Home > The One Reason(21)

The One Reason(21)
Author: Odile Rose

“In general, or about dating specific ally?”

“He just worries. He has a hard time trusting anyone with me,”

she rep lies.

A father with trust issues? So Scarlette isn’t my only challenge: I have to get through to him too.

“He has every right to be protective. I’m sure a lot of guys have come knocking at his door for you,” I say smiling at her.

But she turns away to look out the window when I say that. She seems to be thinking deeply again. I realize her hand is still in mine and I gently squeeze it, making her turn back toward s me.

“So, tell me, does your friend Zack have a problem with you dating as well?” I ask, knowing I sound annoyed. Scarlette laughs and rolls her eyes.

“Why are you so bothered about Zack?” she asks.

I shrug. “He didn’t seem too happy about you leaving wit h me.”

“He worries about me too,” she rep lies.

I don’t want Scarlette to think I’m this crazy jealous guy. It’s just all new to me. No guy has ever made me feel threatened be fore.

“I promise you, neither of them has anything to worry about you when you are with me,” I say truthf ully.

Scarlette gives me a look of relief that says she believes what I just told her. She starts to root around in her bag and pulls out her phone. It must have been on vibrate mode since I didn’t hear it ringing. She presses the answer op tion.

“Hi, Paige,” she answers in a soft tone. I notice how sweet her voice is starting to sound t o me.

“… I thought he would,” Scarlette resp onds.

I can only guess Zack has something to do with this.

“Paige, I will call you later. Everything is fine, okay? Bye,”

she says, ending the call.

“Paige worries about you as well I’m gues sing.”

Scarlette turns to look out the window again, watching the cars pass us by on the highway. I haven’t realized how far I have driven—we are approaching Stanley Park.

“Where are we going?” she asks, sensing my hesita tion.

But I’ve remembered my plan: Scarlette will appreciate the view, while I appreciate mine. There is no question that I won’t be able to take my eyes off her. Her beauty is delicate but breathtaking. I never seem to get tired of admirin g it.

“Elvis?” I hear her ask softly, taking me out of my daydream. I never appreciated the sound of my name so much until now. I turn my head towards her as we reach the intersection of our exit.

“We’re almost there.” I s mile.

Her eyes meet mine and her cheeks colour that pink shade I’m learning to recog nize.

We finally reach the Teahouse Restaurant in Stanley Park, and find a parking spot out front. When we enter the building, immediately we see a young hostess standing at the oak desk, engraved with the words teahouse e st. 1978 . The woman greets us with a warm smile as she takes us to our table, seating me and Scarlette at the window to get the full view of the colourful

garden around the restaurant and the ocean in the distance.

Inside, the atmosphere is warm and sophisticated, and the glass walls draw the surrounding nature into the room. I notice Scarlette looking above us, admiring the glass ceiling as she sits down.

While we look at the menus, a young, well -g roomed server approaches our t able.

“Good evening, my name is Dino, and I’ll be your server. Can I get you started with a d rink?”

Most women would probably find Dino attractive, but Scarlette’s focus is still on the menu.

“Ladies first,” I suggest. She looks up at me with a smile, then turns to the handsome se rver.

“I will have a glass of white wine,” she kindly requ ests.

“Good choice and yourself, sir?” he asks, turning towards me after staring at Scarlette for just a moment too long.

“I’ll have a gin and tonic, with a lime.”.

“I’m ready to order if you are,” Scarlette offers. I nod and gesture towards her, indicating that she should go f irst.

“I’d like the Mediterranean salad and stuffed mushrooms, pl ease.”

“That sounds great. I’ll have the same.”

Dino writes the order down and walks away. As soon as he’s gone, I lean over the table to feel a little closer to her.

“You didn’t answer my question before,” I say.

“What did you want to know?” she asks, raising an eyebrow inquisiti vely.

“When Paige called, was she checking on you because she worries about you too? Or did someone influence her to call you?”

I sound nosey but I can’t help myself. Scarlette shakes her head slowly, laughing slig htly.

“Are you still stuck on Zack?” she asks, tilting her head.

“I’m just curious to know why he’s so concerned about you being out wit h me.”

“It’s not you, Elvis. Zack means well.” She hesitates then asks.

“Are you that much of a jealous boyfr iend?”

“I’m not a jealous boyfriend at all, actually. I have never been jealous in my entire life, so if I’m acting that way, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to. I guess I feel protective of you,” I say, revealing something I feel but never planned to let her know.

Not only am I learning more about Scarlette, but I’m also picking a few things up about myself along the way. She leans back in her chair, staring at me, saying nothing, and we’re quiet for a moment, just looking at each o ther.

As the server brings our meals and we begin to eat, Scarlette points out her favourite parts of the view, telling me how much she appreciates the calm she feels being by the water. She seems to enjoy nature and the beauty it brings. I want her to enjoy it even more once we finish up in the restaurant. Spending some time outside, closer to it all, will hopefully make her s mile.

Once we finish, the server comes back to our table, flashing Scarlette a flirtatious smile. I look up at the young man, attending to us with a charm that any girl would appreciate, but Scarlette keeps her eyes o n me.

“Would you like another glass of wine?” he asks her.

“No, thank you,” she answers politely, and Dino looks ever so slightly deflated by her lack of inte rest.

“Very well,” he says, turning to me, “and you, sir?”

I shake my head, keeping my stare on Scarlette. I hope that I don’t scare her with my eyes locked on her, but she’s gone quiet a gain.

“Are you all right?” I ask once Dino has left the cheque and walked away.

“Yes, I am,” she says, looking surprised at her own an swer.

“Would you like to head out?” I ask.


Without looking at the cheque, I take money out of my wallet and place it on the table, then I hold Scarlette’s coat out for her, as she slips her arms through the sle eves.

We walk out of the restaurant side by side, with our shoulders nearly touching. The sun is starting to set, and its reflection against the water is stunning. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed. We continue walking until we reach a bench in front of the restaurant and Scarlette stands still, staring at the view. I find myself watching her. I never knew I could enjoy being in someone’s presence this much.

We’re both quiet, in our own thoughts, which makes me wonder what she could be thinking about. She turns towards me and gives me a shy smile, noticing my stare, then walks over to the bench and takes a seat. I follow and sit beside her. Although it’s a cool winter day, we both ignore the chill in the air. I would normally make a move at this part of a date, but Scarlette feels like more than a date to me, she feels like someone I can sit with quietly and still enjoy her com pany.

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