’m frozen in place with excitement.

“What did you say?” I’m able to squeak out.

“Pres, I was playing around. I’m sorry if I upset you.” And in an instant my hope he was coming back to me, my hope of him remembering something was crushed. Our intimate bubble burst, leaving me feeling exposed to Liv and Trey’s stares, of whom for the last few minutes, I had totally forgotten even existed.

Mom takes a few pictures of us, and we head out to the truck. Both of us slightly nervous as I have my arm wrapped through his. I let off the occasional shiver, unknown if it’s because of my nerves or the falling temperature. I climb up into his truck, slipping on the make-shift pipe step, but his arms are there to quickly catch me, gripping my hips lightly, but digging in a little harder before he releases me.

Liv and Trey are talking and giggling in the back seat, while Robert and I muddle through our first awkward conversation ever. If we can't even talk to one another, how will we make it through a dance together? Maybe this was a bad idea. Relax Presley. This beats sitting at home watching some romantic movie, pretending you didn’t want to be at prom anyway. He’s giving you a chance to enjoy this, and he remembered on his own that he asked you. That has to mean something, right? Or maybe you’re looking for a sign where none exist. It could have been a fluke, right.

I’m so in my head about everything I don’t realize we’ve pulled up to the school; Liv and Trey have already gotten out of the truck.

“Earth to Presley. Come in Presley.”

I come back to reality and to a worried Robert. “Where’d you go princess?” It’s a term of endearment, which means nothing to him.

“Robert, I’m sorry, but I don’t know if I can do this. Maybe all of this was a bad idea. I don’t think I’ll be very good company tonight.”

His face falls. “Presley, we just got here. You can't leave yet. I won't let you. Let’s go inside, we’ll mingle, and if you still want to leave after an hour, I’ll take you home.”

I nod and carefully climb out of the truck with his help. Surely, I can make it an hour, what’s the worst that could happen.



I’ve only got an hour to get her to relax enough to want to stay, to want to spend this time with me. I can tell she’s nervous, she flinches every time I touch her, I see her eyes shift from happy to sad every time I say something I know means something to her. At least I’m seeing I was my honest self around her.

We walk into the hall, and I hear her gasp at the beauty of everything. Tables are set up around the perimeter of the dance floor, candlelight and strobe lights set an exciting mood, and the DJ plays a mix of music from the last two decades, upbeat stuff and the occasional slow song. She’s quick to search out Olivia. When we find her, I can tell she has Heather backed into a corner, and it sounds as if momma bear is ready to fight.

“Listen up, cause I’m only gonna say this once. You’re gonna come clean to Robert. You’re gonna tell him exactly who you are, and you will not interfere with him and Presley. You are an attention-seeking whore, and I will not hesitate to break your nose again. Presley already broke it once I’m sure it can't be too difficult.”

Presley quickly turns into me, eyes wide as she begins to push on my chest, trying to stop my advances. “Robert, let’s go. I don’t want to be here anymore. Please, take me home.”

“What does she mean you broke Heather’s nose, Presley? What’s going on?”

Liv continues, “I’m sure Principal Stewart would love to know how you fucked your history teacher on the bus during the homecoming game, or how you gave your chemistry teacher head to avoid the final, or how you really earned those PE credits.”

“Heather?” Liv turns, a grin spreads at the sound of my voice. “Heather, what’s she talking about? What do you need to tell me I don’t already know?

Liv lets out a huffed breath under a stern grin.

Heather rolls her eyes and stomps her foot. Throwing her hands in the air, she huffs out a breath, “What do you want me to say, I was jealous of you and Presley. When your mother called me and told me you still thought we were together, I jumped at the opportunity to insert myself into your memories in hopes of you taking me away from this godforsaken town.”

This can't be right. I feel like my chest is closing in on itself and I can't breathe. “So, everything you told me was a lie?”

“I might have bent the truth a little.”

Was she seriously grinning right now? She thinks this is some kind of twisted fucked up joke.

“No wonder I’ve been so fucked up the last few weeks. I’ve felt like everything was wrong, but you kept telling me I would eventually remember.” I look around, needing to ground myself to something real. Presley. She’s real. I feel myself spiraling.

“I’m here.” Her arm slides around my back, her body is pressed against mine, preventing me from attacking Heather myself for what she’s done to not only me but to Presley. It doesn’t make sense to me, but, I have this strong feeling Presley is mine to protect, and right now, having her next to me, I at least feel somewhat calm.

“Heather, if I ever see you around Presley or me again, you’re dead. Buried six feet under or tossed in a lake somewhere. Maybe you end up having a skiing accident and no one finds you until the snow melts. Do I make myself clear?”

She swallows and gives a submissive nod.

Shit. What have I done?



Chapter Thirty-One


I’ve spent the last few weeks scared shitless that I lost more than I really had because of her. I could deal with not remembering Presley, it made sense to me, but to remember Heather, and not the things we had done, didn’t make sense.

Pulling Presley outside, we find a bench out of earshot from the front door. She sits down while I pace back and forth, I feel like a trapped bear at the circus. Her gaze is fixed on me, and when I finally look at her, she never breaks my eye contact.

“I need answers,” I growl, my voice more demanding than I ever intended it to be.

“I won't keep anything from you, Robert.”

“Why didn’t you tell me anything?”

“Would you have listened to me? Would you have believed me?”

This isn’t how it’s supposed to work. I ask the questions; she gives me the answers. “Presley, just answer the damn question,” I bark out while she sits there.

“I will, Robert. But you need to answer my questions first. Would you have listened to me?”


“Would you have believed me?”



“Because you were a stranger, Presley. How could I trust you? I didn’t even know you.” I knew it the instant the words left my mouth. Shit. She had been gaining my trust over the weeks. She was always available until she wasn’t. Until I asked her to join us and then made an ass out of myself. Until I hurt her.

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