Home > Twist of Fate (The Ghost Girl #2)(22)

Twist of Fate (The Ghost Girl #2)(22)
Author: Sinclair Kelly

Way to go, Fate, fabulous first impression on the spirit community. Mob Man doesn’t count. He was an asshat who got what he deserved. Hoodie Man and his cronies too.

I decide to try a different approach. I may not remember who I am or how I used to do this, but I can carve my own path. Create new ways of doing things. Make this job my bitch. You know, the usual.

“How did you die?” I ask quietly, reining my power in slightly to look less imposing.

This question takes him by surprise, his eyes going wide for a moment before sadness slightly diminishes his anger. He swallows. “Fucking cancer,” he says quietly.

“Hmm. And you left someone important behind?”

He eyes me a moment, debating how much he wants to tell me. His eyes close, and he takes a deep breath as he reluctantly responds, “My wife and two kids. She’s been...struggling. I think she can sense my presence, and it’s hurting her.”

“How long have you been stuck here?”

“I’m not sure exactly. I come and go, but I think it’s been roughly five years.”

Five years of watching your family move on without you. Watching your wife struggle with your death. He’s entitled to that anger, even if it is misplaced.

“What’s your name?”

He considers me a second. “Kyle.”

“Kyle, I’m Fate. I’m sorry that life wasn’t kind to you. That you had to leave behind loved ones and then had no choice but to watch and listen but never be seen or heard. I can tell you from experience, that sucks ass.” I shake my head, my hand landing on his shoulder without thought while remembering my own ten years of nothingness. His eyes widen along with mine as I realize I’ve somehow projected those remembered emotions onto him. How the hell did I do that?

“You really do understand.” His features soften as a small grin replaces the frown. “You’re nothing like what I expected.”

“Ha! That seems to be a recurring theme around here. So, how about a compromise? I’ll agree to help you here, a show of trust if you will, if the rest of your group will promise to head to the Gateway where we can be sure no one on this plane will see what’s about to happen. There are just too many of you.” I don’t know how I know this is a potential problem, but my instincts tell me this is what needs to happen. I glance toward the stairs and notice Reggie for the first time. She’s been silent, blending in with the rest of the spooky specters...spooksters? Might need to think on that one a bit more...but there’s a small smile on her face, and she gives me a thumbs up and a wink. My lips tilt up as one eyebrow raises.

Could’ve jumped in here at any time, Reg.

She just rolls her eyes like she knows exactly what I’m thinking.

Tall Guy quickly scans the crowd of ghosts, getting nods and a couple of ghostly touches meant to comfort. Something tells me this group has stuck together, supporting and protecting one another, and I wonder if there are more groups out there like this. Trying to survive in between realms.

He slowly walks forward, and my guys start to close in. There’s a moment of hesitation as he shoots them wary looks.

“Stop it, you guys. He’s not going to do anything stupid, right, Kyle?”

“Right.” He swallows again, his eyes darting to each of my fearsome five. Hmm...I like the sound of that. Mental note to use that again later.

“Thad. Levi.” That’s all I have to say before I feel the heat of two ginormous bodies standing on either side of me. I lightly touch each of their hands, bringing our connection to life.

How do we do this? I ask.

You’re asking me, woman? Thought you had a plan.

I do. Kinda.

That’s reassuring, Levi deadpans.

I glare up at him. He just winks back.

How do we know which realm he’s destined for?

Our powers just know, Thad answers seriously. Which causes my eyes to snap up to his. What? I can be serious. It just makes me all...itchy.

Sounds like a personal problem, bro.

Shut your mouth, wankstain.

Boys! Focus.

Sorry, they project in unison.

Just have him come closer. Our power should activate, Levi says.

Okay, then. Let’s give this a shot.

“Kyle, step forward.”

He eyes the twins cautiously before closing the gap between us. As soon as he’s within range, Levi’s hand begins to glow. He lifts it, and an orb appears, floating above it. A sense of comfort and relief floods through Kyle as he stares at the sparkling white light. I swear, if he wasn’t a ghost, he’d be crying right now as the closure he’s been seeking is one step away. He releases a deep breath, and I feel his acceptance and anticipation.

“Thank you for trusting me,” I say softly.

His eyes find mine, and the gratitude and relief he’s feeling causes a little spark in my chest. It’s powerful, and I would gasp, but then the guys would just panic again. Best leave that to chew on later.

“I’m sorry I was so rude. I just...they made you sound so horrible.”

“Yeah, well. Must mean I’m doing something right if I’ve got haters, eh?”

“Ha! Right.” He chuckles. As his laughter fades, his face slowly turns serious again. “Be careful out there. Our group is a peaceful one, but not all of them are. We’ve heard rumors that some of them are preparing for a fight.”

“Thank you for the warning. We’ll make sure to watch our backs.”

He nods before turning and taking one last look at the rest of the spirits all watching in awe. With a simple wave, he turns back around, reaches out, and grasps Levi’s hand. He’s gone in a wisp of white smoke.

The room is quiet, and all of the ghostly eyes are suddenly on me again.

Plastering on my best fake smile, I pretend I still know what the hell I’m doing as I say, “Reggie, prepare the main chamber. We’re going to have guests.”

“You got it, boss,” she acknowledges with a chuckle before she disappears.

“Now, do you all know how to get to the Gateway?”

“Yes,” comes from the lady with a bullet hole in her forehead. “We stopped there first, but when the doors were still sealed shut, we started asking other groups if they had heard anything. We were told we could find you here.”

My eyes dart to Cole who has managed to come up alongside us.

“Who told you where we were?” he asks.

“The same group of guys that told us we couldn’t trust you. They tried to get us to join their group, but Kyle refused. He may not have trusted you, but he definitely didn’t trust them.”

All of us share a look. That explains how Mob Man knew to find us here as well. Guess he didn’t just get lucky after all. Our time here is definitely limited if everyone knows where we are.

“Okay, you all can head to the Gateway. We’ll be there momentarily.”

In a blink, the entire foyer is empty.

“How the fuck do they know where we are?” Cole growls.

“Who the hell are they?” Knox asks.

“We only came back here to assess our next moves, knowing this place would be a temporary stop. I suggest we start packing everything up and either move to a new location or operate solely from the Gateway for now,” Macklin adds.

“We can take Fate upstairs and…help her pack.”

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