Home > Labeled(50)

Author: Jenni Linn

It's easy to forget that he's part of the military and that he could be called away again. He was just gone for so long...I can't imagine them taking him so soon. The memory of our last conversation comes to my mind, and I hope that he'll be staying for a long time. I push the thoughts away, not wanting to taint our time together with my unease.

"I'm gonna have Taylor keep me updated on the bros." After sending her quick text and getting her simple response, I put my phone away. Chase holds out his hand towards me, palm up, silently waiting for me to place my hand in his. I comply, gladly.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" he asks.

I press my lips, "Work, then probably just hang out with Tay...like we do every Saturday. Why?"

"I'd like to see you, even if it's for just a little."

"Hmm. Maybe I can make that happen."

Chase looks my way. "That'd be nice." His smile is aimed at me.

"It would," I agree. "Aren't you hanging out with Vance or something?"

He shrugs. "Not till later I guess."

"I was gonna catch a ride home with Vin, but maybe I can get Tay to pick me up instead. She can bring me over to your place?" I ask.

"Yeah, that'll work. Let me know for sure."

"Another reason I need my car back," I point out.

"You'll have it back before you know it," He says to appease me.

"I hope so. Maybe we can check the junkyard again on Sunday?"

He looks at me. "Aren't you coming to the lake Sunday?"

"Ohhh, right! Of course! "

"Good. Though being around you in nothing but your bathing suit is going to be hard."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah." He pulls the car off the highway, slowing at the yield sign, but comes to a halt. Confused as to why he stopped, I look at him just as he leans over the console. "Gimme some sugar." He puckers his lips, I do as he asks, giving him a quick peck. Followed by another. "One more," he asks, causing me to laugh, I give him another peck. He hums his approval, and moves back towards his seat, maneuvering the car towards Chrissy's.

The diner is busier than the last time that we were here. We make our way inside, letting the hostess know a table for two would be perfect. She leads us to a booth located more on the nice dining side, rather than the side we sat on last time.

"Enjoy," the hostess says. We sit across from each other.

"Are you going to get the soup, again?" Chase asks me, picking up his menu to look over it.

"Hmm maybe. It's sooo good," I say excited. My enthusiasm causes him to chuckle lightly.

"You're cute," He mumbles. The look on his face makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.

"And you're sweet, Chase Daniels."

"Just sweet?" His brow arches upward, a cocky grin forming on his lips. He looks sexy as sin.

"Well, you're cute too," I say, playfully.

"Chase!" a female voice pulls our attention towards the girl standing at the end of our table.

"Hey!" she sits in beside him. "What are you up to?" I immediately remember her face. I've about had my fill of blondes for the night.

"Shannon, hey," Chase greets her. The tone in his voice alerts me to his unease. "Just getting some food."

She glances at me. "Oh! You're Vance's little sister, right? Hi!"


"Are your brothers here?" she looks around as she asks.


"Oh." She turns her attention back to Chase, easily dismissing me. "What are you doing after this? I can come over."

Chase is clearly uncomfortable, and it's honestly the first time I've ever seen him in distress. He handled the other girls earlier tonight with ease, but this girl, not so much. This has me curious, and extremely jealous. They clearly have a bit of history.

"Uh, no. I have an early morning, I'm just gonna go home and crash."

Her hand moves towards his chest. "What a shame." Her bottom lip juts out. "We had such a good time."

"Yeah, well..." He removes her hand. "It's not gonna happen."

She moves away, but her gaze follows me. "Wait, are you two...together?"

"No," I jump in.

Chase's expression doesn't escape me. It’s one of slight disappointment.

She laughs a bit. "Yeah, of course not."

A waitress approaches the table. "Hey guys, can I get you guys something to drink?" She looks at the blonde. When Shannon finally notices the waitress looking at her, she speaks up, "Oh! I'm just leaving." She slides out from the booth. "I'll talk to you later," she tells Chase.

His eyes are on me instantly, and I can't help but feel hurt, even though I have no reason to be. He didn't exactly do anything, and I told her we weren't together. It's never a nice feeling to be in the company of a person who had any intimate memories with the guy you are hopelessly in-lust with.

"Anything for you two then?" the waitress asks.

I look up at the middle-aged waitress and smile. "I'll take a Sprite."

"Iced tea, please." Chase orders.

"You need some time to look over the menu?" she asks looking between the two of us.

"I think so."

"Sure thing!" She leaves us, and I'm looking everywhere but at Chase.

"Hey," he whispers while leaning forward. His hands are reaching out for mine atop the table. He pulls them apart, tugging me forward. "Vern," he jokes and my resolve cracks a bit at the nickname.

"Who was that?" I ask looking at his blue eyes filled with anguish.

"That was Shannon."

"And she...you guys?"

He doesn't look too thrilled. "Yeah, when I first came home."

My eyes become unfocused as the memory of her hanging on his arm that night comes back to me.

"Hey, I'm sorry. If I would have known what I know now, it would have never happened."

"You don't have to apologize," I tell him, my eyes focusing again. "I mean, it's nice to hear that, but you don't owe me anything. It just sucks to run into your ex or flings at any place we may go. You don't have to worry about that because I don't have any."

"I do owe you. I care about you, and I don't want my actions to hurt you. I don't think you realize the number of heads you turn when you walk around."

I scoff, "Yeah, right."

Chase tugs on my middle finger. "Yeah, I am right and for the record I haven't been with anyone else since. It's you that's been on my mind. I'm sorry that we may run into an ex, but as I said earlier, you're the only one that matters. You're all I see."

Those last few words trigger another memory we had of the conversation from his car. I'm all he sees. This whole moment has tarnished our time together. I have to learn from this and not allow it to affect me. I am the one sitting here with Chase...not any of them. I smile weakly at him. He pulls my hand to his mouth, pressing a small sweet kiss to the top which causes my smile to turn genuine.

He intertwines our fingers, our arms stretched across the table, resting atop. Using my unoccupied hand, I pick up the menu only to put it down again. I already know what I want. Chase is muttering to himself, reading the options, and thinking aloud. "Hmm, that sounds good."

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