Home > Secrets We Keep (Ruthless Sinners MC)(42)

Secrets We Keep (Ruthless Sinners MC)(42)
Author: L. Wilder



Looks like you and your sister have something in common.

You’re both a great lay.



Fuck you.



Watch your tone or I just might.


I didn’t respond, hoping that would be the end of it, but after several seconds, another message came through.



I expect information within the next twenty-four hours or your sister will pay the price.


As much as I wanted to tell him to go to hell, I knew it would only rile him up even more. Deciding it was best to leave it alone, I turned my phone off and shoved it back into my pocket of my jeans. I was about to get back to work when Lisa leaned over and asked, “Everything okay?”

“No, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“You sure?” A friendly smile crossed her face as she said, “I’ve been known to be a bit of a hard ass. If there’s somebody’s ass that needs to be kicked, I’m your girl.”

“I appreciate that, I really do, but this is something I’ve got to deal with on my own.”

“All right, but remember my offer. Just say the word, and I’ll put on my ass-kicking boots.”

“Thanks, Lisa.”

We both got back to work. It was another busy night with a steady line of customers streaming in. The stages were covered up with guests, and our waitresses hadn’t had a chance to catch their breaths since the doors opened. Normally, a night like this would be exhausting, but I was thankful for the distraction. I was so busy I’d almost forgotten Eric was watching my every move. Almost being the key word. There was no way I could forget I was being watched. I could almost feel his eyes on me, and I hated it. What I hated even more was the fact there was nothing I could do about it.

I was actually kind of thankful when Country came over with one of his goofy grins. I could tell by that mischievous look in his eye he was about to say something off the wall, but I didn’t care. I could use a moment with a good friend. “How’s it shakin’, bacon?”

“Pretty good, I guess.” I stepped over to him as I asked, “How about you?”

“Got no complaints.”

“Well, that’s good. Can I get ya a beer or anything?”

“Yeah, a beer would be good.” I reached into the cooler and grabbed a cold Miller Lite, then placed it on the counter. Country picked it up and took a long pull before turning his attention back to me. “Did you know that Antarctica is actually a desert?”

“Umm, what?”

“Yep. The place has like ninety percent of the world’s ice, but it only gets eight inches of rain a year … so yeah, it’s a desert.” His smile never faded as he said, “That’s crazy, right?”

“Yeah, pretty crazy all right.” Country wasn’t one to dish out nature facts, so I knew he was just looking for something to talk about, which I found to be very sweet. He knew I was going through a tough time, and this was his way of showing he was there for me. I glanced up at the camera above me and knew Eric would be expecting me to try to uncover some information for him. I hoped since Country kept glancing up at the camera, he was aware of the fact we were not only being watched but also listened to. I tried it play it cool as I leaned forward with a smile, “Hey, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, you can ask anything you want.” He cocked his eyebrow. “Doesn’t mean I’ll give the answer you wanna hear.”

“Ha! Nothing new there.” I inhaled a deep breath before asking, “I was just wondering, are the two strip clubs the only businesses the Ruthless Sinners are involved in?”

“Why ya asking?”

“I don’t know. Just curious I guess.” I shrugged. “I figure if I’m going to be involved with Rafe, I should know what I’m getting into.”

“I see.” As he lifted his beer, his eyes skirted up to the security camera, then quickly back to me. He took a long sip, then said, “If you want to know what Rafe or the brothers are into, then that’s something you should take up with Rafe—but I’ll tell you this. Rafe is one of the good ones. Nothing he won’t do for the people he cares about...Kind of like a wolf.”

“A wolf?”

“Hell, yeah, like a wolf.” He stood there for a moment, then leaned over the counter and said, “It’s his nature to be kind and loving, but when it comes to protecting his family ... his mate, you best not fuck with him. The man can be relentless.”

“Just like his brothers, huh?”

“Hell, fucking yeah. There’s a reason why wolves are at the top of the food chain. Live together, hunt together, and protect their own—to the fucking death.” He looked me dead in the eye as he said, “A lone wolf is one thing, but a whole damn pack. Damn. Not a predator around with balls big enough to go up against that.”

“I would guess not.” I knew Country well enough that there was a reason for this entire conversation. In the only way he could, he was trying to tell me he and his brothers would protect me and Rafe at all costs, and I appreciated it more than he could’ve imagined. I smiled as I told him, “Thanks for letting me in on that tidbit of information.”

He shrugged with a goofy smirk. “Just sharing the wealth of my profound knowledge.”

“Well, I’m flattered you’d think to share,” I teased as I motioned my hand out to the crowd. “Now go forth and share that wealth of information with someone else.”

“Yeah, I could, but not everyone appreciates a mind like mine.”

I chuckled as I told him, “That’s such a tragedy.”

“I know!” He gave me a wink, then turned and ventured into the crowd “After while, crocodile.”

Even though it was strange at best, I felt much better after my conversation with Country. He’d always been what the brothers would call a “good ol’ boy”, but he had a way of putting things into perspective, and tonight was no different. Country wasn’t the only one who’d taken the time to show he was there for me. Widow and Lynch also stopped by and shared in a few minutes of idle small talk. It wasn’t out of the norm. The guys were always friendly and did what they could to make me feel like I was part of their crew, but tonight, their support meant more than they realized. While I had no idea how they would handle the situation with Eric, I knew in my heart they would find a way to put him in his place. I just hoped they could do it without anyone getting hurt.

It was a thought that weighed on me as I gathered my things and set out to find Rafe. Everyone was preparing to leave when I found him in the back talking to Menace. I could tell by Rafe’s expression they were discussing something important, and I hated to interrupt but wanted to let him know I was leaving. As soon as I approached, they both became tight-lipped, making it clear they didn’t want anyone knowing what they were discussing. I pretended not to notice as I said, “Hey, guys. I’m calling it a night.”

“We’re about to do the same.” Rafe motioned his head towards Menace as he continued, “We’ve got some things to wrap up here, and then I’ll be heading over to your place.”

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