Home > Christmas in Cockleberry Bay(54)

Christmas in Cockleberry Bay(54)
Author: Nicola May

Lucas sensed her presence before she got to him.

He turned around. ‘Hey,’ he said, summoning up a weak smile.

‘Hey.’ She linked arms with him. ‘I think while we’ve still got a bit of daylight and now that I have a resident babysitter, we could walk up the West Cliffs path together. What say you?’

Lucas just nodded. ‘Are you warm enough?’

‘Yes, I’ve got a string vest on under here,’ Rosa joked.

‘Mm, sexy,’ Lucas murmured, causing them both to let out a little laugh. They walked up the hill, taking in the expansive vista of the horizon and a large oil tanker making its way to goodness knows where in the distance.

‘It’s Davina,’ Lucas began. ‘I dumped her. Well, I didn’t have a choice; she not only stole a great deal of money off me, but she also planted a prawn in the hotel inspector’s dinner while knowing full well she was allergic to them. Could have killed the poor woman – it has been known.’

‘Shit!’ Rosa’s mouth fell open. Hercule Poirot had dealt with lesser crimes.

‘Luckily, it just caused her to be very sick and not for her throat to swell and compromise her breathing. Fortunately we had proof that Davina was responsible, or me and Dan would be in prison. Thankfully, the hotel inspector didn’t take it further or WPC Hunt could be up for attempted murder.’

Rosa shuddered. ‘That’s terrible.’

‘And that’s not all. Unbeknown to me, Joe Fox was our resident Santa, and she was shagging him as well.’

‘Vile!’ Rosa was genuinely shocked and also a little shaken. ‘I’m so glad that Little Ned is too young to understand Father Christmas, or I’m not sure what I would have done. I can’t believe you didn’t realise it was that creep. I saw him at the bus stop the other day and his accent seemed thicker than before he left.’

‘He disguised it. The whole Christmas Grotto thing was a scam. Davina was nicking cash and sharing it with him. What is quite funny though is that she said she needed four hundred quid for a reindeer. Turns out the reindeer was only his bloody Great Dane with antlers on.’

‘Oh Luke, I’m so sorry.’

‘And I’m sorry for even questioning you about the woman’s allergy.’ Luke grinned. ‘Danny lamped him a good ’un. We won’t be seeing Joe Fox in the Bay again, that’s for sure. I mean, would you mess with Danny?’

‘No, I wouldn’t, but I know someone who might.’

‘What are you getting at?’


‘Ah. That kind of messing.’ Luke brightened. ‘D’you know what? That’s great news.’

‘Yes, she told Nate she really fancies him, and that she loves the way he is with Alfie in the house. She can see he might be a good dad to Zaki too, I imagine.’

‘He needs a boost, so that’s really good to hear.’ Lucas blew out a cloud of cold breath. ‘I feel better now just talking about it all, especially to you. It could have been a lot worse. I took my eye off the ball, definitely, and they could have got away with a month of stealing, not just a few days. The only thing is, I’m short of a Father Christmas now. So, any suggestions would be most welcome.’

They reached Alec’s thinking bench. Lucas sat down but Rosa immediately pulled him back up. ‘It’s too cold to sit, come on, let’s walk to the top. That view makes anyone feel better.’ They carried on up the path. ‘Oh, and Luke, I found out from Jacob that the Seaside Star ratings are to be announced on Christmas Eve.’

‘Oh, Happy Christmas for me then. Not.’

‘Come to the Carol-oke concert, it will be a laugh if nothing else. See if Carly wants to come too maybe?’

‘You’re quite the little matchmaker, aren’t you?’ Lucas said.

‘Jacob also said the Star results are to be announced by South Cliffs Today live on the radio.’

‘Oh. So much for nobody knowing about it.’

‘All the more reason for you to come then. If it’s going to be public knowledge, anyway.’ Rosa stopped for a second to take in the view. ‘So, what was Davina’s reasoning for wanting to cause such wilful damage to you and your business? I can understand the greed bit, but…’

‘Um. She, er, she felt such a dislike towards me in the end, she wanted me to fail.’

‘What the…?’

Lucas sighed. ‘OK. She couldn’t bear the fact that I am still so into you. She was arsy when you gave me the present for the anniversary and also that I rushed around to you when Amira broke in. She went all dramatic and said she felt like there were four people in our relationship. You weren’t exclusive in her hatred, so don’t get above yourself: Carly took a hit too.’ Lucas smirked.

‘Blimey, but that’s what friends do, look out for each other, ain’t it?’ Rosa’s eyes sparkled as the path opened up to a magnificent watery view. She put her arms out wide to embrace the sky.

‘I do still love you, Rosa,’ Lucas said, a pained expression on his face.

‘I know you do, and like I randomly came out with the other day, I still love you too. But I am in love with Josh and I think you are fine with that now really, aren’t you?’

‘Accepting of it is the word, I think. I want you to be happy and you are, and I know this way you will always be in my life and that’s what matters. I need you, Rosa.’

‘You may think you do at the moment, but you won’t always. Not like this, anyway. You will get stronger in yourself and won’t need anybody. You will find your own strength within and somebody to complement you and your life. That doesn’t mean I am going anywhere though.’ Rosa put her arm on his. ‘Talking of that, have you seen Carly yet?’



‘Yes, it is. I’m single now too, so I have no excuse not to ask her on that date.’

‘It’s the law, Lucas Hannafore. And I insist. She seems just so lovely.’ Rosa then sighed, saying dreamily, ‘I will never ever tire of this view.’

‘Me neither,’ Lucas said, looking directly at Rosa who had already taken off and was swinging her arms in the air and running around like a child on the expanse of grass at the top of the cliff.

‘Big Ned!’ she shouted, laughing as she cried out his name. ‘He used to tell my great-grandmother, you know old Queenie, that he loved her to where the sky touches the sea. Josh says that to me now.’

‘I want to feel like that again about someone…other than you.’ Lucas bit his lip.

‘You will. It may even be Carly – who knows? But you definitely will. You are too lovely not to, and she said that too, so it must be true.’ Rosa ran over and took his arm again. ‘Come on, we don’t want to get caught up here in the dark.’

As they started to walk back down the hill, Rosa debated whether to say what was on her mind, and in the interests of honesty felt she had to go ahead. ‘Luke. I’ve got something to tell you and would rather you hear it from me than anyone else.’

‘You’re pregnant.’

‘Oh, did Titch tell you?’

‘No, bird. I’ve studied those tits of yours for three years now and they’ve gone from peaches to pumpkins in the space of two weeks.’

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