Home > Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(28)

Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(28)
Author: Jayda Marx

I shifted Izzy around on my lap so that the doctor could see him clearly. “Ouch, that’s quite a bump he’s got there,” he said as he inspected the bloody goose egg on my boy’s temple. He grabbed a first aid kit from his coffee table and rested it on the couch cushion beside me. “I need to clean that up to make sure there’s no damage hiding under that dried blood.”

I nodded and watched as the doctor cleaned Izzy’s wound with an alcohol swab. “It looks okay; there was a small scratch in the center, but it should heal up nicely.” He looked to Jett and asked, “Did he receive any other injuries?”

“None that I saw.”

Dr. Bentley turned his attention to me again. “If it’s okay, I’d like to check him over. I don’t want to miss anything that could cause a problem.”

“Of course. Whatever you need to do.”

He held Izzy’s eyelids open and checked his pupils with a small light. I assumed it was good news because he smiled and nodded at whatever he saw. He felt around on Izzy’s skull, and my boy groaned again, but didn’t wake up. When Dr. Bentley saw Israel’s cut ear, I told him, “That’s an old injury,” before realizing how dumb I sounded. Izzy was a human and didn’t heal as quickly as we did; of course it was old.

But the doctor just nodded his thanks and continued with his examination. “Could you please unzip his pajamas?” It took a minute to convince my hand to do so; I didn’t want anyone else to see Izzy’s body, but I knew it was imperative to have him checked out, so I pulled the zipper down its track until it stopped right above his knee.

Dr. Bentley felt along Izzy’s ribcage and stomach. He didn’t mention the diaper that my boy wore, but he did smile at the jewel on his belly button.

“That’s cute,” Jett offered, looking at the gem as well. He appeared to be fully healed, which was great because I was about to knock his teeth out. No, you can’t do that, Nikolai. It was just a compliment. Your boy is cute. Instead, I nodded at him with a tight smile.

“He looks great,” Dr. Bentley smiled. “It’s just the knot on his head. His pupils were reactive, so we shouldn’t have to worry about any long lasting effects, though he will be in considerable pain when he wakes up.”

I zipped his jammies back up and asked, “Is there something you can give him?”

“I have some tablets he can take when he wakes up, or I have a shot of pain reliever I can give him now. It will hit his system and help him feel better more quickly. It’s up to you.” The doctor probably knew the reaction my body would have to him drawing blood from my mate; especially when he was already injured, but I wanted Izzy to be better as quickly as possible.

“Let’s go with the shot. I’ll try to keep my shit together.”

“I appreciate that,” he answered with a chuckle. He drew up clear liquid into a syringe and flicked it with his finger. “I’ll need the top of his arm, please.” I unzipped Izzy's pajamas a few inches and pulled the collar to the side, exposing his shoulder.

“Should I hold you down?” Jett asked seriously.

“Probably.” I didn’t want to risk hurting the doctor or Izzy. Jett hurried around to the back of the sofa and wrapped his arms around my chest, pinning me to the cushion.

“Here we go,” Dr. Bentley announced. I closed my eyes so that I couldn’t see him piercing Izzy’s skin, but when the scent of his blood hit my nose, a growl rumbled in my chest. My body lurched forward, but Jett held me back to keep everyone safe.

“You good?” he asked a few moments later. I nodded and opened my eyes to see the doctor placing a bandage on Izzy’s shoulder. I smiled when I noticed it was tie dye, just like his favorite blanket. Damn, his blanket; I should have grabbed it. It could have comforted him.

That thought skittered away when Izzy stirred in my arms. He blinked his eyes and squinted up at me. “Daddy?” he asked in a weak voice.

“Yes, little one, I’ve got you. Daddy’s here and you’re safe.”

“Safe?” he squinted harder before his eyes popped open. “The shifters! Jett! Is Jett okay?” He sat upright, but grabbed his forehead and fell back into my arms.

“Shh, it’s okay,” I soothed. “Try to relax. Jett is just fine. Here’s here with us.”

“Hey, buddy,” Jett chimed in from where he still stood behind me.

Izzy reached up to take his hand. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” Big tears rolled down my boy’s cheek when he said, “You saved me.” Izzy looked at me and said, “He really did. He protected me from those men.”

“I know, baby.” I combed my fingers through his hair on the non-injured side of his head. “He told me that you were very brave and fought too.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t help more,” he told my friend.

“Hey, I’m just glad you’re okay,” Jett replied. “And you don’t have to worry about those men anymore; I held them off until your Daddy took care of business.”

Izzy turned his wide, watery eyes on me. “Does that mean…?”

“They’ll never bother you again,” I promised him, and he nodded his understanding before grabbing his face again.

“My head hurts, Daddy.”

“I gave you something that should help soon,” Dr. Bentley announced, making Izzy jump. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He sat next to my boy and offered his hand, which Izzy shook. “I’m Dr. Bentley. Your Daddy brought you to me so I could make sure you’re okay.”

“Am I?”

“You’ll be good as new before you know it.”

Izzy chewed his lip for a moment before asking the doctor, “Do you have a sucker for me?” I laughed and patted Izzy’s thigh; if he was already asking for candy, he was going to be just fine.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have any here,” Dr. Bentley replied.

“I’ll get you one later,” I promised my boy. “You still haven’t had your dinner yet.”

The doctor told us, “Before you eat, I suggest that both of you feed. You’ve each expended a lot of energy and your bodies need to recuperate. I have a spare bedroom if you’d like some privacy. It’d also be my honor to host you while your apartment is being renovated.” I appreciated the offer, seeing as our home was turned upside down. Izzy appeared confused, but I’d fill him in later. Right now he needed to relax.

“That’s very kind of you,” I replied with a bow of my head. “Thank you.”

“Hey Doc,” Jett butted in, “How about you and I give these two some space and go pick up dinner for everyone? It’s my treat.”

“That sounds lovely.” Dr. Bentley answered.

“And don’t worry, Iz; I’ll bring you back a giant lollipop.” Izzy giggled at Jett’s promise and my friend gave him a wink. The doctor cleaned up his supplies before he and Jett gave us a wave and left us alone.

“Come on, little one.” I carried Izzy into what I assumed was the doctor’s spare room and settled him on my lap in bed. “I am so proud of you, Izzy.”

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