Home > The Good Girl(7)

The Good Girl(7)
Author: Madeleine Taylor

“Church on Sundays?”


“From a small town? Still close to your parents?”

“Yes. How could you possibly know?” She sounds so sure of herself that I’m starting to think she’s done a background check on me.

“Your silver cross around your neck kind of gave you away when I met you at the bar, so the religious part was a given. You fiddled with it when you were nervous, and I could tell it was important to you, yet you didn’t put it back on when I handed it to you earlier. You have no tattoos or signs of previous piercings, and although that is not a reliable factor to base assumptions on, my guess is that you weren’t much of a rebel when you were younger. So, it makes sense that you’ve stayed close to your parents if they’re still around. Want me to carry on?”

I’m so baffled by her observations that I don’t know what to say, so I simply nod.

She gives me a triumphant smile, clearly pleased with herself, and carries on. “You were dressed fairly conservatively after the trade show, fitting in with the company you work for.” She winks. “I looked them up. Although they might not be very exciting, they seem to be a good employer. I think your white, cotton shirt was made from fabric you develop and sell, and so it shows that you care a lot about your job and that you take pride in it. Right now, you look different though… You look like you’re only just discovering yourself. As I said, you’re fascinating.”

She glances over my half-naked body. The straps of my bra have been pulled down, exposing my breasts but I’m still wearing my heels because they give me a sense of control. My hair is tousled and although I haven’t looked in the mirror, I think I might have mascara stains under my eyes and the remains of smudged lipstick around my mouth.

“You’re not wrong,” I say. “What else?”

“You’re confident, but that has more to do with your job and how comfortable you are in it. It comes across in your work environment. I can tell by your posture, how you carry yourself among your colleagues and how you interact with them. Outside, you’re not quite sure who you are, though.”

I nod again, realizing that she’s right.

She pauses and glances at me before she continues. “You feel no need to fill up silences with small talk. I like that about you, but what tells me more about you than anything, are your eyes.”

My heart skips a beat when her gaze meets mine. “My eyes… What about them?”

“They hide nothing from me,” she says. “And I like that. When I offered you a drink, I could tell straight away that you were a little guarded. Then I read curiosity in your expression and finally…” She smiles, bringing her mouth close to my ear. “So much desire that I just had to have you.” Her warm breath sends a shiver down my spine.

“You seem to know me well for someone I met only yesterday.”

“I believe I do.” Her hand sensually caresses my thigh and I’m unable to suppress a soft moan. It’s all it takes for my arousal to flare up again, to crave her like nothing else. “Your reaction to my touch is mesmerizing, I’ve never seen anything like it. You love that I’m in control.”

“I do,” I admit, and shift in her lap, allowing her hand to rise further. My voice catches as I ask the question that’s been burning on my mind since we started this conversation. “How come you’re so good at reading people? Or did you look me up?”

“I didn’t look you up, just your company.” She hesitates for a beat before she continues. “It’s important for me to know who I can trust. In order to know, I need to read them.”

“And why is it so important for you to trust everyone?” I ask.

She laughs. “Hey, don’t change the subject. We’re talking about you here.”

“But you’ve made me even more curious now, it’s not fair.” I run a teasing hand through her hair and kiss her. “So… you can read people and you’re incredible in bed. What other talents do you have?”

She shakes her head and raises a brow. “Okay. I’ll tell you one thing about myself, but it’s all you’re getting. I can do a bit of magic.”

“Magic?” Despite her hand being so close to my panties now, the statement makes me laugh and I sit up. This woman is even more interesting than I anticipated. “Show me a trick then.”

Of course, she expected my request and it doesn’t throw her. It’s like she’s always one step ahead of me. “Sure.” She reaches into her pocket and takes out a quarter. “Hold this for me.”

I take the coin and study it, making sure it’s real. My eyes are focused on it as there is no way in hell she’s going to trick me from up close.

“Cover it with your other hand,” she says. When I do, she folds her own hands over mine and shakes it.

I can feel it squashed between my palms, at least I think I do. She continues to shake my hands, and I laugh again, realizing how ridiculous we look right now. “Are we done yet? Or are you trying to distract me with whatever it is you’re doing?” I still haven’t taken my eyes from our joined hands.

“No, we can stop whenever you want. I just love listening to you laugh.”

I hold still then, taken aback by her sweet words and when she removes her hands, I notice the coin has disappeared from my palms. A frown appears between my brows as I open her fists to check if she’s holding onto it. They’re empty, of course. “Where did it go?” I’m completely puzzled and very, very impressed.

She holds her hands up, making sure I know she’s not cheating. “Spread your legs and you’ll find it.” Her tone is flirty and playful.

I roll my eyes at that because surely, I would have known if she’d put it there, however subtly. Suddenly, I feel something cold against my sensitive skin, and I do as she says anyway, only to find the coin when I reach down into my panties. “Jesus, you really are good at this. I can’t stop laughing as I hold it up. It’s covered in my juices, and that makes me laugh even harder.

“Thank you,” she says, pulling me close to her.

“For what?”

“For laughing. I really do love the sound of it, it slays me.” She looks at me earnestly. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re gorgeous and the sexiest woman I’ve ever encountered.”

“No one has ever told me that before,” I say, a blush creeping to my cheeks.

“Then whoever you’ve been with must have been crazy. Have you had many girlfriends?” The question indicates she’s confident men are not my thing.

“Not many. Nothing long-term either. I tend to push them away when things get serious. I’m not sure why, I just lose interest.”

She nods, as if she understands. “Have you ever been in love?”

“No,” I admit, thinking this is quite an intimate question for someone who doesn’t tend to get personal. Why she wants to talk now, I don’t know, but she seems genuinely interested in me. “At least I don’t think so. I would know, right? What about you?”

“I don’t want to talk about me.”

I sigh. “Well, then I think I’m done talking too.”

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