Home > Ruled by her Daddies (Harem of Daddies, #1)(25)

Ruled by her Daddies (Harem of Daddies, #1)(25)
Author: Laylah Roberts

Like she didn’t already have enough man trouble?

“He offered to help me, which was very kind.”

Caleb scowled. “Oh, I doubt kindness had anything to do with it.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“He wants you.”

She gaped at him then let out a bark of laughter. That was ridiculous. “No, he doesn’t.”

“Yep. He’s been flirting with you. Touching you unnecessarily. Bet he was just hoping to sweep in and rescue you. Asshole. He’s fired.”

Caleb stood as though to chase after the doctor, but she reached out to grab his hand. “Caleb, he doesn’t want me. That’s crazy. I mean, look at me.”

He turned to gaze down at her. His gaze was cold, his face firm. “Excuse me?”

She gulped. “Umm, I said look at me? There’s no way he could want me.”

Leaning in, he placed his hands on either side of her body. She melted into the bed. Whoa. She felt her body warm, his dominant position doing something to her. She bit her lower lip worriedly.

“Let your lip go,” he commanded.

She immediately obeyed.

“Good girl,” he practically purred.

Oh, fuck. Was it possible to come just from his voice?

“Look at me, little girl.”

Holy. Hell.

Her breath came in faster pants as she stared up at him.

“That’s good. Very obedient. Daddy likes when his little girl obeys him. Of course, he also likes a bit of sass. Gives him a reason to take her over his knee and spank her bottom.”

What. The. Hell.

She needed to say something. Was he a Dominant? The idea both scared and intrigued her. She wanted nothing to do with things like nipple clamps and blood and humiliation.

But an over-the-knee spanking from one of them?

Where did she sign up?

“Do you know what Daddy doesn’t like?”

Should she be worried that he was speaking about himself in the third person? Yeah, that was probably the least weird thing about this conversation.

He ran a finger down her cheek then over her jaw, down her neck. Oh shit. Was he going to touch her breast? He slid it over her breast then teased the nipple.

She let out a small whimper.

“If I’m going too far too fast, tell me and I’ll stop.”

Stop! Why would he stop?

Lightly, he pinched her nipple and she gasped.

“He doesn’t like hearing you put yourself down. That’s the second time. You were given a warning, so this time you’ve earned yourself punishment.”

Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs as he continued to play with her nipple. Her clit throbbed. Damn it. Just a few swipes of his finger would take care of her problem.

“Shit, you’re responsive,” he muttered. “Is it my touch or words?”

“Both, I think,” she gasped.

“You want me to stop, then you tell me. I will always stop. I promise. I want to kiss every inch of you. I want to make you come so many times that you forget your own name. But not mine, you won’t be forgetting mine.”

He took her lips with his. Lightly for a start then deeper. Playing with her. Teasing her. Her body ignited. She thrust her hips up without thought. She needed his touch.

When he drew back, she let out a protesting moan. He grinned. “Soon, baby. You’re not ready for more.”

“I am.” She pouted.

He grinned. “I love how eager you are. You can consider this part of this punishment for putting yourself down. Having to wait to get release.”

That was mean.

“I’m still going to spank you though. Just because I can. But that will wait until you’re better. I’ll get Wolfe to note it down.”

“Are you . . . are you a Dominant?” she asked hesitantly.

“Does that scare you?” he asked leaning away from her to sit on the bed, facing her. She immediately missed his closeness. “If I am?”

“Maybe,” she whispered. “Do you go to clubs? Do you like tying women up and hurting them?”

“First of all, anything like that would be fully consensual. There would be negotiations about what I could and couldn’t do. Limits I would adhere to. And a safeword just in case. But I’m not really about clubs or scening. You ever heard of age play? Daddy Doms? Littles?”

“Not really.”

“Well, I’m a Daddy Dom. Aleki too.”

“But not Wolfe?”

“Wolfe is trickier. He enjoys watching Littles playing, the way they interact with their Tops. But he’s never participated. Never had a Little. He knows he’d struggle to emotionally connect with someone. That’s why we work well together.”

“What do you mean?”

He brushed her hair back off her face. “I mean that the three of us intend to share one woman. One Little.”

Share? Holy. Hell. It was all she’d dreamed of. Having the three of them. And some other lucky bitch was gonna get what was once hers.

“Have you ever shared someone?” she whispered, feeling her heart fall into pieces.

“No, we’ve never found someone special. It took us a while to come to the realization that this is what we wanted. What we needed. And being with three guys like us isn’t for everyone.”

“Who wouldn’t want to be with you three?” she defended hotly.

He grinned, satisfaction filling his face. “We’re all dominant. Each of us can be demanding in our own way. Three men to please, three men to discipline her, three men to coddle and protect her. Well, Wolfe doesn’t coddle. But he’s a born protector. Three Daddies to indulge her. To play with her. To tip her over their knees when she’s naughty.”

She gulped at the thought.

She wanted that. All of it. Even though she didn’t completely understand the Daddy/Little stuff.

“How do you know you’re a Little?” she whispered.

“That’s a good question. And it’s not a one-size-fits-all, either. What feels like Little space to you, might not be what someone else experiences. And that’s okay. You don’t have to fit into a box, or tick off everything on a checklist. You need to be you. That’s more than enough.”

She had to blink back tears at his words.

“Some Littles like being Little all the time. Others don’t. Some might like dressing in cute clothes. Maybe they want to color or play with dolls or trucks or blocks. Perhaps they go younger and want bottles and pacifiers. Maybe they want a mix of both.”

It sounded strange. And yet at the same time, appealing.

“For a Little, it can be about letting go of their adult worries and fears. They’re able to exist in a more carefree state. Like a submissive might feel when they let their Dominant take control. It gives them permission to let go.”

“So a Little could just spend the time playing? And they’d have a Daddy to look after them?”

“Or a Mommy or Caregiver. Someone who helps them find that headspace if need be. Who gives them a sense of security. Who allows them to be in Little space because they’ll take care of the big decisions. They’ll set the rules and reinforce them if necessary. Often a caregiver will ensure the Little has eaten, gotten plenty of sleep, is happy and healthy and safe.”

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