Home > Public Trust (The City of Dreams : Book 1)(47)

Public Trust (The City of Dreams : Book 1)(47)
Author: Tess Shepherd

“It’s nice to meet you, Lola,” his mom said, taking a step forward and enveloping Lola in a bear hug right before his dad nudged her aside so that he could do the same.

“We’re just going to be a minute,” Jacob said firmly, knowing how his mom operated. One minute they’d be making small talk and the next they’d be eating dessert, their own plans forgotten. “We’re running late for that dinner I mentioned earlier,” he reminded her.

“Jacob Simmone,” his mother said, a bright smile hiding the no-nonsense tone in her voice, but not enough for Jake, who had grown up fearing the exact look in her eye that she wore now. “Don’t be rude. Lola,” she continued, beaming another smile at her, “come in for a drink while Jacob runs his box to the car. We won’t keep you long, I promise.”

To his surprise, Lola stepped up to the front door of her own volition, casting one look back at him before following his mother inside.

When they’d disappeared down the hall, his dad turned to him. “What’s her story?” he asked, frowning. “That little girl looked ready to run.”

“I’m working on a case that she’s a victim in, but the fear has more to do with her family history than the serial killer on the loose.”

“What?” Phil, who had been an LAPD captain and then chief, stared at Jacob, his face a mask of worry. “When?”

“Going on two weeks since the murders. Three women in thirty-six hours.”

“Fuck, Jacob.” He rubbed his hands over his face. “Any leads.”

“A few, but the trail is dying quickly.” When his dad stepped into the house, Jake followed him through to the kitchen, didn’t hesitate to open the refrigerator and take out two beers. He popped the tops and handed one to Phil.

When the unmistakable sound of Lola’s laugh filtered in through the lounge, followed by his niece’s shrill squeal of joy, Jake felt the grin tugging at the corners of his mouth and let his shoulders relax. She’d be okay without him, especially with his mom and sister.

“Hudson here?”

“Oh no,” his dad said, pulling Jacob’s attention back to the shit-eating grin that he was wearing. “What’s actually going on?”

“What do you mean?” Feigning ignorance, Jacob leaned back on the counter. There was something enjoyable about making his father work for the information, especially considering how astute Phillip Simmone usually was.

“Come on! You’re suddenly going out on a Monday night with the victim in a serial murder case? That’s something Hudson would do. Spill it.”

“Potential victim,” he clarified. “We’re still speculating that her incident is related.”

“Bullshit. I can smell it on you.” Phil shook his head, but his wide grin stayed in place.

Hudson chose that moment to duck into the kitchen, his huge frame coming in two inches taller than Jacob’s. His baby brother’s big, blue eyes were wide with pure sibling glee. “Who is the babe currently cuddling Gracie?” He took the beer from Jake’s hand and downed half of it in one, long sip.

“A friend.”

“What type of friend?” Hudson pumped him for more information, just like their dad had done, only a little more blatantly.

“The type that is completely off-limits unless you want your face smashed in,” Jacob added without a pause. He knew that his brother could charm the pants off any girl, but he also knew that Hudson respected off-limits.

Hudson raised his eyebrows. “Sounds like a…strong friendship.”

“It is.”

“When were you going to tell us it was serious?” his dad piped in, clearly offended. “You made the double date sound like an obligation.” His big arms were crossed over his chest and he glared down at Jacob.

“It’s new, Dad. And you know that technically this can’t be happening. Not until the investigation is closed.”

“Oh shit! You’re breaking the rules for this girl?” Hudson laughed. “Wait until I tell the others.”

Jacob rolled his eyes, just as Maggie strolled through. “Tell the others what?”

Jacob was just about to say something snarky when Lola stepped through behind her, carrying Gracie on one hip.

The baby’s face was completely enraptured, and she kept putting her chubby, little hands on Lola’s cheeks. Every time she did, Lola would puff her own cheeks full of air, sending Gracie into a fit of giggles.

“Oh my God, Gracie. Look how big you are!” he said, stepping towards the baby in an attempt to stave his family’s grilling.

When he was only a foot away, Gracie saw him and gave a shrill shriek, reaching out her arms for him. He laughed and plucked her from Lola, enjoying the baby giggles that tumbled from her when he blew raspberries on her pajama-clad tummy.

“Oh sure, so the minute that Uncle Jake arrives it’s all giggles and sunshine. I see how it is.”

Tucking Gracie on his hip, Jake turned to look at his older sister. “How are you, Mags?” He worried about the dark rings that made her eyes look hollow and the fact that she seemed to lose ten pounds between each of his visits.

“I’m the happiest I’ve ever been,” she said instantly, looking adoringly at Gracie.

He nodded, noticed that both his dad and Hudson glanced at her worryingly as well. Mnn, there’s something there that she’s not sharing. He’d have to stop by soon and worm it out of her. For a small moment, he wondered if Logan Cane had shown up again. Probably not. Logan would have called him for a beer if he was in town.

Gracie’s father was what some would call a broken spirit, a man who showed up in town for a few months every time he needed to see Maggie, then took off, breaking her heart over and over again every time he left. As far as he knew, Logan hadn’t been back in over two years and Maggie, not having a way to contact him, hadn’t even told him that she was pregnant, let alone given birth to his child—a child who’d recently turned one.

Jacob would not want to be in Logan’s shoes…but he’d be the first to admit that Gracie’s father was a solid guy, a friend of the family since they had been running around in diapers. He had his issues, sure. But it was clear to anyone that Logan loved Maggie to distraction. He just didn’t think that he deserved her.

Jake knew beyond a doubt that when Logan did come back eventually, he’d stay. For Gracie. He wondered again if that’s what was eating away at his sister. She’d always had a weird sense for Logan, a creeping suspicion of when he was in proximity, or about to make an appearance…and when he was about to pick up and leave again. As much as Logan Cane was Maggie Simmone’s true love, he was also the single tragedy of her life.

“Where are you two going looking so snazzy?” Maggie asked, distracting him and redirecting the conversation.

“We’re meeting up with some friends closer to Lola’s neighborhood.”

“Oh, that’s right. Mom mentioned it. Dinner?”

“Wine and dinner,” Lola chimed in. “There’s this little place called Grand Cru. It’s in-”

“The 4th Street Plaza!” Maggie said. “I love that place! I used to go in there all the time before Gracie, but now…”

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