Home > Tag You're Mine(7)

Tag You're Mine(7)
Author: Catherine Charles

Hey sweetie. Had to go in early today.

Take your umbrella. Looks like rain.

Love you.


I mumble under my breath and head back to my room to get dressed and head out the door. Luckily there is a reprieve from the storm, and I’m able to stay dry enough in my Hunter rain boots, hoodie, and ball cap. Weather—it’s the only downside to riding the bus. As I head towards the main road to wait for the bus, a familiar black jacked up Z71 with black rims and mud tires slowly creeps its way up the drive towards me.

“Get in,” Brice calls out from the open window.

“I like the rain.” After yesterday I have no intention of spending more time with him than necessary.

“Quit being stubborn and get in the truck, Princess.”

I stop in my tracks and glare at him.

“Is this about yesterday? Look, I’m sorry I was closed off, it’s—I was dealing with some stuff.”

I continue my walk towards the bus stop while Brice throws the truck in reverse and follows me.

“Presley, get in the truck. You’re gonna get soaked.”

“I’m fine. It’s just a couple of sprinkles.” I keep my eyes forward, refusing to give him any attention. No sooner do the words leave my mouth, the skies open up, catching me in a torrential downpour.

Brice starts to laugh as he pushes the passenger door open for me. “Come on, Princess.”

I reach for the door handle and climb inside.

“Don’t. Even. Say. It.” I mutter in between clenched teeth.

It’s warm inside the confines of his truck, the air lighter than it was yesterday as we ride together in deliberate silence. The thought of him shutting down on me two days in a row terrifies me, so I keep my distance in hopes of keeping whatever bothered him yesterday, away.

The rest of the school day passes, and I catch the bus home. I don’t bother looking for Brice, it’s not a tutoring day, and I don’t want to become a burden. Mom’s home by the time I walk through the front door, excitement seeping from every pore on her body.

“Guess who I saw today in town?”

“You know someone here besides Grams and Gramps?” I say sarcastically, my excitement practically in the negatives on a scale of one to ten. I can tell she’s disappointed my excitement level is nowhere near hers, but I’ve never really been one for guessing games.

“Laugh all you want, but do you remember my friend Diane West from Tennessee?”

“Are you seriously asking me if I remember someone from when I was eight? I hardly remember what I wore to school yesterday.”

“Hush up, smart aleck. Her son Robert and you used to play together. Your dad and her husband were in the same unit.”

I stop to think for a moment and shake my head no. “Can’t say I do.”

“Well, she and Robert live here now. They have for quite some time actually. Keep your eyes out, maybe you’ll see him in school. Can you imagine the reunion?” She beams with pride and saunters off to the kitchen, leaving me to follow along behind her.

“I’ll ask my friends if they know him.”

“It’s not a big deal, dear. You’ll see him soon enough; I’ve invited them over for dinner Friday night. Who would have thought after all this time we would find each other, and here of all places!”

The grin and wink she levels at me can only mean one thing, and I’m almost positive she is up to no good. It’s times like these when I miss my dad; it seems like he’s the only one to manage her crazy.



Chapter Six


Friday afternoon, we’re sitting around the cafeteria table talking about plans for this weekend, and Heather’s trying to rally everyone into coming and watching her cheer at tonight’s home football game. Olivia and Trey are going to watch Marcus, but I’m concentrating so hard, I don’t hear what Brice says he’s doing.

I keep reviewing my flashcards, getting ready for my algebra test when Brice leans over and whispers in my ear, “You’ve got this. There’s no need for luck. Just relax.”

Relax. Easy for him to say, his GPA isn’t riding on every test and quiz in this class. I shoot him a hesitant smile and look back down at my cards. Shaking my head to help regain my focus, apparently, his breath against my sensitive skin causes me to forget everything I just thought I knew.

“By the way, you look beautiful today.”

I feel myself blush as a genuine smile eases over my face, only to quickly be removed as Heather wraps her arm around Brice and leans in, giving him a forced kiss on the mouth. Her eyes directly on me until their lips meet and then once again as he pushes her away.

“Mmm. You always taste so good, Bricee.”

Blagh. I think I threw up in my mouth a little. It’s clear she’s telling me to back off; Brice is hers, but he told me they were just friends. Anyone with eyes could tell the kiss was as uncomfortable for him as it was for the rest of us to witness. Besides, she can have him. He’s just a friend. He’s just a friend. Nothing more. Lies, all lies if the butterflies in my stomach are anything to take note of.

Quickly I change the subject to avoid the giant elephant in the room, Heather and Brice’s kiss. “Hey, do you guys know a Robert West?”

Brice chokes on his water, and everyone else looks at each other.

“Never heard of him,” Trey answers while shrugging his shoulders.

Marcus, being the ever popular one, mentions how he knows everyone, and he’s never heard the name before.

“Wait, isn’t he the creepy kid in chemistry?” Heather offers up, and sweet Olivia jokes, it’s Trey. The table laughs except Trey.

“Real funny Olivia. I forgot you were the funny one in the group.”

The bell rings, dismissing us from lunch, each of us heading off in opposite directions towards our next class, when a firm hand wraps around my arm, startling me.

“Let me take you home tonight,” Brice offers.

“It’s okay. I’m sure Heather would lose her mind if she saw us together. I’ll grab the bus.”

“You don’t need to be worried about Heather. I told you there was nothing there; we’re just friends. Please, Presley.”

There’s something behind his eyes I can't quite make out, almost as if he’s pleading with me, begging me to allow him to take me home.

“Okay. Meet me at the choir hall.”

He smiles, thanks me, then leaning in he places a soft kiss on my cheek, fire radiates from where his lips brush against my skin and goosebumps cover every inch of my body.

“Good luck on your test. You’re gonna do great.” He smiles at me before he turns to leave.

I’m stunned and overwhelmed, Brice Harte just kissed me. No. No. No.



I have to tell her.

We’re having dinner tonight with them. She’s gonna find out anyway. She doesn’t deserve to be blindsided by the fact we have pretty much known each other since birth; if she remembers me is another thing entirely. I can't bear to see the disappointment in her eyes if she finds out I knew beforehand.

I see her waiting outside the choir room, talking to Olivia. I make my way over to her, wrapping my arm around her waist, gently pulling her to me. The way her body fits beside mine is as if we were made for one another. Her smile is sincere and utterly genuine.

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