Home > The Princess Problem (Sexy Misadventures of Royals #1)(37)

The Princess Problem (Sexy Misadventures of Royals #1)(37)
Author: Christi Barth

   “If you want soup, I can call down to the kitchens for it…”

   “Elias, omigosh, no. I’m laughing because it’s just a saying. Soup to nuts means…well, the whole enchilada. Which, now that I think of it, probably doesn’t translate, either. It means ‘everything included’. No actual need on my behalf for soup.”

   “That’s a relief.”

   “I can’t believe you’re cooking calamari. That sounds so exotic. I’m extremely impressed.”

   “We’re a nation on the edge of an ocean. Seafood is not exotic here. But I’ll take the easy win.” He headed toward the kitchen. When he didn’t hear footsteps following, he turned back. Kelsey was still in the entryway. Her eyes were wide with shock.

   That didn’t bode well. Not after he’d bribed his friend Luisa the chambermaid into doing a…“soup to nuts” cleaning of the apartment. “What’s wrong?”

   “Nothing. Your place looks perfect. Amazing. Amazingly normal.” She did a big sweep of the living room, trailing her fingers along the edge of the green chest beneath his plasma screen television. Crossed the moss and white maze-patterned rug to toy with a branch on his ficus tree. Kelsey ended by leaning back on his grey sofa, looking comfortable and at home.

   “What did you expect?”

   “Something all gold and delicate and antiqued like the rest of the palace.” She pursed her lips, considering. “Or a medieval stone chamber.”

   “Well, you haven’t seen the bedroom yet,” he quipped.

   “Very funny.”

   Elias sank onto the matching grey club chair. It was odd, needing to lay out how not special he was. Especially when so many people looked right past him, as though he were nothing more than an ambulatory suit of armor next to Prince Christian.

   “I work in a fancy place. My best friend is about as fancy as they come. But I’m not. I started as a sailor. Now I keep other people’s treasures safe. My life’s simple, at the core.”

   “Hardly. You’ve got focus and honor and a shocking depth of responsibility. There’s nothing simple about juggling all of that. Plus, you’re keeping a tree alive.” She pointed at the robust ficus that almost filled his window.

   “Not even close. I only won that from the palace’s head gardener a few weeks ago. Odds are that I’ll kill it due to shocking neglect before the month is up.”

   “Won it? Did he not bring enough cash to a poker game?”

   It occurred to Elias that perhaps he’d oversold the simplicity of his life. To an American, at any rate. “I, ah, bested him in an archery competition.”


   “Quite. Not only did I hit all my targets, but Ilian accidentally killed an owl.”

   Kelsey lifted one eyebrow. “Sure, totally normal, because it’s all fun and games until a forest creature fatality.”

   Funny. That was the same joke he’d made as he helped the man dig a tiny grave. Ilian insisted he was completing the circle of life by gifting Elias with a tree to keep alive.

   It’d be very easy to keep sitting here, chatting and admiring how right Kelsey looked in his living room. But also very selfish. Elias was determined to give her the trappings of a normal date. Food. Wine. Music.

   Rising, he punched on his speaker, and sultry French jazz filled the room. “I should start cooking. The chicken paprika and cheese dumplings have been simmering all afternoon, but the calamari have to be done fresh.”

   Kelsey scrambled after him, snatching his arm. “Thank you.” Her tone was solemn and intense. Oddly so. As though he’d thrown himself in front of her to stop a bullet, instead of throwing chicken into a pot.

   Elias cocked his head. “You haven’t tasted my cooking yet. I’d hold off on any expressions of gratitude.”

   “Trust me, I’m plenty grateful for just the attempt.” Those big, violet eyes were overflowing with her appreciation and care.

   Since she wouldn’t allow him to lighten the mood, he’d answer in kind. “You’ve made it very clear this isn’t a life you’d choose. Definitely one you’d never dreamed of. But despite the formalities being stuffed down your throat, I can assure you, it isn’t always like that. You can still be you, Kelsey.”

   “People seem pretty set on the whole title/bowing thing.”

   “Your inner circle of friends and family won’t be that way when you’re in private. I see all of this from one step behind Christian. I can assure you he manages plenty of normal activities. Ordinary nights.”

   “Christian—but not Genevieve?” One corner of her mouth ticked up, as if already well aware of the answer.

   “Normal’s not really what she’s looking for out of life. She rather enjoys the princess perks.” Elias gathered her into his arms. “Let me prove to you that you can be a princess and still have a somewhat normal life. Starting with a home-cooked, traditional Moncriano meal.”

   “Starting by turning this into casual night. Lose the fancy duds.” Kelsey slid her arms underneath the sides of his sport coat and up, as if to ease it off his shoulders.

   But then she visibly jolted. Her right hand froze, up against the holster to his gun. Because even though it was his night off, he’d never consider walking anywhere on palace grounds unarmed.

   “Nothing about this is normal,” she murmured. And her long lashes fluttered closed over despondent eyes, shutting him out.


   This was yet another in a string of firsts over the last eight days. There weren’t supposed to be any firsts left with sex. There was a finite number of positions, only so many parts to go so many places. While lovely, nothing about dating or sex should surprise her anymore.

   But trying to hug a man and running into his gun? Definite first.

   Not to mention a definite mood killer. For as hard as Elias was trying to give her normal, the gun reminded her how different, upside down, everything was in her life.

   “Damn it, Kelsey, don’t do that. Don’t close down on me.” He grabbed her chin and tilted it up. She looked into blue eyes sparking with…anger? Frustration?

   “We were kidding ourselves, Elias, pretending for one night that nothing’s changed doesn’t make it real. Just like pretending we can be together doesn’t make it real.”

   His hands slipped down to cup her shoulders. As if he was worried she was about to run out the door. “Maybe I went about this all wrong. I’m sorry for trying to make you feel like you were Kelsey Wishner again, excited Manhattanite. I simply wanted to put a smile on your face.”

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