Home > Rebel Roommate : A Brother's Best Friend Romance(19)

Rebel Roommate : A Brother's Best Friend Romance(19)
Author: Jeannine Colette

My dad has called me a mermaid since I was little, which I love. Unlike the nickname Squid, which still makes me squirm.

I kick off the wall and do my laps, getting a fierce workout in while also allowing myself to fall into a state of Zen. I desperately need the calm and find my workout coming to a close sooner than I’d like. After changing in the locker room, I’m pulling my hair into a bun when my phone rings.

Retrieving it from my gym bag, I see Mom’s smiling face on the screen. She’s wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater I’ve ever seen in the photo, and I smile at the memory of how proud she was of that stupid top.

“Hey, Mom,” I answer with my AirPod in my ear.

“Hi, sweetheart. How’s your day going?”

“I’m good. Just finished a swim.”

“I’m glad you’re back in the water. I was worried they weren’t going to let you use it since you’re not on the team,” she says. “Lord knows you’d never pay for a gym.”

I laugh. “Why would I when there’s a perfectly good one here that’s free? Well, not free. We pay a huge sum for tuition, as you know.”

I can practically hear her shaking her head as she probably looks up at the ceiling. “My sweet, wonderful girl. How you became so … you is beyond me.”

I stifle a laugh as I secure the hair tie around my bun. “I’m gonna take that as a compliment. How’s Dad doing?”

“Good. Really good actually. They’re finalizing the contract to make his role in this series permanent.”

“That’s great!” I celebrate, as I know my parents have struggled with him doing guest spots on TV series instead of having a recurring role.

My mom changes the subject, like she tends to do. They don’t like us thinking about their money issues, but I know deep down, she’s praying he signs the deal.

“I just spoke to your brother. He seems quite smitten with this Nicole. What do you think of her? I can’t get a read on her from Chad. He’s so obscure.”

“She’s fantastic. I like her a lot. They complement each other really well. I think this one might be a keeper,” I say and can hear the gasp in her voice.

“You think? Oh my. My baby boy is falling in love. Maybe I should ask her home for Thanksgiving. Or Christmas. What do you think? Would she come?”

As I toss my brush in my bag, I think about it. “Ask Chad what he thinks first. Going home for the holidays is a super-serious gesture.”

She sounds like she’s tapping her finger to her mouth. “True. Well, I can’t wait to meet her. And what about Wesley?”

“He’s good. Same ol’ Wes.”

“No, I mean, should I ask him to come home for the holidays?”

I nearly stumble on the bench as I climb over it. “Um, no. I don’t think he’d come.”

Mom grumbles, “That’s a shame. He hasn’t been here in years, and I miss his jokes. Is he still bugging you? You know, I figured he had a thing for you.”

“Um … no. And why am I learning of this now?” I admonish.

“It was silly really. I guess I noticed the way he was so protective of you, and there was something about the way he would look at you. I felt it, you know? You two have probably laughed off all the high school stuff by now.”

Laugh off the past? Sure. Just by arguing, teasing, and ill-intentioned flirting.

She sighs. “Maybe it’s just me and my wishful thinking. He was such a fun boy to have around. Great personality, and he was always making us laugh. I just thought …” She pauses in a sad way. “I just thought he’d get over what happened with his parents.”

Memories of his dad arriving to practice and how it affected even Chad flash through my mind. “What are you talking about? How come I never saw or heard of his parents?”

“Oh, never mind. It was a long time ago. I don’t know why I’m digging up the past. It must be all those Netflix shows I’ve been watching. Your father and I are so lonely with you gone. We’ve watched so much TV this fall. Actually, I watch TV as your dad falls asleep after a long day of shooting. I must have gained ten pounds from sitting on the couch.”

I inhale, wanting to ask more questions but I know she’s just going to say it’s not our business to talk about, so I move on as well. “Maybe you’re the one who should be in the pool. Water aerobics is great for women your age.”

“‘I’m not that old, Stacey Marie,” she states firmly, and I bark out a laugh.

“Stop acting like someone who is by being all nostalgic and wistful. I’m surprised you haven’t asked me if I’m wearing my rape whistle yet.”

“You are, aren’t you?”

With a chuckle, I answer, “No, but it’s in my gym bag.”

She hums on the other end of the line. “Don’t be sassy. So, tell me what else is new with you. Are you going out? Meeting knew people?”

“I made a new friend, Amanda, and Nicole has been showing me around. Other than that, I’m just focusing on my schoolwork. I have a packed schedule.”

“I’m glad to hear you’re fitting in.”

She fills me in on the goings-on in the neighborhood and my father’s latest projects around the house that are driving her wild. Hearing her voice makes me realize just how much I miss her. It’s not that I’m a mommy’s girl, but the two of us have always had a close bond. Maybe that’s why I’ve been focused so much on Wes lately. It’s keeping me distracted from being homesick.

Even as I think this, I know it’s a lie.

Wes distracted me before I even graduated high school.

We talk for so long that I’m already back at the apartment when I finally say good-bye. When I walk in, I see Chad and Nicole are in the kitchen, making dinner.

“I talked to Mom today,” I say as I put my gym bag on the chair.

“Yeah? What have they been up to?” Chad reaches in the cupboard, not even looking my way.

“She said she’s bored without us there and is excited to see us for the holidays.” I steal a grape from Chad’s plate and stick it in my mouth.

“You should come home for Thanksgiving and meet them,” Chad says to Nicole without me even mentioning Mom’s invitation.

When Nicole’s face lights up, I know we’ll be adding one more place setting to our family table for a long time to come. There’s just something about these two. The way he plays sous chef while she cooks or how she laughs at his corny jokes. They’re so perfect for each other. I admit, I’m a little envious.

They finally break apart from their lovefest taking place and turn to me.

“Come out with us tonight?” Nicole urges from Chad’s arms.

“Where are you going?”

“The frat house. They’re having another party. It’ll be even better than last time.”

I groan. “I don’t know. I am pretty tired from my swim. Plus, I didn’t have the best time at the last one.”

Nicole places a hand on her hip. “What do you mean? I was there. And I’ll be there again.”

I laugh. “Yeah, with this fool. I should remind you that you snuck off, which you have every right to.”

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