Home > Twist of Fate (The Ghost Girl #2)(34)

Twist of Fate (The Ghost Girl #2)(34)
Author: Sinclair Kelly

Her eyes are wistful as they turn my way, sadness filtering through our connection. “There was someone I was interested in years ago. I had the biggest crush on her, but…” She hesitates, her eyes suddenly sad. “I don’t know what happened after everything went down. I keep hoping she’ll show up at the Gateway now that it’s opened and I’ll get to see her again.”

“I’m sorry, Reg,” I say softly, laying my hand on top of hers. “If there’s anything I can do, just say the word.”

She smiles sadly. “Thanks, boss.” Her eyes stay locked on mine as she tilts her head a bit, like she’s trying to figure me out. “You really have changed. For the better I think. Not that I had a problem with the way you were, mind you, but...I like the new you.” She shrugs, once again scanning the sea of bodies in front of us.

A comfortable silence stretches out between us. She’s not the first person to tell me that I’m different. Hell, she probably won’t be the last. But to know people like what they’re seeing makes me feel good. Maybe this time around, the new and improved Fate will handle business and get shit done. Then I’ll get to actually enjoy the life that was taken from me. I think of my guys and all we’ve lost. We’ve had a second chance fall into our lap, and here I am, rushing head first into potential danger. I’m starting to think Cole is right after all. Maybe my self-preservation skills really are busted. I can only imagine the worry and panic they’re probably experiencing as they realize I’m gone. I should feel guilty, and I do a little, but I’m also determined to show them that I’m just as capable as any one of them.

“Reggie, were we always like this?”

“By we you mean…”

“Me and the guys. They push and push, and I have to fight to prove myself?”

She looks thoughtful for a moment. “I wasn’t around during the early years with all of them. I came along much later. By that time, you all worked like a well-oiled machine. That’s not to say everything was perfect though. Cole still pushed your buttons, and the twins still had that naughty sense of humor that would get you going. Mack was the peacekeeper, stepping between you and Cole when things got heated, and Knox was the emotional one that relied on you to calm him down when things got too intense. In those ways, not much has changed. In others...well...they knew with a single look when they’d gone too far. They could anticipate your needs without you having to say a word. Now, they’ve lost that ability right along with their memories. It’s you who has changed the most. They’re starting from scratch and having to relearn your boundaries, and while I don’t agree with how they're handling it, I can understand where they’re coming from.”

“I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or worse.” I sigh, glancing out over the busy dance floor, wondering at the enormity of all we’ve lost. I shake myself out of it, telling myself I’ll worry about this later when really, I’m back to practicing avoidance. “God, I need a drink. It’s like I’m a teen and had to sneak out of the house without Mom or Dad catching me. My nerves are making me jittery.”

“So go corporeal and grab yourself one. I won’t judge.”

“No, probably not a good idea. For one, I didn’t exactly bring any cash. But also two, I need to keep my wits about me. Don’t want to do anything stupid and give the guys a bigger reason to be pissed off.”

“Too late. You’ll be lucky if you get out of this in one piece as it is. Might as well throw in some alcohol to prepare you for the upcoming smackdown.”

I sigh. “I know. Cole’s going to strangle me.”

She chuckles. “Don’t think it’s Cole you’re going to have to worry about.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, scanning the room, praying that Nick gets here soon. Our little detour to get Rylan set up and to hide the object Reggie collected for me cost us time we didn’t have in the first place. But now the book is tucked away for safekeeping which is a load off my shoulders. I know the guys will eventually find out, and while I know I should tell them, I’m just not quite ready for that conversation yet. Fuck, I’m no better than they are.

“You and Knox haven’t...you know. Done the deed yet, have you?”

“Um, no. Why?”

“Oh. You’re in for a surprise with that one then.”

Before I can ask what the hell she’s talking about or how she knows more about my sex life than I apparently do, Nick and two other spirits poof into the place, scanning the busy club, no doubt looking for us. The second he spots me, an almost resigned look flashes across his face before he conceals it behind a smile. I still can’t quite pinpoint the feelings he elicits. There’s familiarity, sure. But there’s something else. A sense of unease, definitely. Kind of like a used car salesman. A pain in the ass but, overall, a necessary evil.

He’s in the same light-colored suit, with the same tie that he’s currently messing with. There are two guys flanking him. Dude has an entourage? Seems a little excessive if you ask me, considering he’s dead and all.

Guy One is wearing a similar suit, but in black or some other dark color. His head is bald, and he’s wearing a hoop earring in his left ear. Guy Two is in a tuxedo, complete with bow tie and tails. His hair is a bit longer on top, with the sides shaved, think David Beckham. What? Real estate agents watch the damndest things on YouTube when they’re bored at open houses. His dress shoes are so shiny I could probably see my reflection in them...if they weren’t translucent.

“Fate! You came,” he says as he walks up, Guy One and Guy Two hanging back.

“Nicholas. Glad you made it. I don’t have much time.”

He scans the room again. “You didn’t bring your guys with you.”

“No, I didn’t. I brought Reggie with me.”

“Ahhh. So this is the infamous Reggie.”

I look at her, noting the scowl on her face and then let my eyes ping pong between the two. “I thought you knew him.”

“I know him. He shouldn’t know who I am because, you know, the whole spirit thing.”

“Liv mentioned you once or twice,” he says, tugging on his damn tie again.

That gets her attention, and she straightens, her eyes hopeful. “She did?”

“Yes,” is all he adds.

Reggie deflates a bit, the scowl returning. Mental note to look into that later. Let’s be honest here. At this point, my mental note list is way too fucking long.

“Okay, we need to get on with this.” We’ve been gone too long already, and every second we stand here is another second closer to me being in deeper shit.

He considers me a moment, his head tilting to the side. A smarmy grin breaks out on his face. “They don’t know you’re here.”

I ignore that statement. “What is it that you have to tell me?”

“You’re in danger.”

“As I said, I’m already fully aware of that. If that’s all, then this was a huge waste of my time.”

He eyes Guy One and Guy Two, the lackeys stepping forward with just that quick glance. Sensing something isn’t quite right, I’m immediately on the defensive, my power beginning to simmer and my hand turned and at the ready. Reggie straightens as well, her gaze never leaving Guy One and Guy Two.

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