Home > Labeled(32)

Author: Jenni Linn

Chase stands up and announces he is going to head out. "Thanks so much for dinner." He hugs Mom. The scene before me fills me with warmth. It's comforting to know that Mom already likes Chase. I think about confiding in her about my feelings for him, and his possible feelings for me.

"It's a pleasure, you know you're always welcomed here."

"Thank you," he says sincerely.

He turns to me, "Hey can I talk to you?" he asks.

I'm surprised, so I simply nod and follow him to the front door, and out into the dark sky. Nightly creatures are making themselves known with their chirping and clicking.

"I just wanted to talk to you about this week."

"Oh okay."

"I'll be by around seven. School starts at seven-twenty right?"


"Do you have a ride home?" he asks.

"Yeah, Tay's gonna drop me off."

He nods. "Okay. If you need anything, you have my number."

"You don't have to do this, you know. I appreciate it, I really do."

"I know I don't have to. I want to."

This makes me smile. "Okay. Thank you."

"No problem. I'll see you in the morning then."

"Okay, see you." I turn to leave but stop when he says my name. I look back at him, curiously. "Yeah?"

"Three sugars."

My face crinkles in confusion, which makes him chuckle. "I like my coffee with three sugars."

"Oh!" I blurt out, getting what he means. "Alright!" He winks before getting in the truck. That wink is my downfall. HE is my downfall. I float into the house. My brothers and dad are back in the living room, finishing the game. Vance glances at me and his eyebrow arches. I know he's dying to know what that was, but I keep walking and take large steps up the stairs to my room. I change into my pajamas and crawl into bed. My phone is blinking, indicating there's a message. I unlock my phone to find a message from Chase.

It simply says,

‘Sweet dreams’.






I wake up before my alarm goes off, too anxious to get this day started. All because I get to spend a little time with Chase. Alone time with Chase. I try to shower quickly, then dress in my favorite jeans and pair them with a cute button-up plaid shirt. Downstairs, the house is quiet, except for some movement in the kitchen. Vin has already left for work and Vaughn is already at school. Vance most likely still asleep, and Dad off doing...whatever retired people do.

"Morning honey," Mom's greeting is cheerful.


"You're up and ready early."

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Waffles?" she asks me from the stove.

My stomach is a nervous wreck, and I don’t want to push it. "No, I'm good." I start a pot of coffee, and my mother looks at me suspiciously. I don't normally drink coffee. I grab a granola bar from the cabinet, and the OJ from the fridge and pour a glass. I move to sit on a stool at the middle island.

"Is Taylor coming to get you this morning?"

"Uh, no. Actually, Chase is."

"Oh yeah? That’s very kind of him." She says nonchalantly, questioning without pestering, and I know this is my time to talk to her. I remain quiet, listening for any movement from upstairs or elsewhere. "No one's home and Vance won't be up for at least another hour...or two. Who knows with him." My mom is now facing me, her back to the countertop.

"I really like him," I rush out.

She smiles. "And I presume, he really likes you?"

"I think so."

She smiles even bigger, making the wrinkles at her eyes deeper. "Hmm," she hums. "I think so."

"Please don't tell them,” I motion upstairs, “They will destroy any chance of anything happening."

"Do you think this is wise, honey?" she questions. "He is your brothers’ friend."

"Probably not...no. But I can't help it. I really like him. They can't know, they can't." I'm becoming a bit desperate. "It's so new...it may be nothing."

"And when it becomes something?"

I shrug and take a bite of my granola.

"They're not trying to ruin your life. You know your brothers love you and want the best for you."

I nod. "I know, but I'm eighteen. I'm going to be graduating, and I haven't even been on a date! I haven't even had a boyfriend!"

"What about that boy Bobby?"

"Bobby?" I ask. "What? Who? Bobby Fisher?" She nods at the name. "Mom that was in, like, the third grade, and Vance scared him so bad he cried and never spoke to me again."

Mom found it amusing, "Ah, that's right. He had detention for the week. Brenda wasn't too happy."

"Why couldn't you have more girls?"

"I don't know Hun, ask your father."


"I won't say anything to your brothers, but please be careful. I don't think they'd appreciate the lying and sneaking around. I wouldn’t. If it becomes something more, I don't think hiding it will have a good outcome."

"I have no idea where it's going. I just know I like him, and I think he likes me. I'll play it by ear."

Mom doesn't say anything else, and I finish my small breakfast. The kitchen smells like fresh coffee, and I go about making Chase a mug with three sugars. He never mentioned creamer, but he doesn't seem like a creamer kind of guy.

Mom is watching me. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing," she muses.

My phone pings, notifying me of a message. I quickly put the lid on the mug and rush to the island.

"He's here," I say out loud. I kiss my mom on the cheek. "Thank you."

"I'm always here if you need me."

"I know. Love you."

"Have a good day, sweetie. Love you more."

I slip on my Converse and grab my bag, slinging it over my shoulder and hurry out the front door. Chase's silver truck is parked right in front. I open the door and fling myself in.

"Hey," I say a bit out of breath. "Here."

"I was kidding, V!"

I shrug. "It's the least I could do." I didn't want to admit that I thought he was serious. "I didn't know if you liked cream, so it's just three sugars, like you said," I ramble on.

He laughs and then takes a sip. "Ah. Hot." He places the mug in the cupholder. "It's great! Thank you!" I take notice of his appearance--it's something I'm not used to. He has on a nice, wrinkle-free, button-down long sleeve shirt and he's wearing black slacks. Slacks! He looks older, professional, and it's like a look into the future. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing this every day, even though he's admitted he doesn't want to work with his father.

"What?" he asks.

"Ah. Nothing. You just look different."

He laughs. "Yeah. Welcome to adulthood." He puts the truck into gear and starts slowly maneuvering towards the end of the driveway.

"I can't imagine having to dress all professional," I say while looking out the windshield.

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