Home > Labeled(9)

Author: Jenni Linn

Day. By. Day.






Working for my father is not fun, even when he's not around. My parents have yet to arrive back from their Caribbean vacation. A part of me is pissed, but a part of me could care less. Not having them home is peaceful. I often think about taking Vance's offer to go work at the garage, but I don't know how any work would get done with Veronica nearby. Not to mention, my father would have a shit storm. He feels that since I'm his son and his only son, I should take over his business even though I've told him it's not something I want to do.

As soon as four o'clock comes around, I’m out. Once home, I take a quick shower and throw on a shirt and some jeans. I grab my keys from my dresser and jump into the Z. Vance sent me a text earlier in the day, they were gonna wash up the cars before heading down to the track. A pointless thing to do since by the end of the night they're all dirty again but...you just don't roll in with a dirty car. It's been a long time since I've gotten to do this, and I'm pretty stoked. I wasn't planning on doing more than a couple runs tonight, but you never know what will go down.

Halfway down the Russo's driveway, I hear Def Leppard's, ‘Pour Some Sugar on Me’, blasting from the garage. That's Vin's doing. He’s always liked his old school rock. I put the car in neutral and coast towards the entrance of the garage. The sight before me is like dying and going to heaven. Veronica--bent over--washing the rear end of her blue RSX. Her shorts are so short I don't think they'd even be classified as shorts. You can see the curve of her ass cheeks. She stands up, and it seems almost like in slow motion. Her brown hair is up in a messy bun that’s allowing her neck to be exposed. The tank top she has on is wet in areas that shows parts of her turquoise bikini and toned stomach. I feel like that cartoon wolf--my eyes bulging out of my head--and I may be forming a puddle of drool on my pants.

She must have heard my car approaching, because her head whips in my direction. I catch the smile forming on her lips. I cut the engine and get out. Taylor comes from the front of Veronica's car, wearing something similar, holding a sponge. Beyond them, the guys are in the garage. Vance is buffing his BMW, nodding his head to the music. Wes' car is next to Vance's, but the hood is up. No doubt they're making sure his car is up to par.

I make my way over to the girls. "Aren't you ladies a sight for sore eyes?"

"Oh Chase, aren't you such a flirt. But, sadly, I'm very much taken. V here is totally available though." Subtle. V smacks Taylor in the shoulder.

"Our little V can be so shy." She looks between the two of us, "Well I'm gonna go grab a Coke. I'll be back." Taylor drops her sponge in the bucket and skips off towards the garage. Veronica watches her skip away and shakes her head. I put my hands in my pockets because I desperately want to touch her.

"Hey," she says simply, a slight grin playing on her face. Damn. She is adorable.

"Hey. Car looks good, but you missed a spot." I nod towards the back of her car. Her eyebrows furrow as she turns to look at her car covered in suds, "Where?"

I point towards the very bottom of her bumper, "Down there..."

She leans down to look and starts scrubbing furiously. The motion causes her ass to wiggle back and forth. I didn't really see a missed spot. I said it for my own dickish motives, and I’m not gonna apologize for it. The view of her rear is stunning. It would be better with my hands on it. I bite my bottom lip to keep a groan from escaping me.

"Yo, man!" Shit.

Vance's voice startles me, snapping me from my fantasizing. I quickly turn to face him. "What up?" He approaches me as I play it cool. Dude, I was NOT just fantasizing about my hands on your sister’s ass. I swear.

"About time you got here!"

"Yeah, Yeah."

"Looks good V, but you missed a spot," Vance tells her, pointing towards the side of her door. She glowers at him as he laughs. She flips him the middle finger. He nods towards the garage, as he starts walking, "Wes and Vin are looking over the Evo." Wes and Vin glance up. Vin holds out his hand, and I smack it in greeting.

Wes walks around Vin to greet me, "Hey man, it's good to see you back!"

"Yeah, it's good to be back."

He laughs, "I bet.

I nod at his engine bay, "Dude this thing is sick!" Because it is. The turbo is enormous, massive down piping, a racing intercooler. It's beautiful.

"Wait until you see her run!" Vance says.

"What's she timing now?" I ask.

"High eleven's." Wes answers.

I whistle.

"Yeah, I dumped a lot of money in her."

"Yeah, too much," Taylor chimes in, walking into the garage. V is slowly trailing behind her. I watch as she walks towards us and puts the bucket on the table next to me. She turns around and leans back against the table, her elbows resting on top causing her chest to push outward. She knows I'm watching her. I can't help but think she's doing this on purpose. She smiles while reaching up to pull the band from her hair and shakes her head, her long brown hair falling around her.

Fuck, she's beautiful.

"What time are we leaving?" She asks the group.

"Six," Vin answers her but keeps his back to her.

"K, I'm going to go get ready." She turns and leaves the garage. Taylor kisses Wes and follows behind V, letting the door close behind her. My attention snaps back to the engine bay, glancing around to make sure I wasn't that obvious. Of course, no one's paying attention because Wes' engine is more important, and they would never expect me to be checking out V.

Vance moves back to stand next to me in the spot that V just stood, "Wes has got some cash runs tonight."

"Nice, more than one?"

"Yeah, three." Wes throws out.

"Three?" My shock must’ve been apparent.

Vance looks my way. "Yeah dude, this is big."

"And you're going to do all three?" I ask Wes.

"Not sure yet. Dude is driving a hatched Civic but being quiet about his set up."

"That's some shady shit."

"I know, he wants to put way too much money down. He's either really cocky or really sure of himself."

"How much?" I inquire.

"A grand," Vance cuts in.


"I know. The other two are under five hundred. Chump change." I had no idea Wes had gotten so deep into the scene. When Wes moves his car out of the garage, I ask Vance more about it.

"When did he get so much attention?"

"A couple of months ago. He wasn't kidding when he said he put a lot of money into that car. He took it up to the track just to get a good time in, pulled a clean twelve. Then bored out his engine and got it down to eleven point eight seconds. People took notice. He's gotten really good with his reaction time. He's determined to get it down to eleven seconds."

"That's pretty impressive!"

Vin claps a hand on my shoulder and nods toward my car. "Dude, wait till we get your car hooked up!" He rubs his hands together mischievously. A deep low rumble grabs all our attention as another car pulls into the driveway. Just like that, the sun has set and it’s now dark outside. I can only really make out the shape of the headlights, but I know it’s Vaughn’s VW. He swaggers in, "Yo my dude, what's up?" Vaughn got tall, and his hair is longer than it has ever been. Our palms slap together in greeting then he strolls over to the fridge, grabs a soda, pops open the tab, and takes a huge gulp. He lets out a massive burp and laughs at himself. He has the goofiest laugh, which, in turn, makes me laugh. I shake my head, he’s still the same kid.

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