Home > Labeled(72)

Author: Jenni Linn

“I'm sorry,” I blurt out. He nods and runs his hand through his black hair.

“Let's finish this, yeah?”

I smile. “Yeah.”


The wind is whipping my hair around my face, but I can't help the ecstatic laugh that escapes my mouth as I take the corner at an alarming speed. Man, I missed this car! I want to go to Chase's, but I know it's probably for the best if I don't--especially after such an eventful morning. I park next to Vance's car and bite my lip in worry. Chase and I had never asked Vaughn or Vin to remain quiet about us, so I can only hope they didn't spill the beans.

I cautiously walk into the house and everyone, including Chase, is sitting in the living room. I stop dead in my tracks. “Oh hey. I didn't see your truck out front,” I say, stupidly.

“Hey, V. Vance picked me up,” Chase responds, nonchalantly. I glance towards Vance and gasp. His face is all swollen--his lip is busted, his eye is all black and blue, and his eyes are bloodshot. “Holy shit!”

“Don't worry, the other guy looks worse,” Vance jokes.

“Who’s the other guy?” I ask as I move around to sit on the other side of Vance. Although I already know the whole story, Vance doesn't know that. It seems like the right question to ask.

“He's not important.” He waves me off and continues to watch the game. I notice my dad isn't in his chair.

“Where's Dad?” I ask then glance out in the kitchen.

“They went out to eat. We just ordered pizza,” Vin informs me. “You go for a nice ride?” he asks with a smile.

“I did. It drives amazing. Chase looks like you're free now. Thanks for your help.”

“No problem.”

“Well I'm gonna go upstairs. Call me when the pizza arrives,” I say to the room. I glance at Chase as I walk by him. While he’s watching me, I catch Vin’s eyes on the both of us. It makes me a bit nervous, so I hurry up the stairs and once I'm in my room, I release my breath.

I pull up Tay's number and hit the dial button. It rings twice before she answers, “Hello my bestest friend.”

I laugh. “What are you up to?”

“Just hanging at Wes'.”

“Okay. Give me a call when you're alone, then.”

“I can be alone, just give me a minute.” I hear rustling through the phone and Wes' voice. “I'll be right back,” she tells him. “Okay, I'm alone. Spill.”

“Wellllll...” I drag out, happily.

“You had sex!” she whisper-shouts.

I laugh.

“You did! You little slut!” she jokes.

“No, no. I didn't. Wes isn’t near you, right?” I ask.

“No, I'm in the bathroom. He doesn't care anyway.”

“Okay...” I say low into the phone. “I will just say this, Chase has very talented fingers.”

Taylor screams into the receiver. I have to pull the phone away from my ear, “Oh my little Veronica is growing up,” her voice becomes weepy, “Did you..orgasm?” she whispers the last word.

“I did. I definitely did.”

“Did you see his penis?” she blurts out.

“Tay!” I shout.

“What?” she asks innocently, “It's big, isn't it?”

“I mean, I don’t have anyone to compare it to but it felt big.”

“I knew it.” she yells, causing me to laugh out loud.

There's a light knock on my bedroom door. “I gotta go,” I inform Tay, then quickly end the call before she protests. “Yeah?” I yell out. The door opens slowly, revealing a head of dirty blond hair. His blue eyes find mine as he moves into the room.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I whisper.

He smiles as he moves towards me, “Vin told me to come get you. Pizza's here.”

“Did he really?” My hands move to my hips.

“Uh-huh.” He closes the gap between us, and his lips meet mine instantly--like it's something he's been wanting to do all day. It's greedy, yet sweet, and it ends way too soon. He pulls away, but his arms remain wrapped around me.

“I doubt he meant for you to do that,” my voice comes out low.

He shrugs with a smile that lights up his face, and it's beautiful. “I'll take what I can get.”

“You're something else, Chase Daniels.”

“Veronica Russo, you're my something else.”

Those words cause my lips to break into a wide smile; a smile so big it hurts. “My own personal McSwoony,” I whisper. His head falls back as laughter bursts from his throat. “What?” I ask, “The name is quite fitting.”

“Is it now?”

I nod.

“I'll make you swoon.”

“Hmmm sounds naughty,” I say playfully, but his gaze quickly conveys pure lust. His face moves forward and my eyes close, expecting another wonderful kiss, but instead there's a quick sharp pain on my neck. “Ow!” I yelp, my hand rubbing the area. My free hand swats at his shoulder.

“Love bite,” he laughs and releases me, “We better get out of here before they come searching for us.”

“You better not have left a mark!” I whisper shout as I walk after him out of my room.


“Finally,” Vin says as we walk into the kitchen, where the rest of my brothers are gathered around the center island.

“She was on the phone. I felt rude interrupting,” Chase shrugs off, coming up with the half-lie quickly.

“Uh-huh,” Vaughn laughs.

“Pizzzzaaaa,” I sing and move towards the pizza box. I don't even bother with a plate, I just pick up a slice and take a hefty bite.

“So, you gonna race this weekend?” Vance asks, and I turn around to see his eyes on me.

“Oh, me?” I ask. “No way. I just got her back on the road.”

Vance's head bobbles up and down. “I figured.”

I move to take a seat at an open stool, tuning out the conversation that the guys are having about this upcoming Friday night. My eyes wander to each guy as I munch on my slice of pizza--they linger a bit longer on Chase, rightfully so. As I do, it occurs to me that everyone in this room is aware of the secret relationship between Chase and I...except Vance. Vaughn and Vin probably wouldn't have known if it hadn't been exposed this morning, but it's almost a relief that it's out. It gives me the confidence I need to move forward with letting Vance know. I can only hope it goes smoothly.






My knee bounces as I wait for my sergeant. I’m racking my brain to find a reason why they've called me in this morning. The only thing I can come up is that they're deploying me again. I'm hoping not, but I don't see any other reason for this impromptu meeting. The door opens behind me and I stand to attention. “Daniels,” he says, as a way of greeting.


“At ease.” He moves behind his wooden desk and takes a seat, placing the manila folder in front of me. I return to my seated position in the chair in front of his desk.

“Well, Daniels, I won't drag this out. I'm sorry, but I gotta tell you we have to send you out. We have a situation at the border, and we need some more soldiers on staff. Word is a massive drug shipment is happening, and they need all the men they can get. I know you just returned not that long ago, but you'll be within the states. I don't have a timeline for you but I'll try my best to have you back home in a timely manner.”

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