Home > Secrets We Keep (Ruthless Sinners MC)(47)

Secrets We Keep (Ruthless Sinners MC)(47)
Author: L. Wilder

“You’re probably right.”

I nodded, then motioned my hand for her to follow me across the street. As we stepped outside, I scanned the area searching for any sign of Eric. When I was certain he wasn’t there, I skirted across the street with Kate. When we got to the bar, I wasted no time rushing inside and finding a seat next to one of the tinted windows. With a puzzled look, Kate sat down across from me and said, “You really are in a rush, huh?”

“I don’t like to be late for work.” I motioned over to the waitress, and after we’d placed our order, I asked Kate, “So, what is it that you want to talk about?”

“I think Eric is going to break up with me.” Tears filled her eyes as she continued, “I know you don’t like him, but I really thought he was the one.”

“You’re right. I don’t like him.” There was no love loss between Kate and me. I never saw us ever being close. Honestly, I didn’t care if I ever saw her again, but at the same time, I didn’t want to see her dead. I hoped I would be able to persuade her to just leave and cut her losses, saving her life in the process. “I just don’t get it. You’ve known the guy for a month, Kate. What exactly is it about him that makes you think he’s the one?”

“He’s everything, Marlie. Handsome, sweet, smart, and he takes such good care of me.” I kept peering over at the hotel entrance, hoping to get a glimpse of Eric as he entered the building. I’d tried to be inconspicuous, but unfortunately, Kate noticed my odd behavior and asked, “Is something wrong?”

“No. I just didn’t get much sleep last night, and I’m feeling a little out of sorts,” I lied. “Go on. Finish what you were saying.”

“Okay, well, Eric has this thing he does...”

Kate was rambling on about how incredible Eric was when I spotted his blue Cadillac pull up to the front of the hotel. My heart started pounding against my chest as I watched him get out of his car and storm towards the front door. I held my breath as he disappeared inside the building, only exhaling when he came barreling out those same doors moments later with the manila envelope in his hand. He never once stopped to look for me. Instead, he simply got back in his car and drove away. It was done. I’d actually pulled it off, and Kate’s idiotic conversation about Eric hadn’t derailed me.

I sat there listening to her go on and on about this lunatic until I couldn’t stand it a moment longer. I held up my hand, stopping her mid-sentence and said, “If you ask me, it sounds like the guy is playing you. I know you don’t want to hear this, but you should go back over to that hotel, pack your bags, and leave.”

“You’re just saying that because you’re jealous! You know you’ll never find a man like him, and you can’t stand the fact that I have!”

“Yeah, Kate. I’m real jealous of your douchebag, Eric.” I reached into my purse and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill. As I slammed it down on the table, I stood up and said, “In all honesty, I think the two of you are perfect for one another. You’re both complete assholes who think the world owes you something. I hope you have a long, wonderful life together!”

Without giving her a chance to respond, I charged out of the bar and across the street to my car. As I glanced back over to the bar, I spotted Kate standing at the front door looking fit to be tied. For a moment, I felt slightly guilty for not trying harder to make her leave, but I knew I would be wasting my breath. Kate was destined for a fall, and it was her fall to take. I just hoped it was one she’d be able to walk away from.



Chapter 21






Once I got back to the clubhouse, I went to the conference room to join the others. As soon as I walked in, Viper asked, “Did you handle it?”

“Yeah. She should be heading over to the club now.”

As soon as I was seated, Viper motioned his hand towards Menace’s laptop. “I want eyes on the club. We’ll need to know the second Marlowe gets there.”

Menace nodded, and after a few quick keystrokes, he’d pulled up the security feed at the club. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I sat there staring blankly at that fucking monitor. Needless to say, I couldn’t have been more relieved when I spotted Marlowe’s beautiful face flash across the screen. None of us spoke as we watched her pretend to search through the different drawers, closets, and cabinets around the bar. She was playing the part to a T, and even I was buying into the charade as I watched her slip into Menace’s office.

Moments later, she came out with a notebook in hand, and a proud smile crossed Viper’s face as he leaned over to me and said, “Your girl did good. Stark won’t have a clue that ledger isn’t the real thing until he starts digging into it.”

“Let’s just hope he gets his ass back to Crockett’s as soon as he picks it up.”

“He will. He has to.” It was clear Viper was growing impatient when he said, “It’s time to move, boys.”

We all stood and followed Viper out of the conference room and out to the parking lot. The brothers were quiet while we all loaded up into the SUVs. As we drove over to Crockett’s, Menace went over all the details with Country one last time, making sure he knew exactly what was expected of him once he’d made his way into the basement. Just as he had two times before, Country assured him he knew exactly what to do. We’d just pulled into the parking lot across from Crockett’s when Viper received a text on his burner. He pulled the phone out of his pocket, and after reading the message, he announced, “Stark just left the hotel.”

There was no missing the sound of concern in Menace’s voice as he replied, “That doesn’t give us much time.”

“I’ve got it,” Country replied confidently. “Don’t worry.”

Viper cocked his eyebrow as he asked him, “Does that mean you’re ready?”

“Hell, yeah. I was born ready.”

“Get it done.”

“You got it, Prez.”

Once Country got out of the truck, Menace took out his laptop and pulled up the security feed from Crockett’s. While we didn’t have eyes on everything, we could see inside the bar and the alley. All eyes were on Country as he started towards the basement’s entry. When he disappeared from the screen, Menace announced, “Looks like he’s in.”

We were all watching the monitor when I remembered the fire alarms. The last thing we needed was the explosion setting off any alarms, so I leaned over to Menace and warned, “Don’t forget to kill the power.”

“Already taken care of.”

“How long should it take Country to set up the IED?”

“A couple of minutes, tops.”

We all watched the screen, praying silently Country would be able to pull it off, and just as we’d hoped, he came out of the basement and held up his hand, giving us a thumbs up. He’d done it. The IED was in place, as soon as Country was out of harm’s way and back in the SUV, we were able to breathe a little easier. A mischievous smile crossed his face as Country asked, “Since it’s my Gran’s old bar, can I be the one who pushes the button?”

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