Home > Labeled(15)

Author: Jenni Linn

Wes and Chase pull up behind us. Chase is a sight getting out of his car. He’s tall, lean, and tan. They continue walking to us, my eyes following Chase as he comes to stand on my left while Wes is coming up behind Taylor and wrapping his arms around her. Chase doesn't look at me but has a wicked grin on his face.

"Not bad."

"Nope, not bad at all." He rocks back and forth on his toes. I decide to mess with him a little.

"I can do better," I say looking forward, fighting the grin that's trying to form on my lips watching the next two cars pulling up to the starting line.

"Oh, you think so?" Chase asks.

"Yep," I say, popping the ‘p’.

"I'd like to see that."

"Hmm, I bet you would."

I hear a jingling of keys. I look his way, slightly shocked at him holding out his keys. He's facing me now, leaning on one of the poles of the fence. He nods behind me. "Show me." My eyes are bugging out of my head. Holy crap, he's going to let me race his car?! What? I'm about to grab the keys from him when Vin heads our way, the phone to his ear.

"Yeah, okay. It's towards the back of the parking lot." He removes the phone from his ear, presses a button, and slips it into his back pocket. "Tow truck's here," He informs us.

Vaughn and Vance just pull up, parking aside Chase's car. Vin jogs over to them, as they get out of the car, I assume he's telling them what he just told us. Our little group joins the rest of them just as I hear Vaughn asking, "We calling it a night?"

I glance around at everyone, Vin's nodding, while Vance voices his agreement.

"You guys don't have to leave, I'll go with the driver...you guys stay," I tell them.

"You're not going by yourself, are you crazy?" Vance is looking at me like I've lost my mind. I shrug, "Wasn't sure if you guys would want to cut your night short just because my car took a crap."

He laughs and looks around at the group. "Is she serious?"

"Stop being a dick, Vance." Taylor puts her hands on her hips.

"I have no problems heading out early," Chase cuts in.

"Yeah, we all got some runs in. We can hit up the Field after we drop the car off at the garage," Vaughn volunteers.

"I'm gonna skip the Field tonight," Vin cuts in.

"What else you gonna do?" Vaughn elbows him.

"I'm gonna hit up Sliders," Vin answers while his fingers move around on his phone.

"Damn, you been goin' there a lot lately. What girl got her hooks in you now?" Vance hollers to him because Vin has started walking towards his car. Vin turns around, walking backward while answering, "Ain't no girls there buddy--women. Lots of women. You have fun hanging with the little girls at the Field. I'll be surrounded by women."

"Damn," Vaughn whispers, "I can't wait until I'm twenty-one."

I slap Vaughn in the head. "Shut up, you perv."

"What?" Vaughn rubs the spot I just smacked him, "Why’d you hit me?" I roll my eyes and start walking towards my car at the back of the lot. Chase jogs up next to me, as everyone else hops in their car.

"Whatcha doin?" I ask him.

"Accompanying you."

"You don't have to do that," I tell him.

"I know I don't have to, I want to."

Well. That is nice. Really nice. I can't keep my smile from spreading. It's so big and taking over my whole face, it almost hurts. "Thank you," I whisper. He returns the smile, but he is incredible. Breathtaking. He leans into me. "No problem," he whispers back, placing his hands in his front pockets. He elbows me then winks as he moves away. Good lord! He needs to stop doing that! My steps pick up a bit, putting some space between Chase and myself.

Not far ahead, the tow truck driver has already parked in front of my car and is lowering the rollback. He crawls under the front of my car, hooking it to his truck, and he stands up wiping the dirt from his already dirty jeans. The tow truck driver cranks the gear, which is loud, but slowly pulls my car up onto the rollback, then leveling it. The driver goes about making sure the car is secure and jumps off the rollback, approaching us while putting a toothpick in his mouth. "Where we headed?" He looks at Chase for an answer.

"A town over, about thirty minutes. We're going to Victor's Auto, on Fifth street. We're going that way, so you can follow us there." The driver walks back to his truck and hops in.

"You still up for driving?" Chase asks me.

"For real?" I turn to face him. Walking backward, he nods.

"Hell yeah!" I shout. He pulls out his keys and tosses them to me. I take off before I lose the chance to drive his car again. I can hear him laughing behind me. Everyone's already in their cars, waiting for us. I jump into the Z before anyone can say anything and start her up. It rumbles as she comes to life. I am so giddy I'm shaking. Chase falls into the passenger seat, his presence completely overwhelming me. My giddiness has now turned into nervousness. I hope I don't make an ass out of myself. I put the car into reverse and pray I don't stall his car. What the hell are we going to talk about for the next thirty minutes?



Take A Picture



Okay, I lied. Watching Veronica race is the second-best thing I've ever seen. The first? Watching her drive my car. She's sexy doing just about everything, but there's something primal about her being behind the wheel of my car. The radio is on...but it's low, like background noise. I watch her drive the car with ease--like driving is second nature to her, and I guess in a way, it is. I'm comfortable just sitting here, watching her, but it's clear she's not when she speaks.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," she quips, her eyes flashing to me, then back to the road. Good idea. I whip out my phone and quickly snap a picture.

"Seriously? I was joking, you better delete that."

"No way. This moment is one to remember. I may just hire you to be my chauffeur." I watch her mouth as a smile plays on it. Those lips. I want to taste them so badly. I bet they're like little puffy pillows; soft and inviting. I clear my throat and look out the window. I need to think of something else before I have a noticeable tent in my jeans.

"Is it good to be home?" she asks quietly. I drum my fingers on my pants, taking in her question. I inhale deeply, then slowly release it. "Yes, it’s good to be home. Sleeping in my bed, and not a cot. It's an adjustment, for sure, but knowing that I won't be shot at while walking around is relieving." I hear her breath hike.

"You were shot at?" her eyes are big.

"Well yeah, there's a war going on V," I tell her gently.

"I mean, I know, but I just didn't realize."

"I wasn't out in the field much, I'm a tech. We still train for battle, but it doesn't compare to actually being shot at."

"Jeez. Do you have to go back?"

"Yes, eventually. I don't know if they'll call me back, or when. It could be a year or a month."

"A month? Seriously? You just got back."

I shrug, even though she can't really see me. "It's how it works." She’s gone quiet, chewing her bottom lip, brows furrowed showing her worry. That pulls at my heart. I like that she's worried about me, but I don't want to be that burden on her. I lean over the console, reach out, and pull her bottom lip from her mouth. My hand lingers there, then slowly moves to her chin and down her neck. Her eyes widen. I’ve startled her, or she’s having some kind of reaction to my touch. By the way her breathing has become rapid, that seems like the most plausible possibility. I like that. I reluctantly move my hand to the center console, but I don't move away. I need to change the conversation to something a little lighter.

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